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Posts posted by skybill

  1. Hi Chris,
    Find a "Skydiving" Sports Ortho and ask. Up until he passed a few years ago, in So. Cal. we had Andy Schafer who was a skydiver and ortho!! Break bones and when asked who do you want to go to, you yell,"ANDY!!!!!!" On Air Trash a while back we had a photo of Andy and Dirty Ed jumping with Ed's back brace he wore for a while after Andy patched him up.
    Good luck kid!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  2. Quote




    how do you get up to the cows ass!?

    I believe that's where the (tree) stump comes in.

    Wendy P.

    and how do you make it stay!?

    with sheep it's fairly easy, put on your rubber boots and place the rear legs in them; so they cant escape! B|


    No boots?

    Simply easy 'em toward a cliff, they'll keep trying to 'back-up' which cuts the workload 80%!

    No cliff?

    Build a fire!

    Hi Jimmy,
    See my reply to V-B.

    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  3. Quote



    how do you get up to the cows ass!?

    I believe that's where the (tree) stump comes in.

    Wendy P.

    and how do you make it stay!?

    with sheep it's fairly easy, put on your rubber boots and place the rear legs in them; so they cant escape! B|


    Hi V-B,
    :D:D:D:D;) Anyone out there been Skydivin' long enough to remember the 25th anniv. Lost Prairie Boogie T-shirt?????? 'Got a copy of the video which has a shot or two of the shirt. If ya' have one in yer archives, post a shot of it if ya' can.!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  4. [email]




    Mayor Bloomberg scolds nation for not standing up to gun lobby
    Wednesday, March 16th 2011, 4:00 AM

    Mayor Bloomberg scolded the nation Tuesday for failing to take on the gun lobby to restrict weapons sales.
    "This is just no courage on the part of Americans to stand up and say 'Enough,'" Bloomberg said while joining members of Congress who support closing loopholes that allow criminals, drug abusers and the mentally ill to buy guns.

    OK we get it already.. you and yours support the removal of ALL laws that you see as restricting ANYONES right to the weapons of their choosing....

    No registration... no responsibility.. no rules. just all the guns anyone wants.

    What a wonderful freefire country you want to live in.:S:S:S:S

    Personally I think the Swiss and the Israelis do a hell of a lot better job with this...

    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Hi amazing gracie,
    Just a note;
    "The strongest reason for 'the People' to keep
    and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect
    themselves from the tyranny of government."
    -Thomas Jefferson-
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  5. Quote show up at the office on 'casual Friday' wearing ten year old tevas and a twenty year old boogie tee shirt. [:/]

    Hi Jimmy,
    Funny you should mention that!!,, 80% of the T-shirts in my closet are either Skydiving or Airplane oriented!! Just went thru the back of a dresser drawer and found some "old!!" ones, The MAR73 "Chuteout at the Gulch!!" a couple more years and the shirt will qual for "Pops" membership!!

    PS, don't forget the pull-up cord on the belt loop.
    PPS, If ya' don't have Tivas, wear a pair of JapFlaps with a stow band on the thong for yer big toe and when the whuffs ask why the band ya' tell em it's to keep the flaps on in freefall!! Then they freak out cuz you don't wear boots!!!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  6. Hi skymama,
    'Everything that Sandy says on page 3 and I'll add 3 cents to that for a nickle!! 'Been doing the same for years. Good stuff. Works fine. If'n some people are scared that they will fall out of their rig it's their trip to stay sinched up!! I'll beat'em back to the DZ from a long spot and have a cold beer at the bar waiten' for em' when they get back, "Pant-Pant!!" out of breath from the long walk!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  7. Hi Mike!!,
    I feel for you!! 'Never done much camera stuff but had a few hard openings that would snap my melon!! Your trip reminded me of a foto sequence someone snapped of Lyle Cameron filming some years ago, like the early 60's. 'Think it was for the old "Rip Cord" TV series. He had a 35mm movie cam side mounted on a Bell Helmet, PC in a B-4 rig with a belly wart reserve. 'Sequence shows Lyle pulling the rip then reaching up and grabbing the camera as the risers and lines elongate and as the canopy catches air the risers get tension and try to snap his melon around like a spinning top!! 'He'd grab the camera with his hands and dig his elbows on top of the reserve for support Think fast boys and girls , gotta go digging in the archives to find that issue of SDM that has it!! Maybe LC jr. may remember?? Any other old farts out there have a clue!!?? 'Gotta laugh, the things we used to do for fun!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  8. Hi Matt,
    State or Fed, it does not matter. Some geek tried it before and they will do it again. The enemy never sleeps and neither can we....if we want to continue to Skydive!! Comb back thru that old pile of Scare-a-chutist mags some old fart left in the wreck room at the DZ and see the trials of yesteryear. As I recall, every few years since the mid 1960's(ALPA,"Lets get those Skydivers outa' 'OUR!' sky!!"circa summer of '66 I think?) there was an encroachment by some non-skydiving group to somehow regulate Skydiving out of existance. I know, over the years I've written enough letters(on an old Royal Type Writer!) to the FAA, my Congressman, concerning why the proposed legislation was unwarranted! Keep your eyes and ears open and be ready for the next one!

    BTW As a note, our brother organization the Academy of Model Aeronautics has let us know that the FAA is planning a NPRM for model airplanes!!! Imagine that??!! Seems like there is some fear that people flying "Toy Airplanes" can be comandeered by terrorists, strap bombs to them and fly them into public buildings, monuments, congress people and etc. This is just the tip of the iceberg and we're the Titanic!! The AMA has been "on it" but it seems that the future is here today! Wait till NORAD scrambles a flight of F-16's against a bogie only to find it's only me flying my R/C Ugly Stick!! Sad to think my Stick could get wasted by a sidewinder!! Our tax dollars at work??
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  9. Quote




    I never did see the pilot/copilot depart, were they okay?

    In Steve1's Scary stories thread we posted a bunch of stuff from the 57Ugly fire.

    link to thread?



    Hi K-leg,
    Don't know how to "link" to the thread other than to tell ya that it's by steve1 and the thread is "Scary stories from the old days?" and my post about the 57Ugly fire are on page 10 of the thread got a few other choice stories just above and below that one.

    Just looked around, steve1's Scary stories thread is on page 6 of this forum.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  10. Quote


    As with most wars, as soon at the last man in in his grave, people forget and allow the world to make the same mistakes.

    We should never forget...

    yeah because noone remembers the civil and revolutionary wars :S

    (j/k, i get your point.)

    Hi M-U,
    The Rev war was a while ago!! As for the Civil war, the last soldier of that war died in the mid 50's. He was a Confederate soldier. The last Union soldier died not long before he did. Then President Eisenhower had the Confederate soldier in his Confederate uniform lie in state in the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington. Photos were in Life mag. I remember, I was about 10 years old or so at the time he died.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  11. Quote


    I never did see the pilot/copilot depart, were they okay?

    The pilots ran down the spine of the fuselage and jumped off the tail. All were safe.

    Hi I-T,
    Yup, It got mighty hot pretty quick!! Skip and Space were "Hot Footin' It!!" Jerry got it all from the takeoff roll and kept going!! When everyone was out in the field watching from Bad Spot Bills' truck you should hear the comments!! Oh well, so much for our sunset practice jump for our 40 way night dive!! In Steve1's Scary stories thread we posted a bunch of stuff from the 57Ugly fire.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  12. Hi K-rip,
    Co$t of my first rig, hmmmmm...... Well, the year was 1964 and as I recall when I put all the bits and pieces together; harness, container, ripcord housing, reserve tie down links, back pad, had to mod the main and tape the gores and rig up the toggles, 'think I had about $25 tied up in the main[coulda' been less??]. 'Think I paid another $20 for the reserve, 24' T-10 ripstop. Those were 1964 dollars!! Gas was $0.29/gallon and ya' could get a VW Bug for $1995 or thereabouts out the door!! We had a Cessna 172 at Hammond Airport that belonged to Bob Landry and rented wet for $15/hr.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  13. Hi D-D,
    That might be mighty fine in Sarah Brady Country, but this is "Red Neck Country!!" Remember,"CASE OF BEER!!" yelled out loud for an SCR, A-License or just about anything!! How about everyone's ranting about,"Beer Rules!!" This is Skydiving!! Beer and Booze are part of it. If ya' wanna dry up the sport, go lookin' for another sport to dry up!! Meanwhile, why yes I will have another Bud Lite, Beck or Falstaff, Jax or Regal and what ever you do, Don't Forget the "DIXIE!!"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  14. Quote




    not talking shit.. i got about all them classics on my puter, dropzone, point break, cutaway, terminal velocity.. none of the really old ones..

    Scarily, Point Break is already 20 years old - or will be this year.

    Still, sincerely, one of the great action movies in my book.

    Hi JD,
    20 YEARS!!! "That IS Scary!!" Seems like yesterday we were watching it on the wrap around screen at the Cinidome in Orange CA and now you tell us it's 20 years old!! 'Don't even wanna think about how old "Gypsy Moths" is!!

    speaking of "gypsy moths", how do i go on about obtaining a copy of THAT movie!?

    Hi v-b,
    'Hope you find a "un-cut" version with the strip club scene with Sheri North and Burt and Deb (But that's not Deb but a "stand-in") doing it to it!! I've mentioned this before but of interest at the end of the flick when the kid hums it with the "Cape" he lands and smoke is still billowing from the M-18's and he's staggering in a daze holding the Ripcord in front of him, Hackman comes up and grabs the end of the Ripcord by the last pin and says,"When you pull it you really pull it huh kid!!" There "Was" a lead ripcord stop on the cable by the last pin and the kid pulled so hard he pulled the ripcord thru it!! A piece of Skydiving trivia of daze gone by!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  15. Quote


    not talking shit.. i got about all them classics on my puter, dropzone, point break, cutaway, terminal velocity.. none of the really old ones..

    Scarily, Point Break is already 20 years old - or will be this year.

    Still, sincerely, one of the great action movies in my book.

    Hi JD,
    20 YEARS!!! "That IS Scary!!" Seems like yesterday we were watching it on the wrap around screen at the Cinidome in Orange CA and now you tell us it's 20 years old!! 'Don't even wanna think about how old "Gypsy Moths" is!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  16. Hi Bill,
    Funny how that goes, one day we're 18 years old and jumping C-9's and the next thing we know almost 50 years have flown by!!!! Made my first hop in '64 and now I don't know how many more trips around the sun are still in my cards?? We get to this point and everyone wants us to write a book!! Write it, hell we lived it!!
    My Best Wishes and Blue Skyz to ya' buddy.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  17. Hi KP,
    Be sure to give us a "Full Report" of your excursions!! B|;) Just remember as Yakama Canuk, the old stuntman that did the under the stagecoach drag stunt, when asked how he did it, he said,"Ya' gotta remember to breath!!"

    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  18. Hi Pat,
    Just got ta' thinkin', April of '69. 'Twas in my Navy daze and Uncle Sugar had me galevantin' across the pond more often than not. Checked my logs, I was out at Perris the day before for a few hops then out to sea on the Sweet Pea LPH-5 the next day. The Sport was just makin' its' first 16-MAN STAR and the Space Program was gettin' ready to do Apollo "X" (10) Mission. Missed seein' the 16 MAN at Elsinore but about a month later I was on the flight deck of the Princeton watchin the Apollo "X" Cap do its re entry burnoff out in the South Pacific!! Stafford, Cernan and Young were the Astronauts! Princeton was the pick-up ship. We're comming up on 41 years since!!!! Are we having fun yet???
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  19. Quote

    Dumb question, Beer Rules / Dues.
    Very much a western thing. What do you think they do in say Dubai?
    Tea Dues?

    Hi Shah,
    What do thay do in Dubai?? No Beer?? No Booz?? WTF?? Scratch that place off my list of DZ's to visit!! It's been a while but back in '76 I worked for Grumman Aero on their F-14IRAN project. At the time there was "Shams" Beer and "Midigedea" (I think that's how ya' spelled it??) Beer in Iran. Not Budweiser but Beer!! In Isfahan where I worked, near the BHI (Bell Heli Int.) Facility there was the "Longbranch" a Tiki Bar with "Cold Beer" run by a BHI American and a local. looked kinda like the old "Bombshelter" at Scare-us-valley. These daze I'm sure you'd be hard pressed to find a beer in those parts!!
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  20. Hi J-Z,
    Beer??? Did you say BEER?? Why Sure! Any old time'z fine!! If'n ya' havn't figgured it out by now, Skydivers are the biggest bunch of Beer Freeloaders in the Universe, on any Planet, Bar None!! Just remember to take a couple of bottles outa' da' case for yourself before the hoard gets to em' or they'll be sucked dry before you can say,"Skydive!!" Just remember, there are no Beer Rules except for the ones you make up as you go along!! I'm not proud or tired, I'll drink any beer from Bud Lite to Becks and everything inbetween and on each side!! As the sayin' goes,"Do your part to save the Earth, It's the only planet with 'BEER!!'"
    SCR-2034, SCS-680


  21. Quote


    Hi sdk,
    Wanna' skyhook?? 'Don't forget yer RSL, AAD and Jesus Cord too!!

    spoken like a true skygod B|

    Hi Mike,
    Thx but.... Ya' ferget ta' spell "Skygod" with a "Capital 'S!!'" However as an old Rigger workin' both in the Sport and Aerospace end of the business, I've seen more lanyards, loops and rat-trap mechanisms not to mention cutters, Creedisframs and oscillating Rotostats than you can imagine used on Parachutes of every kind!! Willy Booth did good with the "Skyhook," and who can forget the "3-Ring Circus!!" Only trouble with gadgets is maken' em' "Foolproof" cuz' Fools are so ingenious!!.......K.I.S.S.
    SCR-2034, SCS-680
