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    Skydive Greensburg
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  1. I'm happy to hear all of that, Chuck.
  2. Love the avatar Bolas.........your 600th was sooo much fun, even if you did take us out.....lol.
  3. Yeah.....it's like -5 here this morning. I'm leaving for Perris tomorrow.....THANK GOD!! A day and a half to jump and 2 days in the tunnel. I am soooo ready!! Hey, I'm looking forward to meeting you at the Marco Island Boogie! Not much longer now...YaHooo! Don't forget your Barbie!
  4. Lol........it IS getting easier for me with the use of reverse S folds. I think the same as you; I need to LOVE my parachute and treat, but all I could do there for awhile was call it all kinds of profanities! Hopefully, I'm over that now.
  5. Ahahaha.......my sentiments exactly! I'm getting there slowly but surely but damn, it taking me to the brink of insanity at times! I'd really like to have a nice, peaceful, wonderful, loving relationship with this canopy but it truly is making it tough for me to do that at the moment!
  6. You are right. I am beginning to calm down about it. When I posted, I was practicing for the first time totally unassisted alone, at home and it was either post, or go outside and scream at the top of my lungs and have the cops called....lol. I'm better now, and thank you for the advise. It all makes perfect sense.
  7. I appreciate all the tips. Knee pads sound like a good solution. I see a lot of people at the DZ with permanent brown spots right below the knee. Good tip!
  8. Thanks again Sid. The Reverse S Folds in your "Tips and Techniques" worked for me. How do you feel about the Physco Pack on a Sabre 170? There are mixed feelings about it at my DZ. I'm afraid to try it.
  9. Got it in.........thanks to Sid's site. Again, thanks for the encouragement. I don't know about packing tomorrow though. My thumb is so bruised from stow bands.........yowwwwch.
  10. Whew! Went to Sid's site and found a tip on reverse S folds and put them in the bag as you go. Got it in.........but have no energy left to do the stows at the moment.........lol.
  11. Everyone, please pray for us both...........lol. We could use it.
  12. Lol.....that's what I hear.......it gets easier. Well, I'm ready for that like..........right now! I just bought my first "new to me" rig. It only has a few hundred jumps on it and it's beautiful. The Sabre 170 is still slippery as hell. I have sought help from a few, very qualified people and they have been very helpful. I get the concept, just can't maintain control of it while S folding. I can do all the rest of it just fine, just still can't get it in the bag without losin it. Guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for the encouragement.
  13. I'm beat up, My upper arm and shoulder is killing me.......I'm ready to scream!! I CAN NOT get the freakin thing in the bag!! It slides around all over the damn place and gets all distorted. I am not putting a lot of pressure on it. WHY, oh WHY won't it stay where I put it!! I get the bright idea to practice tonight before going to the DZ tomorrow........looks like I'm takin it in a LUMP, dumping it on the floor with a $5 bill on top of it! I've had it! This sucks! Other people can get this done. Why can't I!!!