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Posts posted by RayLosli

  1. Man you are kinda Hosed
    We got some tracks we land on up here at the bottom of a cliff.
    Creosote/ Oil wood Preservative off the Track Ties is on my pilot Chute and some of my Canopies Forever.
    I have been more scared of using any kind of Solvents on Nylon than the creosote though.
    It is know preserving my Equipment and giving it that well used look.
    A couple years go by and it will just blend in with all the other dirt...;)

  2. TVPB../ Tom Begic
    This is Begic what the hell... your profile say Croatian so I just assumed this whole fucking time that was your
    Residence not ancestry of decent or immigrated from
    DaaaaaaMMMM.! ...DuuuuuuuuuuHh...:$
    You are not senile !!! ...I am just Stupid
    You Ozzy Prick ,,, quit trying to confuse Me.. You are doing a damn good job of it.
    Well Hell that was sure easy to figure out.

  3. I disagree... Strongly

    The Comments made by some of the posts on Nick DG's thread are directly related to the Topic here.

    The discussion the Rhonda opened up on Black and White / Splitting thought I believe is a direct relation to the Possible
    source of some of the post that some do not agree with.

    ** Let me elaborate.....

    Say that splitting is a way to divide the world in "all good" "all bad". It is a black and white way to see the world without "grey". Splitting is one of the defense mechanism used to protect themselves.
    A defense mechanism consisting of refusal to encounter situations or activities that are sensitive or uncomfortable
    to that person.

    Such as some BASE jumpers in Relating to Nicks Thread.
    You Possibly cover with Humor of Anger when a Thread or Posts deals with An * Ultra-Sensitive * Issue

    You don't get much more sensitive of a issue than that thread on a Public BASE talk forum.

    The Theory Suggested by Rhonda may be directly ** BASE ** related.In dealing with our Mental state.
    Especially to - The Death Of / Suicide Of - a close member of our Family Group.

    >.. Some deal with there issues with - Smart Assed comments.
    >.. Some deal with angry or abusive comments
    >.. Some deal by giving an extreme sympathy / comfort or emotional sympathy.

  4. Ray - we've already had some chats & done some jumps together. Don't you remember BD2000 and KL Tower 2001?


    Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I just remembered just a few minutes ago.
    KL tower 2001
    Were you the Croatian that said my brand new, Checkered - Red & White- Rig that I sewed up and was so proud of....

    Looked like the... Croatian national Flag

  5. Rhonda....
    If you made a few BASE jumps then you are a BASE jumper

    And... Hey I dont really think I am Flaming on you / I am just pushing a few Buttons to see What you are made of.
    *** Just Checkiiiin You Out ***
    Your have actually made a large impression on me as a Smart Girl and I like a Chic that will stand her ground against me.
    Dont be scared but.... I LIKE That !..;)

    I said..." I look at the world in black and white." ...
    So I started looking after your Comments from your last post.

    Black and White/ Split thinking
    In this state, it is extremely difficult to think in a balanced way, because as we have already seen, when emotionally aroused, the brain's default mode of thinking is 'all or nothing'. In addition, the thought that life will always be as difficult as it is when experiencing traumatic flashbacks is a depressing one in itself.

    All or Nothing thinking / Black and White / Split
    All or Nothing thinking is found in depressed people all over the World. This is because it is part of the most primitive of human responses: The Fight or Flight Response.When faced with a life-threatening situation, we must make a snap decision and act on it. There is no time for 'maybe this', or 'maybe that'. Either decision will create an emotional reaction to allow us to fight or flee to the maximum of our ability.

    But these responses evolved for times that were much more physically threatening. These days they are rarely required, at least not to that extent.

    Hey.....I say... "Unless your a BASE jumper"

    Spotting warning words
    As an ongoing way of perceiving reality, All or Nothing thinking is emotionally and physically damaging. If you spot yourself using this style, challenge yourself to think differently. There are particular words that people often use when thinking in this way. You can learn to spot them.

    Always .. Never ... Perfect ... Impossible ... Awful ... Terrible ... Ruined ... Disastrous ... Furious


    Some Advice......

    If you are 'addicted' to getting high levels of emotional stimulation from experiences, conversations, relationships and.....
    BASE Jumping.

    It could be time you started doing with less.


    Warning / and disclaimer :

    I have Plagiarized Large amounts of this Hypothesized information from the internet./ (go figure)

    Now it is time to ..... SINK back into .... DEEP ... DEPRESSION......:P


  6. You say:
    I'm just here to let you know that your "outlook of life" flies in the face of all known facts about the subject of discussion.

    On a broader level, I would suggest that those who wish to characterize the acts of others educate themselves so that their pronouncements are the correct ones.

    So far, all such characterizations that I have seen are totally wrong. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, or at least that's what we're told, but not all opinions are created equal. I haven't seen that any of the most adamantly opinionated among you have the first clue about the topic upon which you choose to expound.

    Well I say. Ha Ha...Funny girl
    Hey ... You better be careful there, You might end up as labeling yourself as ,,,Opinionated and ( self proclaimed expert) on my human worth and existence.
    Wake up Honey .... You post pictures and statement that you are going to ..Kill Yourself on a public BASE talk forum.
    Nick is an extremely fortunate that ..Tom stepped in to, SAVE his ASS.

    you say:
    P.S. Ray, there is a wealth of information on the net and in the library about what is known as "black and white thinking" or "splitting." It would be an educational google. .

    Sorry Rhonda...Not much BASE jumping going on in the Public Library.

    You are a BASE jumper Right ??????.
    or are you just a self proclaimed wealth of knowledge that is getting far to vested Emotionally in this...
    BASE Talk Forum soap opera ???

    I would love to hear your OPINION

  7. Nick..
    About my Posts to your thread
    I Have Very Little Sympathy in ... Grandstanding on that level that I witnessed
    Grandstanding by publicly threatening to kill yourself bring out the darker hard side of myself.
    Do not mistake this for an apology.
    Just an explanation to my remarks and simple - Black & White - outlook of life around me.

    I can understand you Locking this thread.
    Erasing this thread for further Public Viewing ?
    I hate to say this but....
    This would be about the only situation that I might have and agreement for Moderator Censorship.
    A botched cry of suicide or a Drunken Bad joke, It sure was not about BASE jumping ...but ...
    Over Emotional Investment combined with Moderator duties in the Soap Opera Drama ...entitled.....DropZone.com
    Even to the point of trying to protecting the good name and reputation of its Posting Participants. I don't really like.
    but.... You only did what a Good friend would do for a friend in trouble..Good or Bad.
    ** Weird Situation ** Hope you don't have to do that again.

  8. TVPB:
    rl - I'd love to meet up with you and have a chat. You are one very philosophical person.

    Don't know about Philosophical...?

    Most who know me say I'm a.... Occasionally funny, Smart-Ass... Cynical, Over Opinionated-Prick - and- Educational, Bankrupt,Half-Assed Road Scholar. Who only thinks he can BASE jump.

    Maybe some jump, Beer and some talk sometime

  9. Its easy to get support from BASE jumpers when you are criticizing national park rangers.

    That is true.

    Ya but we are only talking about the right to use a little piece of air for just a minute of free fall.

    You Have the Right to Jump
    If someone say's you cant use a minute of freefall. Then it's your right to Take it.

    We air not talking about taking pot-shots at them with a .22 or Poisoning them
    with insecticides in the Food-Chain or Climbing up on a rope and staring at them
    with a Camera lens for an hour.

    Falcons can share the air with us for a moment of there lives.
    They will still thrive, Nest, Fly and Hunt.

    They call it steeling (air delivery) ****BIG EXCUSE
    Sensitive Falcons Nesting **** BIG EXCUSE
    Trespassing on Public Park property **** BIG EXCUSE

    They will use any excuse to say no to you. It will never end.

    Getting out to nature. Getting several good hours of hiking and good times with your friends.
    Then you got to steel a piece of air for a moment of Free-fall

    Don't get me wrong I love to watch all Raptors fly and Hunt.
    I work outside for a living most of the time.and I always take a moment to watch and smile when
    They fly.

    They want to Fly ,,, well my friend .... So Do I

  10. Holy Crap
    People.. This isn't Ecology 101 in your local community Collage.
    Even though being out in Nature is a large part of BASE Jumping.

    Don't get caught. That is your responsibility. so wake-up.

    You don't really expect them to just invite you in for a nice afternoon jump on a sunny day.
    that Nonsense will never be the reality to an ...American BASE Jumper.

    I can drive out to Portland City or just go out to my Job during the day / any day of the week where
    I live and see Raptor. They are everywhere...and the population is GROWING
    More species of Raptor than I can identify. / Hawk / Eagle / Falcon / Osprey etc. everywhere.
    Peregrine Falcons are not on the Federal endangered species list. They have not been on there
    for quite some time.
    They.. (your controllers) have classified them as...... Sensitive.. (lets say this word one more time)... Sensitive
    The State and Federal park services uses the same tactics as the Ecological Terrorist do here in the North West.
    1. - Find a species of animal
    2. - Get that species of animal classified as... Sensitive
    3. - Use that classification (sensitive) as... There Political Tool

    A political tool to enforce There agenda of... Control
    The agenda being that...You will never be invited to BASE jump on State or Federal Park land.in America.

    You do not have the Right as a citizen to BASE jump on the majority of Publicly owned property.
    The State and Federal Park Service, Employees job is to enforce the law and to find new ways to
    **** Enforce the Law. ****
    The Enforcers Mentality does not function in the way you or I think....(the BASE jumper)
    Wake-Up... that's why they are the - Park Police.

    State & Federal Park Services Officers... are The Enforcers..They dream to be, stand in line to be trained.
    1. - The Enforcer also - Choose - to be told how to Dress, Talk, Interact and control .. You.. the BASE jumping public
    2. - They gladly choose and take pride in perusing your Faults. Your fault in this case is making a BASE jump.
    3. - Then with a pounding of pride and sense of accomplishment in there Hearts.....
    4. - They Happily Detain or Arrest you. Then Schedule you to be severally Monetarily Punished.
    5. - In the enforcers mind that is how he or she serves the... Human Cause... To Make Your Life Better.

    Well Not Me.. My Friends...You can feed into this Lie ... Like Mindless Sheep.. Not to better my Life

    You Are BASE Jumpers / Act Like BASE Jumpers / You are in Control

    You as a BASE Jumper are FREE... Free for that instant of your life to be the... Superior Species
    You are a Superior Vertebrate Human Mammal. .. You are Not some suck-ass, low-life.. Cephalopod.

    Take one of those Opposing thumbs on your hand. use that extra Chromosome that separates you from the Common Chimpanzee.
    Throw that Pilot-Chute out. Take that superior Brain. Use it as a Tool to...

    Make that JUMP...Stick it to the Enforcer... &... do Not Get Caught.

  11. Ya.... they was still good times I would not trade for nothin though.

    some incriminating footage...Cool.. All I can hope is that I am in some of It.

  12. Hey... Avery
    Remember when all of us got tickets in Washington State Parks...
    for, Disturbing Sensitive wildlife. Nesting Falcons.... Trespassing on *Public Property*... Illegal take-off and landing of Aircraft.

    Falcons are hardly endangered. I see them all over the place. Even nesting in down town buildings around here.
    They seem to be Rugged and adapting creatures. as long as you don't.....
    Keep Shoving DDT down there Throats.

    When Falcons start to grow... Opposing Thumbs, Create Civilization and Rule the Earth.
    That's the time I will start to consider a lesser species an... EQUAL.


    My Point Being:

    If they do not want you playing in there Cat Box. They will Throw Every Excuse at you.
    to keep you from Threatening there little word they have created around them and
    Undermining there strangle hold of Control they have... Created just for ...YOU..
    In my opinion the Park Services can...Kiss My ASS.

    Our... Worthless...Piece of Crap Lawyer, Rolled over on us.

  13. FABER...coming to the N.W.

    Is that what you are saying... ?

    Out of all the freaks on the BASE-web that I read the writing of and want to put a face behind it.
    This has my curiosity peeked out.
    I will most definatly want to take a Look at Him... :S

  14. HEY.....From what I Hear.....
    it's... Basically a small hole slider
    Basically just a slider built with a finer mesh for higher drag that is the same mesh that's on your skydiving Pilot-Chute.
    If I am recalling correctly ?, the term is actually supposed to be... "marquisette".
    I hear people just call it,.... Small Hole Mesh.........;)

  15. AHHHHHHHHH....CHESssNUT - (a nic...ism) ...
    This must be said with a very loud and obnoxious, grumbley, course & alcohol induced voice.

    long time no see
    You are not the only degenerates. Nick sucked Zaz, DJ and Me into that team also.
    Man it's been awhile./ good times / miss ya...and even think about you sometimes

    also: DJ, might have some video . he's got box full of old dv tape.

  16. I don't think he is afraid.

    But..... Manbirds doctor called me today.

    I know if Steve ( could ) come on this forum Himself and tell you. He Would....:)

    The Tests were Positive.
    The doctor confirmed he did have a large yellow streak running the entire length of his BACK...;)

  17. Just a coincident but we have a Antenna of similar height.
    Most of us are about average in health and it takes us about 30-45 minutes
    depending on how many breaks or how much talking we do on the way up.

    But......there are others like ManBird (steve) who just never makes it to the top...... ;)

  18. Whenever I feel and think I am an Excellent BASE jumper.....
    I pat myself on the back and go to another Competition or a event.

    Then when I am there...
    I actually meet and learn from jumpers that are Truly Talented and Far Better than I think I am.

    Along with upping your learning curve every event.
    I have the opportunity to jump with people from other countries in the world that normally I would never
    see or talk to. Let alone jump with.
    You jump with people that stand-out of the crowd for, Good Reason.
    Some jumpers at these events are World Class.... that Prick of a Aussy... Douggs is one of them. ;)

    You find that talent and skill is not just limited to friends in your own back yard.

  19. Ahhhhhhh.... not DW canopy...but

    I new that I saw Good, Solid Pressurization on that canopy.
    The canopy was one of Stane's... toys

    It was a... New Troll / Atair - Prototype.

  20. the video say's V-1....DW

    Is that Stane's new canopy......??
    Robert was flying on that Short canopy Ride.
    A little low but not shitty-low / looked good and positive on the pressurization.

    I heard it was about due for sale.