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Posts posted by skipro101

  1. Quote


    you might want to reevaluate your definition of the word intelligent.

    why is that?

    Because even the "experts" disagree on what intelligence really is. Think of the terms "book smart" and "street smart".

    I mean, according to some people, anyone who is an astrophysiscist and spends 80hrs+/week for most of us adult life studying math forumulas is...well...stupid. And, those who relax and have fun their entire life, are smart...regardless of whether or not they score below a 70 on the IQ test.

    The experts even argue about whether or not the IQ test even tests what it is trying to test "read:book smarts"...let alone if it corrolates to what is, really, smartness.

  2. Quote

    check with the student activities office at the university and see if they have any information on the club. Here at Miami University (just down the road from you) the activities office keeps all that stuff on file and would know what was going on.

    If you come up empty, you guys could always join forces with the MU club and get our prices and discounts and stuff at Richmond.

    Good Luck!

    Im gana try that tomorrow.

    Thanks but no thanks on the joining forces thing.. I like to go just about everyweekend..and i dun think we will be driving to Indy that often :P

  3. I am trying to get ahold of anyone who is a member of the kent state skydive club (preferably some officers). I want to join, or if the club is dead...take over operations. The url links to canton airsports...

    and canton air sports claims that they are their home dz. However, canton air sports ftp server is open

    and one can see pages for many universities (ohio state included) claiming that canton-airsports is their home dz.

    However, OSU has their own webpage and states that Aerohio is their home dz (which I know is correct).

    there is even a template

    I am a little confused here. Could Roger (DZO of canton airsprots) let me know whats up? Or, if anyone else on here either knows contact information of any KSU skydive club members, or is a club member themselves please contact me..

    I just want to join KSU's club. (the contact information at , including the phone numbers and emails are incorrect.


  4. Quote


    the original design had water streaming down the glass and people would just pee into the window...

    I've done that before. was at a Perkin's restaurant outside Spokane, WA. and wasn't a was a picture window with some poor people sitting at a table on the other side trying to eat omelettes. :D I was so plowed I had to ask my buddy the next day why the hell the people in Perkin's were staring at me so hard. I didn't remember the whole peeing part. :D:D:D:D


  5. Quote

    Have somebody any pictures from old mirage from National Parachute Industries.

    Does someone have any pictures of an old mirage? The picture should be from National Parachute Industries

    ...a friendly service helping aliens adapt to the english tounge.
