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Everything posted by Fassaclack

  1. Quebec City is on the north shore of the St. Lawrence river. the 2 closest DZs are on the south shore. Approx. 30-45 minutes drive to get to any of them. atmosphair.com has a Caravan paraqc.com has a Pilatus I won't try to recommend one over the other. They're both cool. The Laval tunnel takes approx. 2.5-3 hours to get to from Quebec City. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  2. Yeah. I understand your point but it leaves me with an impression that people are wayyyyy too sensitive about this subject to be able to carry an intelligent conversation. When you get to the point that people are offended by "my" country, it gets wayyyyyy too ridiculous to go any further. See you on another thread. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  3. You're right: If I knew, I wouldn't say that I don't know!!! BTW, it's not that I don't know HOW it's that I don't WHERE as in hunting shops around here sell hunting riffles not handguns or assault weapons. And like I said, I'm sure if I looked for it I'd find it. Get over yourself. Offensive to you. If you feel so strongly that I (who never planned to own any gun) should know, go ahead. Explain. But first, get off your horse cowboy, I'm not at all impressed by the way you try and "explain" or force your point of view. Wow! Where did THAT come from? My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  4. Your country? Who the fuck do you think you are? Justin Trudeau? This is not YOUR country. This is OUR country. OMG! You're gonna take offense of anything I write. You live in it? It's yours too! Happy? Have a good day. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  5. I don't know if it's the way I write but I seem to be very misunderstood. I' m not against guns. I don't care for guns. I'm not against our laws but I don't want more of it in MY country. I'm not aware of any reason why our laws should be changed. I like MY country just the way it is. I don't want to talk about the way things are in the US, it's not my country. They do what they do. But I don't want them to tell us to arm ourselves for self-defense ... I don't feel it's a sane way of living. I feel no need for self-defense since I don't feel in any danger. There are guns in Canada, I know. I know some individuals do possess handguns but as long as they only use them at the range, I couldn't care less. I never did or say anything to take away anyone's rights. I only asked someone who recommended Canadians to arms themselves why we should and the answers I got did not satisfy me. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  6. Yeah, I know they're available somewhere. Just much more difficult to acquire. Like I said, I wouldn't know where to go to buy one in my town of half-million population. I'm sure I could find the one place that sells handguns in town. If there's one and if I looked for it. But then it prevents the "spur of the moment" possibility that an angry idiot gets one for the wrong reasons. And I'm definitely not saying that all gun owners are angry idiots. It's just the very few that bother me. I know an angry idiot could even kill with a spoon .. but it takes a lot more work and humans are basically lazy ... My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  7. Ok ok ok .. Coffee helps a bit ... I read to fast and I felt attacked but this part: "And people with opinons such as yours, are trying to take that right away, a piece at a time" Got a bit more defensive than I should have. Sorry. I'm not trying to take anything away, I'm merely trying to understand that love of guns that I don't share. How about we respectfully agree to disagree? My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  8. That is fine and that is your right But your rights end when you try and take mine away And in this country I have that right And people with opinons such as yours, are trying to take that right away, a piece at a time Nonono!!! I'm in Canada. My opinions don't change anything about YOUR laws. We were having a friendly exchange of opinions. The last comment is the only hostile comment in here. Keep your laws, I don't care. But don't you dare tell us Canadians that we need guns for self-defense. That is YOUR opinion and it doesn't belong in MY country. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  9. rushmc: I'll respect you opinion but I'm still glad there are fewer guns in Canada. I feel safer knowing that "I want one" is not a good enough reason to let someone have a handgun or an assault riffle. brenthutch: My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  10. Rushmc: I don't mean to offend you but fear seems to take a lot of place in your life. No fear at all This is a comment that has been used before I think it is just the oposite I think that the banners that dont like guns are the ones with irational fears A gun is a tool One can choose wether they have one or not (in my world) Banners do not want anyone to have them or have them so severly restricted they are not usable So no offense taken I agree that banners use fear but you're the one who said we needed guns for self-defense. The thing is: I'm not dumb and I wouldn't know where to get a handgun in Canada (agreed: I haven't looked very hard). Considering I don't know how to get one, I suppose my neighbors and even small time criminals and bums don't know either. So if someone knocks at my door in the middle of the night, I don't feel the need to have a gun to answer the door. No fear of guns, no need for guns. My 2 cents. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  11. Self defense. Why? The odds of me coming across a polar or grizzly bear are pretty slim. Since the odds of a malfunction of your main are very slim, you need not have a reserve on then Hell, why carry that weight? You most likely do not have a fire extinguisher in your house either Did you get rid of that spare tire? Why waste the space? Surely you don’t lock the doors to your home now either. Because the changes of someone coming in is very small Leave your keys in your car when you are at work of the DZ? Just sayin So true. They are all the same. I remember reading about that 6 year old finding Daddy's reserve parachute and accidentally killing his sister with it. That pretty weak Even for you It seems that just because you do not wish to be prepared, you dont want others to be either Painfully selfish of you Rushmc: I don't mean to offend you but fear seems to take a lot of place in your life. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  12. Self defense. As far as self-defense goes, the day I feel threatened, I'll lock the doors ... but I'm not there yet. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  13. ... again ... why? My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  14. Triumph My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  15. I use the provided software: Creative Centrale My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  16. Fassaclack


    At some point, someone had the idea of looking for poop, pick up the beans in it and taste it for the first time. Had to be a very disturbed individual ... My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  17. If you don't want to drive in snow and there's snow all over and all across a 5000 km wide country, why don't you start in the US and come to Canada later? BTW, snow is good. It's a lot colder under a clear sky then on snowy days. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?
  18. I understand the empathy some feel towards him. But remember one thing: It is HIS responsability to get help. He alone can choose not to put himself in situations where his troubles can do harm to others (an alcoholic can choose not to drive). When I went through a whole bunch of troubles (death of a friend, separation, cancer and child custody issues all in one month) I felt I was dangerous and I stayed away from the DZ. When I returned, I opted not to jump. I just needed friendly faces. When I started jumping again, I went tandem with my brother a couple of times, until I was certain I would pull if I was by myself. I talked about my problems and I found support. It was MY responsability to make those choices. If he chooses not to seek help or not to let friends help him, he has to accept the fact that people will not be very understanding. Help yourself first, then maybe you'll find help along the way. I hope he gets better. But I also hope he'll find a way (later, when he feels better) to redeem himself. Sickness (depression or klepto or else) is a fact of life. It shouldn't excuse everything. Then again, I agree that name calling is a bit immature and doesn't do any good. My imaginary friend just called you Crazy ... What are you gonna do about it?