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Posts posted by Tonto

  1. My ex wife has been fighting for child support from her daughter's father since she was born. Her daughter is 9 now, and all she's got is ZAR900. (About $120)

    There are laws about paying child support here, but no one enforces them.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  2. Ahh. You can't get rid of Grey squirels. And you'd need a 1000fps airgun with a 4 x 16 x 44 or better to be sure to put them down. (The can be quite tough!) I have 2 Gamo's, and they just are not tight enough at 25+ yards.

    Had they been Red Squirels, all you'd have to do is say "The Grey squirels are coming!"

    It's the year of the Pig.

  3. Quote

    both of those threads you posted were of me defending men in the women's forums.

    Please don't defend us anymore - and if you do, please don't say "we." Speak for yourself, and not your gender, please.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  4. Quote

    I've got almost 1000 AFF JM jumps and I really can not think of a good reason for a student to be alone in freefall except for poor JM communication, poor JM flying or in very rare instances-equipment emergencies.

    Agreed. I do understand it can happen. I've dropped off on reserve side before at the request of the other Inst. (Meaningful eye contact and a mouthed "Fkof") The deal is pretty simple for main side. Keep your hands shut, and don't leave unless the ripcord is pulled by the student, or you have it with you. I would say the only "good" reason would be a premature deployment on the main Inst's rig - but that has it's own issues.

    Sometimes stuff happens.

    I can't imagine using a canopy that would keep me up with or in the zone with an AFF student loaded to 0.5, which is where a 45kg (100lb) student would be on our gear. Wearing a rig that size would certainly prevent me from being able to match her fallrate - and as an AFF I - that's where my primary focus lies.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  5. Quote

    When cocooning

    Seriously, is this a generally accepted skydiving term?

    I think 99% of the stuff I see in today's packjobs is nothing but voodoo bullshit. I've said this before. It's like dogs walking in circles before they lie down. They don't know why they do it, but it makes them feel better.

    The (milli)second the air hits that canopy when it comes out the bag, all that carefull mumbo jumbo voodoo stuff means nothing. Keep the slider at the top, clear lines and stow the lines with even tension once it's in the bag. I've packed everything like shit for 20+ years. My packing is scary to watch, and I'm really, really bad at it - and yet the canopy opens properly most of the time. When it hasn't, it's been cos of something broken, or it wasn't my packjob.

    Some people I see who can pack these days cannot untangle a canopy. They can usually tell something is wrong - but they have no idea how to fix it. That's where a chunk of their practice should go, I think, but then I'm (relatively) old and grumpy.;)

    It's the year of the Pig.

  6. I look at other people's (dirty) rigs.

    I see where they are dirty from being picked up, (like the yolk, riser covers) used, (like the leg straps) and crashed (like the corners of the reserve container) and then I choose colours that will hide that in those places and put the colours somewhere else. Obviously team colours or staff colours come into the equasion too.

    I have a Mirage G4 with 812 dives on it, and a Mirage G3 with 281 dives on it. Both look new, which makes me think I did an OK job.
    I'll order my next Mirage within a year or so in the same colours, but I'll keep my existing rigs.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  7. Quote

    We're talking about training studens here.

    There was a time I was a whuffo, and had no jumps at all.

    Then I did a 1st jump course and was a student. I was trained on the reserve drills for front mounted round parachutes with no pilot chute. When I graduated to squares, I was taught the 2 hands per handle method. When I had my 1st malfunction, however, I reverted to what I had been training my students (as per PASA doctrine), which was 1 hand per handle.

    Both methods clearly work. It's all in the execution.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  8. Quote

    45% of all murders originate from the 13% of the population that is black!

    Your statistics asume each murderer kills only one victim. If only one (black) murderer killed 49% of victims, the vast majority of murderers would be white.

    Serial killers remain the near exclusive domain of white males under 40.

    It's the year of the Pig.

  9. Mostly, the "loudness" inside a students head comes from the inside.;)

    I'm not going to buy "the best" earplugs for my students. The DZ I work for isn't going to provide them, and I'm not going to allow my students to "test" their newly bought "best" earplugs on their AFF L1. Over half my total jumps have been with students. "Loudness" has been a factor on only a handful of students, and really, they should be focusing on their TLO's and not the noise. If they can't turn that noise off - then this sport may be too noisy for them.

    Senior and intermediate jumpers are fine with earplugs. They can wear whatever they want.


    It's the year of the Pig.