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Everything posted by mbolism

  1. Hey everyone, I am going to Summerfest instead of Quincy this year. Plan to also hit my 100th jump at Skydive Chicago. I already put in a request via e-mail for a coconut cream pie. I too will be following Rook and Olav like a pathetic groupie hoping some of their freefly talent might rub off on me...My hair matches my canopy if anyone wants to find me, neon (lime) green and magenta stripes!!! See ya there! kiss the sky
  2. I've lived and worked in Detroit (the murder/carjack capital of the world)for over 10 years, and I have to tell you, the place I feel the safest is in the air. I think the reason I don't associate death with skydiving is because this sport to me is about control. It is the individual who is in control of their gear, their own and others safety, and their own destiny. There are few things in life you can choose to do where you put your own life in your own hands for the amount of time you're doing it. For me personally, the sport is about self-control, sanity, reason, discipline, and maturity. If I had started jumping when I was younger, I don't know what would've happened , but I'm pretty sure it would've been bad! Skydiving is not about fear, it's about confidence. Sure, there may be a one in how-ever-many chance that something could happen that is completely out of your control, but I agree with those who say that's true of most things, like driving in Detroit late at night!!!I just think it's more important to really listen to your own heart and don't let statistics rule your life. kiss the sky
  3. Let me tell you about horrible weather. Today was the 1 year anniversary of my first jump. I have my own rig, a non-whuffo wonderful boyfriend who I happened to meet at the dz the day of my first jump (so it's also our 1 year anniversary...) and I've been working my butt off for the last three weeks at a thankless job. I took a three day weekend to celebrate all the wonderful things in my life, jumping, my boyfriend, and jumping! And thanks to Michigan weather, the past three days have been the rainiest, windiest, coldest crappy days in at least the past month. So, my three days that I had planned to do nothing except jump and drink beer and sleep in then jump more were completely ruined. Do you hear the violins playing??? The worst part is that I'm going to have to work for the next six days straight so no matter how wonderful it is outside, I'll be stuck at work. Well, stay tuned because when I finally get to have my 1 year jump (belated) party, it's gonna' be a big one!!! All are invited if you can make it to Tecumseh, Michigan. Date to follow whenever the weather cooperates and I'm not stuck at work!!!!