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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Madrid (Ocaña)
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    FAI - AVDA
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    Formation Skydiving
  1. That's right. Apart from Briceñito's broken english I would just like to point out that the jumps on the military DZ happen only on special occasions and by invitation. I'm pretty sure that those could be arranged by the DZO's of the other two DZs. I jumped there last year and it was amazing, both the chance to jump from many different aircrafts and the warmth and affection received from our military hosts. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  2. we try to keep it friendly, but if you land too far out in the nesting season, there are some birds that get really upset si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  3. I'm planning to go there... no, wait! I'm already here (he, he). Now seriously, as of today, the difference between both rates is 58% so Jerry's suggestion is the sensible thing to do. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  4. Take a look at the "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" by T.S. Elliot. There's a whole bunch of cat names in there. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  5. As far as I know, besides Higuerote, there's another DZ in San Juan de Los Morros (Guarico State). About La Tortuga I can't tell you much, but I will ask this weekend at the DZ. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  6. The weather is usually OK all year long in Higuerote, but now it's even better since the rainy season is already at its end. Regarding the coastal road, I have no clue, but I wouldn't expect too much from secondary roads in Venezuela. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  7. I live in Caracas and jump at Skydive Venezuela since last april. The problem with the collapse of the bridge means it now takes 3 hours to get to Caracas by the alternative road (though they're already working in a bypass for the collapsed bridge). Actually I had to do it a week ago when coming back from my vacation in Spain. It didn't look too dangerous since it is packed with cars all the way to Caracas. Then it's 1 1/2 to 2 hours drive to the DZ. If you have any further questions and cannot reach Giancarlo or Jonathan, you can PM me and I'll try to be of some help. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  8. I'm currently jumping in Venezuela, and they're doing quite OK for being in operations for such a short period of time (obviously, don't expect to find something like Empuriabrava there) If somebody is unable to contact Giancarlo over there, PM me and I will do it. It is nice and sunny all year long (even in the rainy season... after the rain) si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  9. Hi Crystal, we met sometime ago at Skydivelillo in Spain. I'm currently living in Caracas and jumping at Skydive Venezuela. I'm sending you a PM with contact info in case you need help. Cheers, poli si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  10. I'm going. No, wait... I'm already here! si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  11. Hi Zydrius, Lillo is my home DZ and, although they haven't published anything yet, there will be a Christmas boogie going on this year. Cannot give you dates or details, but keep an eye on www.skydivelillo.com, they should be giving out more info soon. Also, you can find plenty of information about how to get there, accomodation and other stuff. Try giving a call to Gonzalo Riera or Dani Paredes, I'm sure they will be very helpful (phone numbers somewhere in the web page). See you in Lillo, if you finally decide to go. si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor
  12. Hi donkeyboy30, I did my AFF there last easter, and it was one of the best experiences in my life. Not only because I've discovered this wonderful sport, but also because of the wrapper: the DZ is greatly managed, the facilities are great (even with a large swoop pond, which I don't use due to my short experience, but it's cool to watch the pros) and the people are wonderful. It's funny how, in the middle of Spain, you can find people from so many different nationalities (sometimes I hear more english than spanish there). Now it is my home DZ, and the place where I have the most fun... even when I'm not skydiving!! si en la cama hay un castor, dormirá con más calor