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Posts posted by jakee

  1. The way I see it the bible's justification for laying out these moral guidelines is that they were handed down by some huge power that both created and controls everything. You can't make all these commandments without having serious clout behind them.
    The idea of the god figure creating and controlling everything (especially in the way's literally described in the bible) is becoming increasingly contradicted by scientific advances.

    If the justification for the moral rules is contradicted by science then the moral rules themselves are shown to be baseless and worthless.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  2. Back to the sillyness for this reply.
    Didn't the first bloke to see him have to be told who he was? Besides, a few hours of pain followed by a relaxing weekend away in the highest spot in heaven doesn't sound all that bad to me.

    Seriously though, look at the source material you've got. A action witnessed, told to someone, retold a few more times, translated, translated from the translation, lost, found, copied in triplicate etc.
    How exaggerated are most stories you hear in the bar after the fifth round of drinks have been sunk?

    edit: i wonder how many that witnessed the crucifiction remained jewish.
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  3. Thats kinda my point. How can anyone say that they know the will of god when so many other people fervently believe that they also know the will of god, feel it deep in their soul, but its telling them to do the opposite of what you are doing. Just like the kids on the israeli buses.
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  4. There are a lot of people out there who are willing to believe that the tricks of any magician are actually real. There are even more people that think that the appearance of a new planet/ kuiper belt object will have serious influence on their lives (even though it's been there all along:S). All these people are willing to disregard what they have been taught about physics, chemistry, biology because they have faith in this other stuff.
    To me that has a legitimate place in a theological discussion and does bare comparison to your comment about jesus.
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  5. So, at various times during the 2000 year history of your faith either some or all of its followers/ practitioners have been mistaken. How do you know you're right?
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  6. Seriously, Blaine goes up to some guy on the street, throws a card through a window and the guy is amazed, doesn't have a clue how it's done. To the guy on the street he's just seen something that he can't explain by his scientific reality.
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  7. Quote

    There was a person (Jesus) who came and did things we would consider impossible within our given reality to prove who he was to us in a way that we could understand.

    So does david blaine.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  8. Quote

    Yep. I think human nature was responsible for those things, and similar things can, and would have, happened in an Atheist, Muslim or Hindu society.

    For a church going christian to admit that then they'd have to agree that the church is only human.
    What's the point in that?
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  9. spitfire,
    newcastle brown,
    waggle dance (mmm, honey beer)
    and pretty much any I.P.A.

    So many beers, so little time.....

    ooh, just remembered, marstons pedigree, excellent, excellent beer.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  10. woohoo, i beat someone! i only got 14:S,
    probably couldn't get that many UK counties though.
    hell, I couldn't even name 14 counties
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  11. Yeah, most people use weight as mass and usually it works but once we start changing values of g the distinction should be made.
    In imperial pounds are force (pounds thrust in jet engines etc), mass should be expressed in slugs (i think).

    In S.I. units Kg is ALWAYS mass, Newtons are force, therefore Kg's under the influence of g become Newtons (y'know what I mean).

    Ok for comparing different size canopies to make a choice for what size you should be jumping but imagine trying to explain to someone that in a spiral turn its not only increased airspeed that affects the response of the canopy but also g values.
    If Kg was your unit of WL then you would have to tell them that their mass was increasing as they turned. Its not, their weight (force expressed in Newtons under S.I.) is what is changing.

    I know it doesn't really matter but if WL values are converted to S.I. one day it should be correct (N/m^2). I only brought it up in the first place to highlight confusion about different units used in the WL equation. I'll stop hijacking the forum now, sorry.

    ps, can't wait to jump wingsuits, have to keep moving the jump numbers up....
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  12. Quote

    Those would be Kilograms. The unit the rest of the world uses to measure mass

    Surely wingloading is a measure of pressure, or force per unit area NOT mass per unit area.
    It may seem a petty definition but i think I saw an experienced canopy pilot refer to the fact that wingloading increases during hp turns, downplanes etc as g increases. This is only possible with measures of force like pounds, Newtons etc. Kg does not work like this.
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  13. Quote

    False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real
    advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils, except destruction

    Give me an example of the uses of a TARGET gun that places it along side water and fire in a list of things not to ban. That quote would only be relevant in a discussion of concealed carry licences etc.
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  14. Quote

    The police acknowledge that the new requirement has not been well advertised, and that most air gun owners didn't know about it. That could be one reason they haven't been signing up.

    Ok, I apologise for my sarcasm.


    Another possible reason that comes to mind, is that they have learned the lesson of history: they saw what happened when firearm owners registered their guns - they were subsequently confiscated. So they can likely see the writing on the wall now that the government insists upon their air guns being registered.

    Interesting view. Hypothetically speaking why would they prefer to risk criminal prosecution than face the risk of maybe having these air guns confiscated at a later date? It will be very difficult to go target shooting or whatever with an unlicenced gun with police on the lookout.
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  15. Quote

    I just love this Orwellian Newspeak: Handguns are not "arms", therefore by confiscating them, no one was disarmed!

    I shall clarify.
    Disarmed for the sake of sport shooting at a registered club, Yes.
    Disarmed for the sake of self defence, No.


    Well, if guns are not "arms", and they weren't allowed to be used for self-defense, then why did you bother to confiscate them? By your logic then, they were harmless already, and not a factor in crime.

    Like I said, the gun clubs were not able to enforce the laws of the time and people were bringing their pistols home. This was a naughty thing to do. Their pistols were taken


    And by pointing to the police and prisons, you seem to be acknowledging this yourself.

    As population and immigration increases more, better funded police are nessesary, this hasn't been happening, hence people get away with more crime, hence more crime is committed.
    No jail space means more criminals getting off lightly.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  16. Quote

    Quote: "ONLY a handful of the estimated 800 people in Tayside who own airguns, which are soon to be outlawed, have applied for a firearms certificate... That means hundreds of self-contained gas cartridge airgun owners in Tayside have until May 1 to apply or surrender the weapon, or they will be liable to a minimum five-year jail term... Since January 20, under the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, it has been an offence to manufacture, sell, purchase, transfer or acquire any air weapon that uses a self-contained gas cartridge system..."

    Wow. They must really like those air guns to have applied for all those licences to keep them.
    Oh wait, silly me, they didn't bother. They could have kept them, they just didn't care enough.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

  17. Law abiding citizens have not been disarmed with this legislation, or indeed with any legislation in the last 10 years at least. Self defence has not been a legit reason to own guns in England for at least my lifetime.
    Yes, handguns have been completely outlawed since Dunblane, however before Dunblane those that had handguns for target shooting (no other lawful reason) were supposed to leave their handguns in the care of their shooting club, NOT take them home.
    The gun clubs proved incapable of enforcing the law and therefore handguns became completely illegal.

    Rifles and shotguns are for hunting, clay and target shooting and are to be locked up when kept in the home, have been for years.

    Rising crime levels in Engand are not due to tightened gun legislation because it has not affected our ability to defend ourselves. Try looking at the recruitment crisis in the police force and the complete lack of prison space, that might tell you something about why crime is rising.
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