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Posts posted by skybill

  1. Quote



    Thanks Dennis for the history on this. Does anyone do style these days? It was a big event back in the 70's.....I took a long lay off. When I came back it was all but gone....

    I was watching the style event with some interest when the nationals were here in Texas, New smaller gear, tighter-faster suits...SAME old guys doin' it! B|

    Hell of a thing to call Cheryl...>:(B|

    Hey Gypsy!!
    They let you back in?? Thought you were "Banned!!" Anyway, bout "Style and Accuracy" I remember someone out at Scare-us-Valley one day ask Gary "Brown and Yelow striped jumpsuit"Cobb if he did "Style and Accuracy." He said,"Yeah, Style is lookin good on yer way out to the Otter and accuracy is makin sure ya' get on the right Otter!!" There ya' have it!! "Never mind the S&A, Got Stars??" Back when Comp. was "Only" S&A those of us who didn't partake were called "Fun Jumpers."
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  2. Quote

    Plus any list such as this HAS to include "Bill Dellie" (sp?)...(skybill)

    Craterpond,[whoever you are??] I appreciate the nomination, however, I'm just "OLD!" 'Lots a names from the left coast so I'll toss out a few from Dixie. Back in the day 'twas a guy named Frank "Major Goodie" Goodman whose antics kept us amused!! From Tejas way back when there was "Carlos Wallace" who definitely fit the "Bold" category. Pat Works was in his part of the woods back then and can probably add some stories!! Also old Leon "Spike" Riche from Hammond and Covington, LA. In some thread, I think "Scary stories from the old days' niki1 tells of spike leaving the Beech in a cardboard refrigerator box. He couldn't get out and pulled his ripcord (PC in a sleeve with spring pilot chute) then threw the p/c up over the top of the box into the slip stream to deploy!! Had it not worked he would have been "boxed up" just nice for the Coroner!!" There are many testamonies, Play on Gypsies, Play on!! Who are you anyway??

    PS BTW the name is Bill Deli and a tip of the Hatlo Hat and a Beer on me at Big Harry's if'n ya' know my real first name??
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  3. Hi Bigun,
    Good luck, best wishes and etc...except for the grace of fortune go I in your shoes. The law of diminishing returns will catch up to me eventualy also. But for now, get thru this and I'll keep you in in my prayers. Big Blue Skyz to ya' buddy.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  4. Quote

    knife? How about a pistol, pack of cigs and a lighter?
    Attached is a pic i found of some Rhodesian Light Infantry troopers preparing to jump. the old guy with the pistol and cigs a newbe in front of him. hilarious.

    Hi lucky5,
    "Never mind the knife, Got Guns?!!" B|B| Remindz' me of Frank"aka Major Goodie" Goodman from daze long gone by. Got a story 'bout him on steve1'z Scary stories thread think it's page 42 or 43. My post just scratches the surface!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  5. Quote

    Hello Bill,
    I found my orange knife not long ago. Now when I look back on it I kick myself. I mean, "what the hell was I thinking putting that thing on the top of my reserve"? That damn thing has a switch-blade button for the straight blade not for the hook. If you have gloves on you would have a hard time getting the hook side open. Maybe you are supposed to use the straight blade to cut your wrist before you go in.
    Got a hook knife with a safety keeper line attached from Alan Silver last year. I think I'll stay with this one.

    Hi Dennis,
    See Jimmy's post, besides the switch blade Camilus there was the rubber orange handle with just the hook blade config. which is the one I had. Beware of lanyards for knives etc!! That's what killed Eddie Liera at Perris some years ago. Knife and lanyard tangled with reserve Pilot chute bridle or something like that and horse shoed the mess!! I have a "Jack the ripper" knife and I put a loop of 1" webbing on it so I can get my 4 fingers (with gloves if need be) thru it. Minimizes loss and eliminates the horse shoe potential. The lanyard trip is basically why rip cord lead stops went out of Vogue!! Floating ripcord caught a few pilot chutes!!! They were still using the lead stops when they filmed "Gypsy Moths" At the end of the movie when the kid jumps the wing suit and hums it, pulls and lands. Remember he's staggering around in a daze holding the ripcord in front of him. Hackman comes up, grabs the ripcord by the end pin and says,"When you pull it, ya, really pull it huh kid!!!" The kid yanked it so hard he pulled the lead stop off the Ripcord!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  6. Quote


    Back in the day of bellywarts what was the largest knife you ever saw someone jump with on their reserve.;)

    "Thats not a knife:)"

    Anyone know someone that used their full size "knife" for lineovers etc.

    Hi K-rip,
    Back in the day, 'bout when I first started jumping, Don Hayes (Southland Skydivers) had this big "Scuba Divers Knife" that he'd wear strapped to his leg on skydives!! He got a bunch a' ribbing for it!!

    Somewhere along the line I had a orange handle hook knife (in the grey mil. pouch) that I put on my reserve. Didn't secure it to the bungee or anything so when I had a mal it fell off!! (Over the hill on the other side of the road at old Otay) Mentioned it on another thread and Airtwardo said he found one on the hill walking back from an out landing one day!! The way he described it that knife was probably the one I dropped!!

    Knives are good to have on skydives. Not necessarily for events on the jump but all the "what if's" before and after!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  7. Quote

    Hey guys!

    There are a lot of whuffos in my life and many of these non skydivers don't understand the pleasure, freedom, mental training as well as the difficulty involved.

    One of my friends in particular seems to thinking skydiving is a 'joke' and that he could 'fall' from a plane with ease. I merely laughed.

    I'm wondering, do you guys have to deal with these sort of remarks? If so, what clever retorts do you have?

    Blue skies ;)

    Hi jen-O,
    Talk is cheap, skydives cost $$$, tell him to ante up, "There's always a slot on the 'Last Load!!'"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  8. Quote

    Davjohns I'm liking you more and more the way you respond to these things.

    In answer to the question by the OP:
    Keep in mind that I play these things conservatively, but as a woman, the more a man tries to spend on me early on the less likely he is to get it anytime soon. So, pool, some beers, and trashy food at a diner at 2 am and everything else is clicking there's definitely a good night kiss in the picture. Show up at the door with a dozen roses and take me to Morton's and I'll spend the night wondering who you think you asked out and why you're trying so hard. Not that I don't like Morton's, just that no one should be trying that hard on a first date and I don't like it when I feel like some guy is trying to "buy me".

    Admittedly, I'm weird and not normal.

    Hi Muf,
    So, where's "Morton's???" The only one that I know of is located in Madisonville, LA on the Tchefuncte River. Great Seafood Restaurant!! BTW, this 06MAR the Sunday before Mardi Gras the Krew of Tchefuncte is hosting their Mardie Gras Boat Parade at 2PM on the Tchefuncte at Madisonville and it will all be happening right in front of "Morton's!!" So, another "Morton's" for your list!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  9. Quote


    Hi Chuck,
    So you made your first jump when you were 17 yr. old. I made my first jump 17 years before you made yours so I made my first jump about when you were born!!

    Since Chuck started a week before I was born, and he was one of my instructors, does that kinda make you my grandpa?

    No Brihn, Ahm' naut yhur granpappy. 'That waz RL Tycer D-330 fhrum yur part of da cuntry.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  10. Hi Chuck,
    So you made your first jump when you were 17 yr. old. I made my first jump 17 years before you made yours so I made my first jump about when you were born!! Somehow we made it this far!! Funny how the student gear was the same for you as for me only my rig was a B-4 (almost the same as a B-12) and I had a 7-LL for my first couple of jumps (Murray's Hobo rig) those wer the daze!! Well bud, I'll see ya' at the DZ. Big Blue skyz to ya'.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  11. Quote

    by the sound of this thread, many of you guys have not been to California, our mexican food is rivaled in authenticity only by mexico it self. :)

    Hi jf,
    Havn't been there in a few years but the "Taquito House" on the way into town from the Perris DZ is a goodie!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  12. Quote

    Nachos FUCKING rock.

    whats your fav type of nachos?

    Hi Annie,
    You would have to say,"Natchos!!" 'Just found a n old bumpersticker from in-n-out burger with the photo of one of their scrumptious double cheese burgers on it, got the munchies and then readin' your thread.....had to get up, go raid the kitchen and get the $2 bag of Santitas!!! Crunch, Crunch, Munch, Munch!!....BEER!!!!

    Throw all the good stuff on the natches, cheese, peppers, onions, hot sauce!! Yum!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  13. Quote

    So, I noticed that a decent number of posters on here have mentioned that they no longer jump or that they took an extended break from the sport and since I've run out of current posts to read (you'd think that wouldn't be possible) thought I'd start a poll to see what people's reasons for no longer jumping were. (Better than trying to wade through the Speaker's Corner.)

    Hi Muf,
    Just the opposite of your question would be,"Why don't you jump any less??" Who cares?? In terms of jumping a lot, there's a very fine line between "Passion" and "Addiction." At one point you live off chese & crackers and top ramen, live in a tent on a DZ and Jump every load that goes up!! BTDTGTTS. Seems like since my first hop I've spent my life either working on a DZ or in a Aerospace/Parachute related job and busmans' holidaying every weekend!! Somewhere along the line something happens. Had a few breaks here and there, the Indo-Chinese War was one of em' and others that kept me grounded for a while. One that will catch up to you sooner or later is the "Law of Diminishing Returns." Things happen, torqued my shoulder a few years ago, put me on the deck, shoulder got better but other things happened. My wife got sick and I wanted to look after her. The DZ got put on the back burner again. Peggy recently passed and my life fell apart. It wasn't Skydiving but Skydivers that were the glue that helped me hold my life together. Now as the song goes,"Ya' pick up the pieces and go on." So, I don't jump any more. I don't know that I jump any less either. My whole life has revolved around Skydiving. 'Still have my rig. It may be a while. I havn't left yet, the dream is still there.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  14. Hi S-J,
    Doesn't look like anything I used to play with back in the day. At Scurvy-Irvin and at Old Man Sheehan's place (Paranetics, So. El Monte CA) we had a couple of hydraulic rams that could put out some lbs!! 'Ol "Big Bertha" at Scurvy could top out at 75,000 lbs at the foot!! Where, who made-used the one you got the photo of??
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  15. Quote


    Freak Brothers was at Freeport so my guess 83or4. --------------

    Close on Freak Brothers. It premiered at the '83 convention. From germination to completion let's call it late '82 through middle '83.

    One of my all time favorite boogie movies! B|

    Hi Z-B-T,
    Big Yup on Freak Brothers. Came out in 83', went to the '84 Convention in Freakport, the 24 way "Teacup" was tops!! In the movie the "Teacup" dive was a smaller formation! Interestingly a few of the shots that Norm put in Freak Brothers movie were shot at "Perris!!" We're drinkin beer and watchin the first run of the movie at Perris and lo and behold is a scene where "Sweet" Sally Wener flyz up and docks on "MY" leg and waves at the Camera man!!!! It'z been a while, gotta break out the tapes and a 12-pak!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  16. Quote

    Sitting here in my hostel where I am living last night watching some SD and BASE vids. The Dutch people thought they were totally cool. However this BRITISH chick sat through them and them and never walked out and watched them entirely no one forced her too. However today I get a phone call from the local SD centre that I should not show my videos where I love. RADIX was too disturbing for this person and that she is too scared to jump now.

    So blame me, RADIX and the screw in Jimmy's pelvis and Shane (RIP mate) but not her own stupid British self.

    When are people going to take responsibility for their own deicsion to jump or NOT TOO JUMP. I guess she finally figured out that jumping is not a ride at 6 flags Great Adventure and there is a reality to it??:o


    Hi ncgg,
    "Joke 'em if they can't take a fu*k!!" Skydiving is "NOT" a "SAFE" Sport!! We know the risk and make the decision for our selves. Sugar coating the Sport for the newly introduced is a sure way to a future crater! Remember the immortal words of Mike "Sparky" Owens,"You are not now nor will you ever be good enough not to die in this Sport!" As another saying goes,"Learn from the mistakes of others, you can't make all of them yourself!!" Those who've known me over the years know about my "Sammy Skull pirate flag" I trail behind me under canopy. John Tippy out here at Raeford rattled my cage about it when he first saw it wanting to know if I was some kinda' Black Death Freak or whatever. We were at Aviators (the airport bar) and I put down my beer and said,"I got tired of seein' bodies being policed up from craters so I fly the flag to try to remind people that this is 'NOT' a Safe sport and lets' be careful out there.!!" Also remember skyriders' "blooper" tape, what fun, especially,"Sumo-Skydiver!!!" Break it out Gypsy!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  17. Quote

    Can anyone provide dates for the following skydiving films?
    El Capitan
    Freak Brothers Convention
    Masters Of The Sky
    Ride A Cloud
    Windy City

    Hi Bon-Bon,
    If you can't get a "Date" yer' own self to go see these old Skydivin' Movies then try and "Escort Svc!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  18. Quote

    Have you ever had to pay a skydiving coach in order to meet license requirements ?

    Blue Skies,

    Hi dj,
    No, but that was a long, long time ago in a galaxie far, far away. The chutes were "Round" and everyone wore combat boots, (if ya' were loaded with cash ya' mighta' sprung for a pair of "Frenchies") Coaches, we didn't need no stinkin' Coaches, we read Russ Gunbys' and Bud Sellicks' books for info then went up on a "30" and tried out the hot stuff!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  19. Quote

    This is really good news as long as the green technology is coming from the U.S. and not china. We have already seen Harry Reid outsource a huge windmill contract to china, lets hope this stuff stays home.

    Hi jg,
    'Got ta' be careful who'z doin' the appropriatin' 'Remember that Air Tanker fiasco a while back??
    SCR-2034, SCS-680
