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Posts posted by skipro101

  1. As I understand it, its longer and narrower, and has the option of fancy leg straps (ugly and unneeded I think)

    "We tapered the main container to improve aerodynamics and ease of packing. We also shortened the reserve container, and made it slightly thicker at the shoulders. The result is a more streamlined and
    integrated shape which also provides some subtle functional improvemen"

    I didnt go for the G4, instead, I got the G3 with all the otions (unisyn and all stainless, etc)
    My G3 will be here this week!

  2. I have never voted.

    If someone came to my door with a ballot and a pencil in hand, I might take the time to vote. If this happened, I would vote whoever I thought was cooler. I think Bush is cool. He can fly jets and he is a cowboy. What more could you want in a president?

  3. Quote

    I've got an idea:
    Switch skydiving. You laugh, but hear me out.

    Several years ago while I was in school, and getting loans and grant money to fund my education, some fellow skydivers and I came with a brilliant idea. If the DZ could formulate a several year skydiving course that would say, prepare you to be a professional skydiver, and then get accreditation for the program, you'd be able to major in skydiving. You could get financial aid for it, some kind of degree (ratings, licenses). People do it for airplane pilots, why not skydving?

    Imagine getting a state or federal grant to too!


    Now THAT is dreaming! :)

  4. Quote

    Yeah, really. I could think of worse things:P I thought about getting a trailer and living at a dz, but dammit, got.. to.. finish... college.. *sigh*.

    Hey, I hear ya. I've got a Calculus test tomorrow that i'm *almost* ready for, and a Chem test next Monday that i'm fearing like the plague. And, here I sit, typing away.

    Sometimes I wish they'd ban my IP from this site.


    haha, you know how im feeling then! I didnt even mention the Chem test this friday for me and the Diff EQ test this upcomming monday!

    someone shoot me

  5. Quote

    From a rational point of view, I don't think we should ever delude ourselves. If you are not totally cool with the fact that you could die on any jump, you probably shouldn't be jumping. I laugh when I say that because I sound like some hardass from a bad skydiving movie, but it's the truth. The choice to skydive is based on economics. You weigh what you can gain versus what you can lose and make a choice.

    I honestly think a lot of people delude themselves. I haven't been in the sport a long time or watched someone die, so I could be wrong. But often I hear someone say that after seeing a gruesome incident they take some time off and reconsider why they jump. Taking time off out of respect for the dead, or because you are so depressed you don't want to jump is one thing, but to say that you are re-evaluating why you jump, based on what you saw, implies that you were unaware of that possibility before. If you can't picture something like that before every jump and imagine it's you, I don't think you're being honest with yourself when you exit that door. And I don't claim to be entirely immune to this self-deluding either...

    I dont think you realize what seeing something like that can do to you. You can tell yourself all you want that you know it can happen, but I think if you actually saw it, you probably would take some time off just like he did..

    I am an EMT and I have seen some really severe trauma. There is nothing like a piece of glass through the eye or an arm that was torn off an MVA victum to make you re asses your seatbelt wearing practices or speed limit driving habits!

  6. So here I sit having spent over 5k on AFF/license training and new gear and on the verge of getting lower than a C- in a course that is required for me major (with a test tomorrow that I should be studying for) and im surfing the forums and just bought a skydive t-shirt.

    im afraid im going to end up like the people who live in trailers at the dz.

  7. Its good to hear that everyone knows what im talking about. Ive been watching some freefly videos (what im interested in) and have been talking to my coaches.

    I think once my gear arrives (1.5 weeks!) I will feel better. I wont have to have a different rig every time with a different handle in different places on 15 year old gear etc etc...

    I think I will feel much better with that rig.
    I cant jump this weekend so I ought to have my gear by the next time I jump....NO MORE STUDENT GEAR!....

    I think this will help

    Thanks for all the comments, you people rock.

  8. I am almost at 25 jumps and am about to get my A license. I have spent 4400 on gear and 1.8k on training.

    Now I sit here, reading the incidents forum, watching malfunctions on and im



    Do any of you get this way? Question whether or not you should be doing this?

    I guess it might have something to do with having two malfucntions in a row (both two outs)...

    I dunno. I just got this feeling in my stomach like...It would be so incredibly easy to die.

    Its even worse on the plan ride up....

    While in freefall I am constantly worried about not being able to find my handle. On my last two jumps I pulled 1.5k higher than I was supposed too..on purpose...because I had that gut feeling.

    I hope this goes away.

  9. Does anyone know if it may be possible in the future to retrofit an existing non relative workshop rig with a skyhook??

    I want my mirage to have one...

    It doesnt look like there would be technical just sits in between two of the flaps on your reserve.....

    c'mon relative workshop...license it out

  10. Its actually really light.

    I am more concerned with the profile. It is big.

    I dont plan on trying it...I can see my handles, I am just too worried about something snagging on it with its big profile....

    It's not that I think I need to protection offered by it, I just always hear of full face skydiving helemts falling apart. That combined with their price really turns me off to buying one....

    I think I will just fork it over and go with a bonehead...those look like they are made well....

    Thanks everyone

  11. How safe is it to use gear from other sports?

    I really am dissapointed with the quality and cost of the crappy full face skydiving helmets out there today. from all ive seen, they suck.

    visors come up, pads come unstuck, and to top it off, they are still like 300 bucks.

    My question, is would it be safe to use moto racing helemts?

    I have a 500 dollar street racing helmet. Its 100X better quality that the skydiving full face helmets. Would it be safe to use for skydiving?


  12. I am just a few jumps away from my A license.

    I want to go immediately into a canopy control course.

    Do most DZ's have these or are there only like a few each year?

    I am pushing the envelope on what is a safe wing loading for a new jumper. I plan on renting for a little while before I use my new gear (wont be here for a few weeks anyway). But I also want to take a control course.

    So, how much do they usually cost and how many hours is the training?

    Also, is there like classroom work and such or is it just show up, pay some money, spend a day with a coach and then go home.'

    Id rather get something that is more...formal and extensive.

    any info would be appreciate (especiially from AEROHIO and CLEVELAND skydive people)


  13. I am really sad...

    I was starting to like the idea of getting a hornet instead of the more expensive sabre II. Now I find out its not made anymore and the replacement (pilot) is much closer to the sabre II price.



  14. "When the people look like ants-PULL,
    When the ants look like people-PRAY."

    "Out of 10,000 feet of fall, always remember that the last half inch hurts the most." -- Captain Charles W. Purcell, 1932

    "Skydiving: It is not just a matter of life and is much more important than that."

    "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -- Helen Keller

    "Only skydivers know why the birds sing."

    "All people who live, die. But, not all people who die have lived."

    "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

    "The coward dies a thousand deaths."

    "You may never get rid of the butterflies, but you can teach them how to fly in formation....."

    "I tell new jumpers that the Cypres software is written by Microsoft. They know I'm joking but it gets the point about infallibility across." - Skratch Garrison

    "Want more altitude? - take it off the bottom."

    How does a blind parachutest know when to open his chute?
    When the lead on his guide dog goes slack.

    "You do not need a parachute to skydive.
    You only need one to do it twice

  15. its because the 190 sabre will fit in my container but a 210 wont...

    but a 209 safire or 210 spectre will.....

    the container actually is sized for a 170 sabre so when i want to downsize....i can still use the same rig.


  16. yay for me. I just ordered my first rig.

    Mirage G3 with

    Unisyn Harness
    Freefly BOC
    Soft Reserve
    All Stainless
    And the colors are baddass as well!


    I orderd a tony freefly suit 1 week ago with matching colors.


    I ordered a PD reserve

    they should be here by the time I get off student status!


    did i say YAY!??
    yea, i did say YAY!!!:)

  17. I have decided to buy used. Now I jsut need to find something that fits.

    I also plan on going to another local dropzone that has 220-290 mains to try out in their student gear....this should help me find out what i want.

    Right now im keeping my eyes peeled for something around a 220 main. Im 6'2'' so the main lift web needs to be approx 18inches.....

    Thanks everyone