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Posts posted by RayLosli

  1. This was started because basically I was sick of hearing about that Bridge Rail.
    I have never heard so much Crap about a, Piece of Steel in my life.

    This also has been quit interesting.
    Throwing out some, Stimulation out there to see who Bites on it.
    The Reaction from posts and e-mail has also been Interesting.

    Some were Negative and some were Positive.
    (also)...One or Two, were Slobbering at the chance to respond and transfer there
    Honest emotions to my, -Rail Jumping- Stimulation.
    If you read certain people's Posts. You can see a lot of .....
    ** Who They Really Are ** (also)...Usually have a, Hidden Agenda.

    Most of you, I feel kind of fall in the middle about jumping off the Rail, but
    Sway a little on the side of doing what is right for the whole group. but in
    general You really don't, Give a Flying Crap.. Just keep the Damn Thing Open.
    You did not respond ...Good on ya.
    Smart enough not to respond to my....
    3rd Grade, BASE, Pavlov's Dog, Science Experiment.

    But....back to the Post's, made in Response to my, "Radix Video" jumping the Rail.
    If you read certain people's Posts. even Mine.
    I can be accused of being a little antagonistic...( True ) A little Weird... ( True )
    but I'm .... Honest . That's a big fucking - Plus +

    * Base428 (jason bell).... All in All stand-Up Guy
    The same for DexterBASE (chad) and CrazzzzzzzyThomas

    * BrotherMuff65 (johnny gates).... Gotta Luv Him - It's always - All GOOD

    * Skinflicka..... He's a .... Basterd
    but....I like that ...( Skinflicka ) He is a real, Shit-Starter in a... (good way)

    Let's Not Forget : (not in thread) but........
    * Perrinegrl
    Meghan: Had good intentions but started one of the most F##ked up threads in the BASE
    community. With No BASE experience and No Free-fall Skydive. just a couple Tandems.
    but had... Noble Intentions.... (rolling my eyes).

    * jimmyh .....(trouble maker) but would share a exit point with him anytime.

    * What about - BASE Ethics ? / Mucho-Mas, Freaky / Bad- Shit-Starter.

    * What about ..."KidWicked" has no Info Entered ? He also has a History of starting
    Crap in the WingSuit Forum. Now he has nothing better to do than try to Convince
    people to Boycott Jimmy's Video because he did a few Rail Bails.
    Shit-Starter, for Sure. but... worth my time to figure out ?

    (also not in thread))....
    * Tom, I could not believe he didn't get in on it. .....( I think he is catching on.)

    .Again, I would like to thank those of you who..Transferred a Response to my,
    "Rail Stimulation" Fun...Fun...Fun...

    ** PS: Honestly, I really have never heard the story on, John Vincent,
    Never paid much Attention to BASE politics and sure in the hell ever logged into DZ com.
    till Dwain, smoked it-Inn. Basically, " I Just Jumped."
    Did not Know, The Supreme Court, Knocked the Piss out of ...GAY SODOMY, last year.
    I am glad to see someone has a -Need- to keep up on that subject. ;) :D

  2. Hey....Jason
    Got this funny E-mail from , BASE Ethics this morning
    It is hilarious......Stuff :D
    A must to read.


    You don't question the laws established by the Constitution of the United States.
    You just abide by them. Do you pay taxes? If you don't, then think about who has
    authority to govern you, and what happens when you willingly neglect the payment of taxes.

    THE SAME APPLIES TO THE LAWS OF BASE JUMPING. You don't question them,
    you just abide by them. If you don't, then think about who has the authority to govern
    you, and the discipline that shall be placed upon you...

    BASE JUMPERS. And guess what...cruel and unusual punishment isn't in our
    Constitution...remember John Vincent? You'll beg to be in his shoes, even after his ass-raping
    in a NO jail after a non-BASE related crime.

    Want to jump from the rail? Let US catch you doing it, and you'll be lucky to ever BA...you'll
    be lucky to ever...SE...you'll be lucky to ever jump...better not let us catch you, because JV's
    ass-raping would be a blessing upon you.

    Respect BASE, because our government imposes MUCH worse penalties than the US government.


    BASE Rep., State of FU, esq.

    Dear BASE, Ethics
    To tell you the truth I have not jumped off the Rail in idaho for a couple years.
    With the huge amount of BASE traffic/jumping the past few years in Idaho.
    It most likely has been a Plus.

    Sorry ...I do not know who, John Vincent is, or his story.
    But I will tell you that, Sodomy is illegal in Oregon and Idaho.
    Even though it might have been a consensual and Loving act between you two.

  3. You are pretty much stuck to, No jumping off the rail.
    As far as your Conscience and Ethics holds you back.

    I am just feed up as far as I can take this, Rail jumping dribble.
    That keeps pouring out. It is predictable as.... Pavlov's Dog.
    You mention the words,- Red Bull & Rail - in the same sentence.
    and ring the bell.
    It is a slobbering feeding frenzy.
    It never ends. Now it's "Radix video"

    Die," No Jumping off the Rail "...(stab - stab / with a stake through the heart)
    DIE.....DIE.....( stab - Stab) ....DIE

  4. In my opinion.....
    You bunch of Whiney-Ass, Fucking Pussies.
    I am getting so fucking sick of this , Jumping off the Rail .CRAP.
    Most of you don't know your Ass's from a hole in the ground
    There have been a Thousand or many more than that of the Rail.
    Nobody cared. or gave a, Big Flying Rat's Ass.
    The town of, Twin Falls, the police, Don or Bert. or Pedestrians or Traffic.
    No One.... CARED. No one Thought ...Twice About It !

    The Rail is the only thing we ever used to jump off of.

    Do you think you can follow this ?
    Now.....Shut your Pie-hole up and listen.
    The Main reason we don't, jump off the Rail Is.....

    In 2001 Avery, Dennis, Harry approached the city of Twin Falls and in
    The proposal that was submitted to them. For IPBC and possible control
    of the bridge, like something that resembles a, commercialized Bridge Day.
    That they wanted to start and run.
    There was some rules submitted to the city counsel on how the jumpers
    would conduct themselves.

    The one that SUCKED The MOST was .........
    We, As Jumpers, Will not be jumping off the Rail. at anytime.
    The, No Rail Rule never existed until the 2001 IPBC Snake River Comp.
    All of the sudden we go a list of rules before we attended that comp.
    No BASE jumper will jump off the Rail. at anytime.
    That Rule Never Existed, Until After That Point In Time.

    All I remember is saying,... Bull Shit.
    Us that jumped the bridge on a regular basis. We all looked at each other and said....
    "what kind of crap is this. Who in the Fuck are they, to make rules for us to follow ?
    Who the fuck made them the Boss ? What gives them the right to control us ?
    The rules were made to benefit them. but.....They affect us. Why ?
    What makes them think, they know what is best for me ?
    What a bunch of control freeks. I will not stand in line and be told what to do.
    Who in the hell do they think they are ?

    Slim and I and a few others wandered in to Twin Falls back in 1998 and I
    would imagine there were a few before we got there that jumped off the Rail.
    There were... Flat and stable, Back and Front aerials, CRW, and muti-ways, and
    Many, Many board jumps and Hand-stands and I even think, Smiley, took his
    Wing Suit off the Rail once. Even things that were done, without common sense.
    Would you believe....No One Cared.

    We stood on the Rail.
    Ooooo...Nooooo...We jumped off the Rail.

    Why don't you people get a grip on your Mindless Rail jumping Dribble.

    What is really funny.....
    The were no serious injuries and no one ever, Cratered-Inn
    until after we had rules.

  5. Ya...but I think we don't use,Miroline / Spectra ,
    We have to use Dacron. in BASE canopy's. I think that is our only choice at the moment.
    But only on Slider-Down BASE opening.. Because Dacron has, Higher Static Elongation. (it stretches)
    >> ( correct me if I am wrong on the Dacron only for slider-Down. )

    I have been thinking and I remember being there at 3 tension knot openings in BASE and
    I have seen a few Tandems on the DZ..
    The 3 Knots that I have seen in BASE were all Slider-Up.

    All 3 were under, 6 second delay at deployment. and packed properly for that delay. All with good fresh gear.

    I would be VERY Interested in knowing -Who or How Many have had a Tension Knot in BASE at
    High deployment speeds, slider-up.

    I don't think it would be a problem using spectra in your, Tail Pocket slider-up.
    Skydive CRW has been doing that for quit sometime. They pitch the pilot right out the
    door, at exit speed of aircraft. You don't hear of them having to many Tension Knots.

    I don't know if it is possible to order a BASE canopy with maybe 1000 Lb. test. Specta
    That is smaller diamiter than the Dacron, and slick. If you only used this canopy on Slider-Up....Only
    You can always re-line your BASE canopy yourself and check it out. ;)

  6. I just had a conversation on the phone with, Robert Jones today about
    pounds of pull and pin tension on single and double pin containers.
    I was asking advice for construction purposes. He has pull tested that container.
    Packed under all body positions. And some you don't want to have at pull time.
    He told me he try's to keep the, pull-pound in the low 20's or less with flaps closed.
    at bridal extension. ( measured on a pull, spring scale.)
    Low 20 lbs. or less is pretty good. I would not worry.
    He builds a top-notch container system.
    I don't see any Gargoyle owners going in.

  7. leroydb:
    minimum wage is paid by the hour... they pack a tandem in 10-15 min.
    Exactly my point ,
    Not much consideration for a Pilot and his Passenger,

    I Have spent more Time, taking a ....DUMP !

    Usually the BASE jumper will squeeze every jump out of his or her BASE canopy until the lines look like yarn and you can shoot straws through the material..... then they sell it to some one else

    Ha.. Ha...
    You still don't see the evidence out there on BASE jumps with Tension Knots.
    They are still are a rare thing.
    The couple of Knots I saw this year in , Malaysia and Royal Gorge, Co.
    Were on good clean gear.

  8. Ya.. but Tandems are Slam-Packed as fast as they can be packed by human hands.
    For slightly above Minimum Wage.
    By someone who does not intend to jump it.
    Why do you think they call Tandems... ** Meat-Bombs ** ;)

    Usually the DZ owner will squeeze every Penney out of a Tandem canopy's life until the
    The lines look like Yarn and you can shoot straws through the material.

    You may have a point but Tandems get, Packed like Shit and jumped to Death.

  9. Re: [Faber] how much rigger does you need to be?

    to the original question......
    You can be as much a Rigger as you want to be in, BASE
    That is what is beautiful about it. No, TSO's.... No, Lic. #, Rigger's Ticket.

    You can take a, Needle and Thread and punch as many holes anywhere you
    want in your, Single Parachute, Harness Container System. and jump it.

    You can.....Glue Macaroni on it, and Spray Paint it Silver.

    Ohhhh.....and a little advice to you this time.
    Pink is not your color.
    wear darker earth tone, or you cant go wrong with basic black.
    It will be more slimming on your figure, and be more complimentary on your skin tone.

  10. If that were true......
    There would be more documented cases of older canopy's with
    worn-out, old, fuzzy Dacron lines getting knots.
    That's not the case.

    edit to add:
    Saw, Sabia at the beginning of the year get a Knot on a
    brand new canopy packed up about two day before it happened.

  11. The one thing that I find superior over using. Masking Tape -Vs - Tail Gate on
    a no-slider jump is that.....
    The Tail Gate has a, -Centered Anchor Point- on the in-board, C line.
    I think it holds it, In a more centered, Pivotal Point on pre-bottom skin inflation before and
    during. The Canopy entering a firm line stretch. With the nose giving you a good heading.
    - Very Important -. I like that the Break lines are tied to in-board,C line, While all energy
    of line stretch is getting played out. Before it breaks away and does it's own thing.
    Feels like it's the right thing to me. Plus it has a track record that is undisputed.

    **It just works to good.** Holding back the energy of the tail in the Center / While all other
    violent energy and Fabric expansion happens on the out side.

    the Question of :
    How much Tape do I use ?

    That is a very personal piece of information that is solely base on that pilots experience of Trial & Error.
    Do you use 1/2-inch 3/4 or 1-inch, paper masking Tape ?

    Also it's kind of spooky when you start using it.
    **I can tell you one thing 1 wrap of paper masking tape is nothing.on no slider jump.**

    Example :
    I would use a minimum or 3 wraps on slider down on Brake lines.

    Slider- Up, Idaho / 460 ft. high. give or take.
    With a delay of,- example: a one rotation Arial (maybe just getting into a big 2 or a 3 sec delay)
    I am looking for a fast positive opening -BUT- some control on brake lines.
    I put 3 raps of 1/2 inch, on brake cascades, plus one small rubber band rap on direct slider control.

    Big delay/ terminal, fast speed tracking.
    Vented canopy / No rolling the nose.
    5 to 6 raps on break lines w/ 3/4 inch, paper masking tape .
    2 raps primary stow. 2 tight raps with a big bit on Direct slider control.

  12. I have done 250 Slider-up BASE jumps with a
    Wiffle Ball (light plastic golf ball) Exterior Pilot Chute handle.
    All my 32 inch & 38 inch pilots. are equipped.

    The standard Skydive Hackey Sack handle has Weight that could be a factor.
    A Wiffle Ball, has Almost no weight to interfere with Pilot Chute.
    It is strong enough to hit with a #1 driver.

    I believe you will go-in from other factors that are much higher
    than a, Pilot Chute handle.

    I have not gone in yet...
    but the day is still young.

  13. huh you want to add 500+ ft to a

    580-600 meters (1,914-1,980 feet)
    tower to SL off THATs humor:D

    Most of us would be happy as a pig in shit ......
    To get a 300 meter Antenna with a elevator.

  14. Hell.... I thought this was Something Bad.
    So one camera frame latter it's looks and Flies like a normal canopy.
    So that death looking canopy was only what ? A Half of a second ?

    Tail inversion ? Fabric trapped with lines ?
    All that thing is. Is a bunch of Nylon sewed to Dacron Lines.
    Getting Dragged through the Air.
    What more do you Expect ??? :o
    Maybe it is just the mathematical Law of Averages.
    Body positioning, Packing, Or outside influences.......Or
    Maybe it's the smallest,Micro combination of everything all put together ?
    There is always that one unpredictable opening.
    There is most likely a frame or two on everybody's videos that makes
    the Canopy look like a F##k-ed up Mess.
    There is lots of video were the canopy looks like Primo all the way
    from extraction to starting of opening, then BANG it's a 180.

    Was the opening in a Hard tail wind to promote this, would be my
    first question. Plus consider what delay of free-fall you had in
    conjunction with outside wind influence. Was it a weak delay ?
    with maybe to much restriction with Tail-Gate + 2 raps on Primary Stow

    If you feel that a over restrictive tail-gate could be the culprit of this Pic.
    There is no need to over kill on the raps on the Tail Gate.
    Raise your Hand.
    Who uses 3 raps on Tail-Gate plus using Primary Stow anymore ???
    To many raps on Tail-Gate + Primary Stow = BAD.
    Don't do that. You don't need to do that.

    I am sure many other jumpers out there do the same as me.
    I have jumped every no slider jump from a, P.C.A., go-and-throw, 1, 2, 3,
    and 4.8 sec. delay. hundreds of times.
    Some under the most severe of tail wind head wind, Blab.. Blab..
    I only use One & Half Raps / black rubber band cut in half on the Tail Gate.
    With no Primary Stow any more.
    SO far ,So good.

  15. Man it looks like a Step-Through on one side of Risers.
    If not that is one of the most F##ked up opening that I have seen.

    What was the outcome of a line check and inspection after landing ???
    Was it clean ?

    Did you see any line burns on fabric to suggest any lines
    were knotted around fabric ?
    Or line burns from line to line ?
    There must have been some friction marks left after that kind of opening.

    You are walking and talking.
    Did it open and Clear any further than the Pic. ?
    If not did you take it to the water ?

    You might need more practice on your packing skills ? ;)

  16. "Not to be a dick, but seriously, don't get into BASE with 50ish skydives thinking
    that you'll never see your legbone sticking out of your pantleg."..
    Don't Sugar Coat, it for him. You want him to go out and get hurt ?

    "Everyone wants to get into BASE,"
    and do you know why he wants to get into BASE ????

    Because the, Chic's Dig it. :)

  17. 9 sec. canopy ride ?
    That's a long time ? (sure you counted right)

    That's more canopy ride that a lot of BASE jumps at 300 Ft. from beginning to end.
    From the time your feet leave the object
    Till your feet touch the ground on landing.

  18. I wish I spent the money I spent on a room full of sewing machines on
    custom containers and BASE trips....... Not !

    Sewing is a Dieses which involves work.
    Stop now while you still can. :D

  19. basebasebase01 :

    Just more thinking
    I like to get more feed back like so far thank you

    It hard to give you any ...INFO
    If you are looking for help.

    No # of, BASE jumps ?
    No # of, Skydives ?
    No # of, wingsuit Jumps ?
    No # of years of, Jumping ?
    Where do you jump ?

    No Name ?

    From the apperance of the Post it sounds like your just, Trolling.

    You might have Much-Much more BASE experience than me. no need for me to advise you.

    If you are a very experienced BASE jumper.
    If you are a very experienced Skydiver.
    If you are very comfortable jumping your S3.

    Find another BASE wingsuit jumper that has experience in that Location.
    Go to the nearest Big Wall with him.

    and Have Fun.

  20. N. Nitro :

    Honestly I don't think there is a best container: there are all good, really.
    It comes down to looks and small features.

    How True.

    Soon as that container opens you forget that it is, even on your back. ;)

    The next time you even think about it again is when....

    You have to pack and ...Close it Up Again.

    My favorite Rig will be the one that packs and closes it self up all by itself.

  21. In my Honest opinion...
    You have no idea what you are getting yourself into.

    Would any other experienced BASE jumper care to elaborate on this more ?

    edit to add :

    It does not sound like you are an experienced skydiver.
    would you care to add anything ?

  22. I know I shouldn't but Might as well.
    What the hell else do I got to do ?

    Name:.... Raymond Losli

    Sex, Age: Height and weight:
    - Male - 45 - 6-0 - 180

    Birthplace: ....Hillsboro, Oregon, united states

    Marital status ?:
    Married.... ( to the only woman in the world, who can stand to be with me.)

    Occupation ?:

    Self-unemployed, Masonry ...(custom residential, small commercial)

    at the moment
    Sewing and BASE design, Wrenching on most anything, Skydive, BASE, Shooting, ( Tach.Long range, bench, varmint & reload)

    Harness and container: ....Bounceproof Rigging - SoftCock, container

    ....l- Flik, 2 - V-tek, - 1-Raven IV, - 1-Cruzlite, 3-round

    Home drop zone : ....Skydive Oregon, Eagle Creek Skydive

    Records or awards ?
    ...Awarded the record of : Most consecutive day in a row, being Alive, BASE Jumping in Portland Oregon and
    Not Cratering-Inn.

    Pet peeves:
    ...Don't Ever, Honk the horn of the Car, for me to hurry up.

    What is your favorite quote?
    ... "Who's The Proprietor of this Whore House" !!!

    What is your philosophy on life?
    ... If you don't Over-Think it, It's not That Hard.

    What is something most people don’t know about you ?
    ... I am dumb as a Mud Fence,
    Unless it comes to three-dimensional, mechanical, visualization and the ability to transfer it to reality.

    Who has inspired you in BASE jumping?
    * Slim: (Roland Simpson), for teaching me and helping me to stay alive in the beginning, when I started BASE. That was not easy because our rule was, - We don't have Rules.-
    * Dwain Weston. for teaching me: You Can Take It, As far as you want to take it.
    * also : D.J. (Stanley Higgins) , on how to keep an even-flow and not to take... Shit to Serious.

    What is your most memorable BASE jumping moment?
    ... Every Dam One of Them !
    All, 728 of them so far to date.

    Describe Raymond Losli, in five words or less :
    ... Fuck You....you Fucking, Fuck !

    I BASE jump because… ?
    ...It is still fun, ... so far.