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Everything posted by gonzalesna

  1. WOOHOO!!!!! That's what I like to hear! Who else wants to let us tie them up initiate them? Do you two DPH Pimp Wenches that are going to be in Fitz have your pecker inspector badges? If not, let me know and I'll send you some. I do not have said badge... So, I shouldn't bring my kilt then? Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  2. Guess that low pull contest wasn't such a good idea after all. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  3. DOOD!!!! Congratulations on reachin' HALF A CENTURY OLD! Have a good'un dood.
  4. Wants Twardo to be in to him Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  5. Ok kids... 11 days to go and Robby just needs another $265. If Spence's offer hasn't run out, think of the bennies... helpin' out Robby, AND gettin' a jump for A DOLLAR CHEAPER THAN IT COSTS AT THE BOOGIE!!! It's tax time... put those returns to good use! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  6. I clicked around. Doesn't look like you can do it without joining their site. I've already got an account on the website. You can shoot me the amount you want to donate and I'll put it up for ya if ya want. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  7. Has an einstein-esque haircut Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcITGNWtoIc Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  9. Kisses her mother with that mouth. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  10. I've got a spare tent. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  11. Robby's got 13 days left and needs only $500 more to reach his goal. Give $10 and you get your name listed in the album credits. Give $25 and you get your name listed in the album credits and a free copy of the album. Give $50 and you get your name listed in the album credits and a free SIGNED copy of the album. Give $100 and get a signed copy and be listed in the credits as executive producer. Give $500 and get a signed copy, be listed in the credits as executive producer AND get a formal live concert by Robby at the location of your choosing. (subject to travel ability.) Give $1000 and it makes you AWESOME, MAKES YOU A BETTER SKYDIVER... IN FACT, IT MAKES YOU A SKYGOD... AND get a signed copy, be listed in the credits as executive producer AND get a formal live concert by Robby at the location of your choosing. (subject to travel ability.) AND get an entirely new song to be written and recorded in your honor on a special edition of the CD if possible. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  12. I'm never drinking Jager again! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  13. I don't remember what I did... but I wanna do it again! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  14. Got any more a them jello shots? Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  15. shit! I think I forgot to press record... Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  16. I'm gonna kill that kid... he keeps kickin' the back of my seat! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  17. Once upon a time there was a one-legged man and his loyal dog Neo Sporran. He went to Wok his dog at a chinese opium den filled with New York Giants, when out of the haze there suddenly came a glowing fart! The giant turtle that farted screamed "STOP! Hammer time!" Meanwhile, climbing aboard the space shuttle, the door gunner took his best shot, and unfortunately had an LSD flash back. He kept hearing very loud voices saying "STOP! HAmmer Time!" But they would not listen. Meanwhile, back in the den, the linebacker who held the match sat thinking about sulfur, but he realized that it wasn't the match or the turtle, it was the zebra! The zebra kept wondering why he kept seeing men in skirts and gold chained nipple clamps, singing Cher songs from the 70's. In an attempt to regain his sanity, the zebra ran to his local subway restaraunt, where he promptly ordered a foot long chicken mayo with onion, tomato, lettuce, chili, olives, peppers and honey and mustard sauce, after which he proceeded to the local morgue to pick up his laundry. When he got to the morgue, he made the horrifying discovery that his laundry had been used to dress a corpse which was sent to mythbusters for an experiment about one legged men on pogo sticks. The zebra went to the set of mythbusters and ate his sammich. The linebacker knew what he had to do. He went to the liquor store and bought a handle of 151. He set his mind on drinking until he couldn't feel feelings anymore. He was heartbroken. "That zebra has not seen the last of me. I will make him pay for farting on the plane again!" exclaimed the linebacker. So the linebacker went searching for the zebra. The first place he decided to look was at Airtwardo's house, knowing his affection towards horses. Unfortunately, he found only clydesdales. So he went to The Farm, knowing the zebra would most likely mistake the dropzone for a legitimate farm. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  18. Once upon a time there was a one-legged man and his loyal dog Neo Sporran. He went to Wok his dog at a chinese opium den filled with New York Giants, when out of the haze there suddenly came a glowing fart! The giant turtle that farted screamed "STOP! Hammer time!" Meanwhile, climbing aboard the space shuttle, the door gunner took his best shot, and unfortunately had an LSD flash back. He kept hearing very loud voices saying "STOP! HAmmer Time!" But they would not listen. Meanwhile, back in the den, the linebacker who held the match sat thinking about sulfur, but he realized that it wasn't the match or the turtle, it was the zebra! The zebra kept wondering why he kept seeing men in skirts and gold chained nipple clamps, singing Cher songs from the 70's. In an attempt to regain his sanity, the zebra ran to his local subway restaraunt, where he promptly ordered a foot long chicken mayo with onion, tomato, lettuce, chili, olives, peppers and honey and mustard sauce, after which he proceeded to the local morgue to pick up his laundry. When he got to the morgue, he made the horrifying discovery that his laundry had been used to dress a corpse which was sent to mythbusters for an experiment about one legged men on pogo sticks. The zebra went to the set of mythbusters and ate his sammich. The linebacker knew what he had to do. He went to the liquor store and bought a handle of 151. He set his mind on drinking until he couldn't feel feelings anymore. He was heartbroken. "That zebra has not seen the last of me. I will make him pay for farting on the plane again!" exclaimed the linebacker. So the linebacker went searching for the zebra. The first place he decided to look was at Airtwardo's house, knowing his affection towards horses. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  19. Q: does the "name that rack thread" need a new picture added to it? A: Absolutely! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  20. gonzalesna


    Oh no! Not the dark nether regions! Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  21. exactly. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  22. It didn't tell ya "no". Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  23. He's busy beggin' the facespace folks for greenbacks. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  24. AKA Robby is makin' a CD. Give him your money to help him get it made. He's only got a few days left to raise the cash. Clicky Do it or bad Karma will haunt you for all the rest of your days. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.
  25. QuoteOnce upon a time there was a one-legged man and his loyal dog Neo Sporran. He went to Wok his dog at a chinese opium den filled with New York Giants, when out of the haze there suddenly came a glowing fart! The giant turtle that farted screamed "STOP! Hammer time!" Meanwhile, climbing aboard the space shuttle, the door gunner took his best shot, and unfortunately had an LSD flash back. He kept hearing very loud voices saying "STOP! HAmmer Time!" But they would not listen. Meanwhile, back in the den, the linebacker who held the match sat thinking about sulfur, but he realized that it wasn't the match or the turtle, it was the zebra! The zebra kept wondering why he kept seeing men in skirts and gold chained nipple clamps, singing Cher songs from the 70's. In an attempt to regain his sanity, the zebra ran to his local subway restaraunt, where he promptly ordered a foot long chicken mayo with onion, tomato, lettuce, chili, olives, peppers and honey and mustard sauce, after which he proceeded to the local morgue to pick up his laundry. When he got to the morgue, he made the horrifying discovery that his laundry had been used to dress a corpse which was sent to mythbusters for an experiment about one legged men on pogo sticks. The zebra went to the set of mythbusters and ate his sammich. The linebacker knew what he had to do. He went to the liquor store and bought a handle of 151. He set his mind on drinking until he couldn't feel feelings anymore. He was heartbroken. "That zebra has not seen the last of me. I will make him pay for farting on the plane again!" exclaimed the linebacker. Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.