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Posts posted by skipro101

  1. So its not a big deal to buy a new container when just off student status?

    I havnt jumped a 190 or 210 yet (only a 290 student), but i dont see how I can without buying dropzone doesnt have anything to rent besides 290 and up.

    Im not sure I want to buy a mirage container for a 210 if i plan on downsizing a year later. I dont have the kind of money (the kind of money that allows one to loose that much by selling it used).

    It seems the best deal would be to buy used and then keep downsizing untill i find what I like (which might take anywhere from 40-150 jumps) and then buy new.

    but...99% of whats for sale is like 170s and 150s and 130s ....i hardly ever see rigs with 210 mains....

    PS...what do you think of this ad...

    FOR SALE: Mirage M6/Spectre 210/PD176R/Cypress
    Great rig for new or bigger jumper.Mirage M6 with large harness Spectre 210 with 400 jumps and a PD 176 reserve with no jumps.Asking $2700.
    Am downsizing and need to sell. email for more info or pics

    obviously i wont have to take the spectre out and put in a more docile canopy.....


  2. Hey.

    I am only a few jumps away from completing my AFF course.

    I am 210lbs (without gear) and I am 6'2''

    I am lost as to what to do next with gear.

    I will try and make this as consise as possible...

    I eventually want a mirage g3.

    I dont know what canopy I will want.

    I am being encouraged to purchase a new rig (since I have the money for it). but this is by people who stand to make money off my purchase.

    I do not want to buy a new rig and then have to downsize 50-100 jumps later and loose all that money.

    My options that I know I have are:

    1. Buy used, sell after 50-100 jumps at about the same price I paid for, then buy new. (sounds nice, but has its own headaches)

    2. Buy a new rig fitted for the size of canopy that I think that I will want , then stuff a 190 safire into it by utilizing a longer closing cord and then when I downsize Ill just put a shoter close cord in and be good to go.

    problems: I cant seem to find a used rig that fits me and is a good deal. I also dont like dealing with all the bargening, and such. Also, I am afraid that if i buy used, i wont be able to sell it when I want to, or will loose a lot of money in order to sell it when i want to.

    I get different stories from people about buying your rig for a certain size and using a different size.. in other words, some people say its a good idea to buy it new if you can and just stuff a bigger canopy in there by modiying the cord length. Others say no, you want to order your rig for the size of canopy that you are going to be using and then stick with it.

    Also, if I order a mirage m4 fitted for a sabre 170 (with the intent of modfying it to fit a safire 190), then I be assuming that I can find a safire 190 used (i wont want to buy a new canopy and then turn around and sell it after 50 jumps..ill have to get it used)

    So I might be stuck with a brand new m4 mirage g3 and cant find a canopy that has enough square feet for me to jump safely but will still fit in the rig!

    oh sheesh, this is supposed to be fun but its all headaches,

    any advice? :S

  3. Hey.

    I am going to be graduating from AFF soon and have the money to buy a new rig.

    But should I? I dont want to purchase a new rig and pay that price only to find out that in a few months I am wishing that I had a smaller container for my newfound confidence (however poorly misplaced:}

    I am 210lbs, 6'2 and am very muscular

    I am probably going to get a 210sqft ZP main.

    If i skydive a soon do you think I will outgrow this container (ie, want a main that is too small for it...)

    How is resale value on rigs??do they loose their value as fast as cars?


  4. Hey ya'll

    I recently purchased an AFF certification package at a local dropzone. I had never been skydiving before.

    I love it.

    My first two dives were AFF can meet the AFF level I and 2 TLO's going tandem.
    I did extremely well. My instructor couldnt get over how well I did. He even decided to throw in a fast spin on my second dive and I recovered easily.

    I am feeling good up to this point.

    He decides to take me AFF level 3 with just him holding on to my one side.

    I totally failed.

    First, I kept potato chipping all around (i think this is because i lost leg awareness). He kept shaking me to get me to arch and I did...but for some stupid reason I pulled my legs up to my butt.

    I lost altitude awareness.

    My instructor at this time was still holding onto me (he noticied that one of my risers was out and flapping around and did not want me to get cought up in it and pull...)

    At around 6k I looked at my altimiter and decided that I was out of control and needed to pull. I reached for my handle but could not find it.
    I was reaching too far back (i was used to pulling his handle with the tandem...)

    at about 5k he pulled for me.

    The canopy control/landing etc went excellent after this.

    We had drilled repeatedly on pulling with my student rig..but for some reason I just panicked at kept reaching far back

    contributing factors...

    I had on a very small jumpsuit for my size..i fell like a instructor on the other hand had a loose jumpsuit and is about 40lbs lighter than me so he was above me and I could not see his handsignals.

    Also, I was used to the tandem rig and failed to realize where my handle was...even though we practiced like a million times.

    My problem is this....

    Im afraid now that the next time I go up, I wont be able to control myself really hoping that it was just my leg control that was making me rock back and forth....