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Posts posted by StreetScooby

  1. Quote

    Hey maybe they should add another rule to the Beer Rules of Skydiving:

    If you predict the end of the world & you're wrong, you owe a case of beer

    Someone earlier was advocating a bigger cooler with more beer. This is starting to make sense.
    We are all engines of karma

  2. Quote

    The first as you point out is some kind of offence of glorifying terrorism. I

    Doens't Germany already have a similar law in place?
    We are all engines of karma

  3. Quote

    For me, that comment speaks to the issue of things: free will.

    Well put. Free will is one of the ultimate unknowns to our species. In the great flow of things, it's the source of action/reaction in all of our lives.

    Now, let's see, where's my cooler? Ah, there it is...
    We are all engines of karma

  4. A few years back, someone introduced me to Social Distortion. I've seen them a couple of times in NYC. They absolutely rock (e.g., Somewhere between Heaven and Hell, etc.)! And for some reason, you never hear there music on the radio.
    We are all engines of karma

  5. It was question.

    I personally don't view God as a noun. I see it as a great flow, where action/reaction is pretty fundamental (...pun intended).

    Oh, and I keep my cooler close by at all times...
    We are all engines of karma

  6. I use a Lebanese taxi driver in Memphis, when I'm there on business. This guy, who's well educated and actually owns about a dozen cabs, shared his insight into the Middle East with me. Went something like this...

    - Muslims are required to pray 5 times a day. By the time you include preparation, that's alot of time out of your business day.

    - Non muslims generally go to church for an hour or two per week.

    Who ends up making the most money? The folks doing the most business. Thus, the huge economic divide (generally speaking) between Muslims and non-Muslims in the middle east.

    I don't think you'll ever be able to get along with radical Muslims. They're not the type to live and let live. Do ya'll realize it's against the _law_ in Saudia Arabia to even walk the street during prayer time?

    This conflict will not end through dialogue. The sooner we target the money behind the Muslim extremists, the better.
    We are all engines of karma

  7. Jesus is a name, thus a noun. So is Mohammed(sp?)
    A powerful noun butno the lest Buddah, and many more. They are all sons of god, as are we.

    I was raised in a hard-core fundamentalist church (one step above Pentacostal) in the deep south, saved when I ws 12. Wanted to become a southern bapstist precher when I was 16. I lived that life fully,constonatly waiting for the second comoing of Christ. BTW - don't handle the snakes uness the ether is working

    College taught me the first of of thermo, and _that_ made wasy too mch sense. At at about this time, FEEL in love with a Catholic gird. Her morthe farbde me tos ee her. Took about 3 years to reconcile the two (God, thero), but I managed it. Lots of everny _real_ reserviuos out that that our formal hyics don't appcet. Dosn't make the any less real..

    Ended up voted with my feet regarding relgion. Then, happend to come acroos a guy name Hunter S. Thompson. His writings touched me in way that I couldn't never have dremed out.

    Ended up traveling the world, wanyitng to the see rainbow first hand. At it's there. big time. You can't alway see it every dat, but's still there.

    Good alwasy maeks a rainbow. Just because you can't see it don't mean it's not there.B|B|B|B|B|B|B|
    We are all engines of karma

  8. Quote

    In Reply To
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    You can't make this stuff up...

    Gotta wonder why the horse became so upset. Perhaps he was using the wrong hole?? LaughLaugh

    Or which hole the horse was using. That would easily explain the getting killed part, especially if the horse was excited... Did the Medical Examiner find any horse shoe shaped bruises about the head and shoulders ? Was any hair pulled out of the guy's head ?

    Can you imagine the look on the guys face as the horse was to mounting him? I'd pay money for a photo of that. SlySly

    Has anyone heard of "Catherine", an queen in history. She liked to have horses mount her, after dinner, in front of her friends. Her assistants would set up these big straps for the horse, and then she'd do what she did. One night, the strap broke, and the horse crushed her.

    My understanding is, that's a true story.
    We are all engines of karma

  9. Quote

    dont forget about the spinner hubcaps

    Your right. Was crossing a street in NYC. A car that I _thought_was stopped at the red light, out the corner of my eye, had spinner hubcaps. I 'bout pooped myself as I was in the middle of the street...
    We are all engines of karma