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Everything posted by xine100

  1. He's adorable! Ridgies are great dogs (I've got one too) and I definitely agree with the crate training idea- I don't think I would have survived his puppyhood without one! At a year and a half old, he still curls up in his crate when he's tired. Also- get your pup into obdedience training as soon as possible. Ridgebacks can be very independant and headstrong and respond best to "positive reinforcemet" type of training - it will make your life alot easier if you start his training when he's still a cute cuddly little bundle that follows you everywhere! Good luck!
  2. Come on now Tony- tell me that one didn't really stump you. Oh well, guess we know who got the brains in the family!
  3. This is Koa our 10 mo old Rhodesian ridgeback: the self appointed greeter and fly hunter of our DZ.
  4. Do you really have to ask? Hell yes- its undignified and cheapens what you do. It's downright sleezy. Particularly if you're the one trying to 'sell' the idea... frequently... to every hot chick that you meet.
  5. xine100

    Sabre 2

    That's what prompted me to ask for info: I haven't seen anything listed as a fatality related to a hard opening on a Sabre 2.
  6. xine100

    Sabre 2

    Not at all. I asked his opinion and he gave it to me. Irresponsible would be if I were to take that opinion without question. Thanks for all the input!
  7. xine100

    Sabre 2

    I was just looking for info- never said I wasn't going to demo one anyway!
  8. xine100

    Sabre 2

    Thats exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
  9. xine100

    Sabre 2

    I'm looking at some canopies to demo, and I asked one of our riggers if he knew anything about the Sabre 2. He said there have been a couple of fatalities related to very hard openings, and that he didn't recommend them. I've been looking around a little, but can't find any info on these fatalites, and I've seen mostly good reviews of the Sabre 2- am I missing something?
  10. I had the same problem until one of my instructors told me to flare on the THIRD "Oh Fuck!". Haven't had a problem since!