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Posts posted by 2shay

  1. What if you put some sort of loop or something like a slink on to the riser and connect the ring to that rather than putting it on the slink that is connected to your lines? Just a thought, have no idea if that would be applicable.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  2. along with getting an audible they talked and agreed they got lazy and needed to get their shit together. If you would spend more time reading what i said about not relying on audibles and just use them as a tool you would see that electronics and batteries weren't their one and only answer and in fact wasn't spoke of til later in the conversation. NO WHERE DID I SAY THAT THEY WERE OR ARE DEPENDENT UPON THEIR AUDIBLES. Guess I need to be more clear. You ASSUMED that me and my friends were dependent upon our audibles or thought that you should be. WHICH WE DON'T. I hope the message gets through.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  3. Quote


    The SIM recommends using 2 audibles. I use two. We had two freeflyers both with thousands of jumps a piece go low because one did not have one and the one who did, the batteries were dead. They had a talk and the one without got one and the one with bought another and now jumps with two. They are tools and never should be soley relied upon, but they do help with altitude awareness.

    No where do you say that those two freeflyers ever actually checked their altitude...all they did was get a "tool" to slap themselves awake when they had no clue as to their altitude. Waking you up does NOT mean you are altitude aware.

    They are worse off now than on that jump because they are depending on an audible to tell them where they are in the sky. Please tell them to use their eyes AND an altimeter.

    > they are worse off now than on that jump because they are depending on an audible to tell them where they are in the sky.

    If you read the last sentence in my post you would see that I stated that they are tools and never should be soley relied upon, but they do help with altitude awareness. I know that if you knew these guys and how safe they fly and how much experience they have you would not be saying that. They went low they fucked up, they learned from it. Never did I say anywhere that they don't use their eyes and altimeters. They just obviously didn't that jump. The point is, is that they learned from it and hopefully others could learn something from what they did.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  4. The SIM recommends using 2 audibles. I use two. We had two freeflyers both with thousands of jumps a piece go low because one did not have one and the one who did, the batteries were dead. They had a talk and the one without got one and the one with bought another and now jumps with two. They are tools and never should be soley relied upon, but they do help with altitude awareness.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  5. Like I said earlier! Were beating a dead horse now. I agree things can go wrong, BUT if you use these systems correctly the pros will outweigh the cons. I think that it is quite obvious to anyone that any system used wrong will more than likely malfunction. Absolutely NO system out there is perfect or foolproof or whatever you would like to call it.

    So I think we are pretty much in agreement on this.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  6. the point I am trying to make is that Zig said, if you're freeflying go ahead and have em they probably do more good than harm. That being said if they are good enough for freeflying(which takes your rig way closer to the limits than RW) Then why would you not want them there anyway no matter what you are doing. Why up your chances EVER?

    >If you want an endorsement about the quality of a rig from someone, I'd go with a rigger over a 4 way guy.

    I am a rigger Bill. Does my opinion not count?
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  7. Packed properly. Yes. These forums are about like fighting with your girlfriend via text message. You just can't explain shit to her without her throwing it back at ya and making you look like an ass. LOL:D

    On a serious note this is to "all". Secondary risers are a good thing and yes of course if they are packed correctly. Of course this is my opinion. Have fun all.

    Peace, Joel

    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  8. You can twist what i have said all I want. Packed properly they will reduce risks. That would also be human error for packing them wrong, not the system. Why don't you contact someone like Bill Booth and ask him why they have them on their rigs. I also think it is ironic that Arizona Airspeed were all using vector 3's in the flim "Crosswind" they are some of the best RW guys and gals ever and they didn't seem to have a problem jumping them.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  9. >Proven? Proven how? Cause someone "says so" or the "theory is" they should??

    Because I have seen friends jumping rigs without and having shit fly open which could have been prevented by secondary riser covers

    >You think they're the "bee's knees", wouldn't jump a rig without em! Have at it. If you're freeflyin', yeah, have em on your rig, they probably do more to help then harm... IF packed correctly.

    You said it yourself they probably do more help than harm. I have jumped quite a few without them, so yes i would and never did I say that I wouldn't. OF COURSE YOU MUST PACK THEM CORRECTLY. When did I say that they would work if packed improperly? Wouldn't you have to route an rsl correctly for it to work properly? OF COURSE. If you speak with any manufacturer or anyone in the business they will tell you that no system is perfect, but used properly they can reduce certain risks.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  10. no where did i say that they were a gurantee. Or that rigs without them are unsafe. However, secondary riser covers have been proven to definitely reduce the risks.

    you are right there is a lot of luck. I will say that I would much rather skydive in a v3 or equivalent rather than an old wonderhog or something. There is a reason why they have put these features on rigs and why they also make them the standard on them as well. Once again not foolproof

    Well we are not back in the day anymore so we do have a choice to jump more sound rigs.

    It just takes one time.

    It is all about reducing the risk Brotha.
    don't try your bullshit with me!!!

  11. I absolutely agree with pzone. My thoughts on it are, why not have them? No matter what position (freeflying or rw) your ass is covered. I guess I don't understand other's ideas of, "well this rig is fine for being on your belly" Why not KNOW, no matter what this rig is sound in the air. If you doubt it, you may just ask yourself, what am I going to gain by not having them?

    don't try your bullshit with me!!!