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Posts posted by skybill

  1. Quote



    One Cooper, and one Frappe Hat. When did it start being called a Frap Hat?

    Hi Lisa,
    I believe about the time the cadaver arm came up out of the pea pit with the ripcord in its' hand back in the day at the Gulch. 'Couldn't have been much before then???


    Mine's real French, are there many still existing out there?


    Hi Lisa,
    'Couldn't really tell ya'. Back in the daze of Capewells', "L" bar connector links and hardware like that "Hardhats" ruled especially when an L-Bar link cracked you up side the head!! Then the "Get Lite" maddness took a hold and everybody started doffing their French Boots for sneakers, L-bar links for "French "Rapide" links and hardhats for "French Hats!!" and Cooper Hockey hats. I recall either Elsinore or Perris or both tried "Outlawing" "Soft" hats (Non-Rigid) leather or cloth for a while. Funny thought the "French Hat" was considered OK because it had those raised tootsie rolls on the sides!! The contraversy didn't last long then it was "Run what ya' Brung!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  2. Quote

    One Cooper, and one Frappe Hat. When did it start being called a Frap Hat?

    Hi Lisa,
    I believe about the time the cadaver arm came up out of the pea pit with the ripcord in its' hand back in the day at the Gulch. 'Couldn't have been much before then???
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  3. Hi Jimmy,
    A black frappe hat, replaced my old beat up 1982 model and also my old now retired because it was falling apart WWII brown leather aviators' flying helmet. Ones that have gone on from before the 1982 frappe hat were an old blue Cooper hockey hat, a gold metal flake half price auto parts store motorcycle helmet and a bunch of resurrected discarded APH-6 Navy aviators' hats that I put together back when I was in the Navy.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  4. Quote

    I just wanted to parade around in my latex cat suit with a bunch of sluts and scream at men.;)

    Why do I need another reason to go?

    I like the cause, the event seems fun. End of story.

    I will post photos when I arrive in Chicago.

    Hopefully I can make it, my car engine just blew the head gasket....and they are talking about a rebuild! ouch

    Hi Annie,
    'Just love yer attitude!! I like the idea of not having to analize everything we do so as to not entice criminals to exercise their behavior!! 'Picked up this tidbit on one of the 2A gun sites I frequent, dig it,"Society does not control crime, ever, by forcing the law-abiding to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of criminals, society controls crime by forcing criminals to accommodate themselves to the expected behavior of the law-abiding."-Jeff Snyder- ....So,...strut yer stuff lady and "Take Pictures!!" Latex Cat Suit...Meow!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  5. Quote

    I am working on getting some details fer ya, thanks.
    It is a chute used by an aerobatic pilot.

    Hi G-b,
    If it's the one that Airtwardo's aerobatic pilot buddy wore on the night of that fatefull, inverted, fuel leak flight, probably not much. Read the story in scary stories over in H & T forum.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  6. Hi JR,
    "Got Guns?" You Bet!! I Live in NC. My local W-M's, Clinton, and Fayetteville all sell guns and ammo. Always have since I've been here. I doubt that they'd discontinue guns and ammo sales as with all the Red Necks and Ft. Bragg Army guys around here they make a pretty penny off em'. Got Guns?, Get $$$!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  7. Hi Jeanie,
    'Don't know how to start. Both Bobby and Mark were good friends. I could write a book about all the "Ya remember when we......" and it wouldn't be enough. I remember one time at Perris I was walkin' by manifest and looked up to see a RW load opening with one dirty low puller!! Allen Richter looks up, points at the guy and starts yelling at the top of his lungs,"Sechler, Sechler!!!!!!!!!" and then Mark comes up along side him, points up in the sky too and starts yelling, "Sechler, Sechler!!!!" Ya' shoulda seen the look on Allens' face when he saw Mark standing next to him!!! What a hoot!!

    When the last jumper lands and the gear gets put away, turn on the "Green Light" and raise a glass to Bobby, Mark and all our friends!!

    Fly on Guys, Fly on.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  8. Hi deviant,
    Like the lady said!! The rig would work like you envisioned "IF" you hooked up the toggle lines to the "Inboard" instread of the "Outboard" suspension line of the cut out gore!! I'm sure some turkey somewhere did that!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  9. Hi Mike and all,
    I'm in shock. Kevin was a great guy. 'First met him when I got to CA in '67 when I was in the Canoe Club. He came out here to Raeford for the Old Farts reunion in '08. Last I visited with him. That Star up there.....just grew by one more. Fly on Kevin.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  10. Quote

    If so please state if you are in favor of any restrictions to ownership, other than being a felon or adjudicated as mentally unstable or incompetent.

    If you are in favor are there any firearms you think should be bannned?

    If you are in favor of the complete removal of private gun ownership please opine why.

    If you are in favor of restricting firearms ownership more than what is federally required please state why.

    The rules are no waffling, no off topic discussion and or strawman arguments.

    Be forthright and state exactly what you mean.

    This is a challenge to anyone who tries to evade answering a direct question with a direct and on topic response.

    I have my doubts about the ability of some to actually tell the truth about their beliefs.

    Hi wd,
    So, WTF'syerpoint? The answer to your question is either yes or no. BTW, fill out your profile and maybe if yer a good boy (or girl??)I might answer you.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  11. Quote

    Hi Folks

    Imo the scary sories from 1990 to today are a lot more scary than the good old days.:o

    Any comments, opinions? about starting a new thread and then everyone can read about all the near misses not just the fatalities.

    IMO this is part of the history of skydiving for at least the past 20 yr's and will continue.

    "Who says skydivers are stupid we invented a whole new way to kill ourselfs (Old joke in respone to hook turns the learning curve was steep and costly and maybe settling down

    History has a way of repeating itsellf so.

    Who says skyivers are stupid We invented another new way to kill ourselves and anyone that gets in our way


    Hi Krippie baby,
    My ole' Southland Skydivers bud Leon "Spike" Riche coined an original term for people like you, yer' a,"One jump wonder!!!".....Got that??
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  12. Quote

    Hello, nice gentleman,

    I'm so confused right now.

    "The jumper was rushed to the OR due to the extensive the injuries and died on the opeating table when their aorata burst. So they were able to save her life IMO due to Mr Splatts quick action."

    So I guess that gender neutral was a her? Is she ok? (I'm not always a nice lady; sometimes a bitch) ;)

    Pretty much the only thing I know is: IF I HAD A NAME LIKE STEVE SPLATT, I WOULD NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER JUMP![/rep

    Hi Lisa,
    "Yer so confused???" Were you talking to Fred Kahl?? and while yer at it, do you remember,"Conrad Frappe???? 'Loved the stories that our late brother Al Frisby told of Conrads' early daze and pre bowling ball speech!!

    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  13. Hi Chappie,
    Isn't playing with explosives fun! When I used ta' work for Scurvyirvin just about all the chutes we built had some kind of explosives on them!! We had a walk in storage magazine behind the plant where we stored all the cutters. When a box of em' would go out of date we'd have fun pulling the pins on em' and tossing them into a steel cylinder. Most of the time they'd just fire but a lot of em, cuz the charge got unstable with old age, would blow the blade thru the top!!!! Good fun!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  14. Hi Lisa,
    So was that you that fired off the wart at 'bout ground level and scared yourself and bob B' also?? Well, tell the story!! If you could pull that off, then ya' gotta have some doozies in yer locker!!! No shit there I waz....(wherez' the beer!!).
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  15. Hi 33Z,
    Well, ya' made it to the packing area with yours. I forget who it was now but back in our old Wonderhog daze someone came spiraling out of the sky and when he flared and landed the lines on one of his front riser slacked and fell off the "OPEN!" Rapide link "like yours" and needless to say it scared the HE2xL outa him!! To say your life "hangs" with your gear is an understatement!! If that guy would have pulled off a stall or some other similar manuver the outcome could have been very different!!!!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  16. Quote

    Good to hear Chuck! I'll be out of this shit hole in June my man. First beer back at RPC is on me brotha - boom!

    Hi Deis,
    June eh?/ 'Aint that far away. Keep us posted on yer ETA. Sounds like a good reason to tip a few.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  17. Fly on Audrey. 'Remember back at "Old Perris" Audrey always wore a smile and that Aussie Boonie hat with the one side cocked up!! That "Star" up there just grew by one more, Fly on Audrey, Fly on.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  18. Quote


    Do you recall when this was?


    Hi Lisa,
    As I recall in the late 70's. 'Remember him side stepping the door and geeking us then he grabbed the pud, pulled open the pak and pulled the nose of the canopy into the breeze till he felt it had enough air in it and let go!! The canopy strung out and opened!! We were watching from the door of the DC-3. I seem to recll the canopy was a Star or maybe a flyer but i don't think I'd want to try that with any of our new hi-tek stuff!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  19. Quote

    I believe Nick rig was setup without a pilot chute. Pud was attached directly to nose of canopy.
    Someone can elaborate on this for sure.

    Hi G-W,
    Yup, Pud attached to the center cell. 'Me and some others watched Nick and a couple of other guys hop-n-pop( I think they were gonna' do crw??) outa' a DC-3 at Old Elsinore! Looked scary at first but it worked!! He pulled out the nose of the center cell with the pud and held on till it filled with enough air then let go!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  20. Quote

    >Good for the price but the 5.5% etches some of the aluminum off the
    >inside of the can and makes it taste funny!

    Oskar Blues and Maui Brewing both use aluminum cans and brew beer with way higher ABV's than 5.5%. They don't have that problem. For the most part, cans work a lot better than bottles when it comes to protecting beer; cans don't let light through, and they don't react with beer. (They have a coating that keeps the beer from contacting the aluminum.)

    Hi BV,
    Thx for the info...I Know!! I was just kidding about the 5.5% "etching" the inside of the can!! All this talk about BEER is gettin' me thirsty!! Gotta' go check the fridge for a cold brewski!! Do your part to help save the Earth, it's the only planet in the universe with BEER!!!!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  21. Quote

    Since all the beer threads are for specialty beers out of range for college students, here's a thread for us cheapos that don't mind saving money just to drink to get drunk...

    My current favorite, Bud Ice ($12.57 for a 30 pack). Nothing beats getting a 30 pack of 5.5% beer for the price of an expensive 6 pack :)

    Hi Johnny,
    Bud Ice eh? Good for the price but the 5.5% etches some of the aluminum off the inside of the can and makes it taste funny!! For cheap beer I usually go for Bush Light currently $6.99 / 12 pak or there abouts. Wasn't that long ago Beer prices around here were about $2.00 cheaper but the guvmint keeps uping their rip off!! Schlitz is only a few cents cheaper/12pak!! 'Sure hope the "DIXIE" Brewery gets back on line down in ole' New Orleans!!! I remember back in my college daze '63-'66, DIXIE/6pak was $0.99!!!! I might also add that GAS was 29.9cents/gal.!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  22. Just 38 years ago the 24th and 25th of March was the "First Chuteout at the Gulch" 10-MAN Meet at Casa Grande. I was with the "Otay Bunch" from San Diego; me, Jim Spencer, Don Whildin, Woody Woodhouse, Gary Quick, and others. I think there was 15 teams and we placed 11th. Oh Well at least we wern't last!! The "Hot Shot" teams were The All Stars, Hook and the Columbine Turkey Farm. Good fun, "Great party" Sat night in the Hanger. Any other "Old Farts" remember and or were there please ante up your rememberances.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680
