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Everything posted by Punky_Monkey

  1. I am in Wisconsin...Sucks here... I will be in Florida agian next month...Yippee
  2. me too...I could use a beer right now. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  3. This really sucks...2 weeks ago in Florida lovely jumping weather. Now here at home 45 degrees out might hit 50 degrees. I'm going to freeze my butt off jumping this weekend. Any one in a warm state wanna adopt me? ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  4. yes, I'm a chick... Blonde hair, blue eyes...Help any? ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  5. How about if you don't do what I want you to do I'll tell you.. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  6. Yes, I realize that the primary goal is to skydive safely and the secondary goal is to have 'good form' etc. That's why I ask all sorts of questions when I don't understand something or agree with something. I am not afraid to ask any question. I have even asked before if you can sneeze in freefall. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  7. ok, that's even dumber than how I read it. That's like training people on ripcords or SOS and not transitioning them until after they are done. ------------------------------------------------------------ I hate to tell you but at my DZ, my tiny home DZ they don't transition until after you have your "A". I got lucky on that one, when I went to a bigger DZ and transitioned. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  8. This is what I said ---------------------------------------------------------- They still refuse to let me wear the lead. But yet tell me that once I am off student status I will need to wear it to jump with them. ----------------------------------------------------------- Which means no lead now...Lead as soon as I have my "A" if I want to jump with them...Nutso, Nutso.... I do realize I have to be able to fly my body and be stable without the lead. I think I do a good job at it. I hope at least. (Ron, you've jumped with me once. I am correct right?) Only problem I really ever had was a slow right handed turn. And that was only for a couple jumps on my delays and when I wasn't jumping much over winter. No it wasn't a spin. Samething happens to me when I am being stupid and just bring my left arm in to check alt. Habit trying to break. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  9. Thanks for your input. I am from a small DZ and learned by S/L (I hate that thing). Aff was not an option for me. --------------------------------------------------------- That being said, I would have no problem putting weights on a coaching student if they were having serious fall rate problems _and_ they were beginning RW with other people. At that point, the risk of losing sight of one another due to fallrate changes (which adds to the risk of collision) outweighs the additional risk during landing, and at that point the jumper already has a few dozen landings hat thing). ------------------------------------------------------------ I am on my coached jumps and that is where this is all coming from. None of my instructors HERE are able to fly with me. So I will never be able to get the docking portion done. Hence why once again I will be on a flight to a larger DZ where the tools and everything else is available for me. I don't want to fly with weights but if it is something I have to do for now or when flying with others...So be it...Anything to make this dream a reality. ----------------------------------------------------------- At the early stages of education, instructors must be able to stay with their students no matter what. Instructors who cannot do this are lacking critical freefall skills, in my opinion. You will sometimes see a student who goes flat and starts spinning suprise an AFF-I, and get above him. But for it to happen more than once is poor planning and poor flying on the part of the AFF-I. That's the problem I would fix. ----------------------------------------------------------- I agree that is why I am flying out to a bigger DZ again. More options. I want to learn correctly. Not just wing it and hope the instructor saw something when I jumped. If I am going to skydive I want to learn correctly and not develope all these bad habits from winging it. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  10. Thanks....The new place is only for a weekend next month. Should be able to finish up what I have left and then I can make the decision when I will wear the lead. The "Door Monster" is getiing weaker, and weaker and weaker.... ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  11. what a cutie.... ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  12. left hand, more towards my thumb so I don't have to turn my hand in freefall... Audiable coming at jump 100!!!! ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  13. Ok guys....debate nicely over this. I am almost liscensed. I just have my tracking to pass and docking to do. I jumped with the lightest instructor we have this past weekend. Got tired of doing what I called the "dolphin" when I tried tracking so we decided to try to at least get some of my docks done. Guess what...He had a big, baggy suit on. I had my custom ordered jumpsuit on. I had to fight like hell to catch up to him. When I did it was time to lock on and pull. He said he was as big as he could get. Basically I am screwed here. They still refuse to let me wear the lead. But yet tell me that once I am off student status I will need to wear it to jump with them. No win situation... The way I see it I will be on student status here forever. So I am just going to focus on the "Door Monster" that reaccured and worry about finishing up when I get to another DZ in a month. As far as me trying to run out a landing...very rarely happens. I PLF even when I can stand them up. Sometimes the PLF even happens a couple of seconds after I land. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  14. I agree with "breakaway" being a great video...Used to be so afraid of not reconizing a mal. My DZ has shitty pictures fo malfunctions. I have watched that so many times. It has put me at ease. I will say thou that if I am ever, ever in doubt about what is over my head I will chop. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  15. totally agree ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  16. My goals for this summer.... 1. Get over "Door Monster" again. (think it's "Exit Monster" this time. 2. Finally get my liscense. 3. Start working on RW. 4. Jump butt off, Winter jumping isn't fun. 5. Save money for more tunnel time and jumping at Z-hills when the winter jumping really starts to suck. 6. Show everyone who thought that I couldn't do it that I did...Just had to do it my way. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  17. You will know when it's time. And it will be hard. I have had to do it twice already. Here is a poem that might help. It's by Beth Norman Harris *A Dog's Prayer* Treat me kindly, my beloved master, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness than the loving heart of me. Do not break my spirit with a stick, for thought I should lick your hand between the blows, your patience and understanding will moree quickly teach me the things you would have me do. Speak to me often, for you voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when your footstep falls upon my waiting ear. When it is cold and wet, please take me inside...for I am now a domesticated animal, no longer used to bitter elements...and I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet beside the hearth...though had you no home, I would rather follow you through ice and snow than rest upon the softest pillow in the warmest home in all the land...for you are my god..and I am your devoted worshiper. Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for although I should not reproach you were it dry, I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst. Feed me clead food, that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side, and stand ready, wiling and able to protect you with my life, should your life be in danger. And beloved master, should the Great Master see fit to deprive me of my health or sight, do not turn me away from you. Rather hold me gently iin your arms as skilled hands grant me the merciful boon of eternal rest...and I will leave you knowing with the last breath I drew, my fate was ever safest in your hands. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  18. 30 minutes....The best 30 minutes of my life Will have to wait until next winter for more...But there will be more. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  19. Thanks Ron My jumpsuit as you know is brand new...Custom made for me...the instructor here has on a baggy suit and it still doesn't help. He is still below me. I do focus a lot on the arching when I jump. Kinda goes like this...shit, instructor way below again...Arch, Arch, pop that arch out. Shit, I am suppose to be working on, whatever it is at the time...Damn, almost time to pull.. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  20. You not THAT forgetable. You are great to work with...Both in the air and in the tunnel. Wish I would have bit the big one the 2nd day and jumped more. Lesson learned. They won't let me wear the weights...Have to learn to fly my body 1st. That only pisses me off. I know I am not the greatest but I did spend 30 minutes in the tunnel..That's more than what I have in freefall. And I have already worn weights . Actually I still have 2 jump tickets for z-hills. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  21. I guess you are right...It doesn't matter as long as you can achieve your goal... You need to do what ever it takes...Let me tell you I am learning that the hard way. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  22. No problem, we newbies need people watching out for us.
  23. True Ron, you weren't below me.
  24. Just how many student jumps did you have to do Ron? ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation
  25. Just so you know I do have that canopy but do not plan on jumping that anytime in the near feature...I have a lot, tons of downsizing to do and also will take a canopy course before I even attempt to jump that. ******* Punky Monkey You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation