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Posts posted by Kirils

  1. I know a "wing-over" as pendulum type manuver that swings you over the top of the canopy, kinda like a loop. It's accomplished by alternating toggles. Your path is like tracing a mobius strip. If the G force is high enough you will invert and not fall into the canopy. A fellow from my DZ did it with my HeatWave at a 1:1 loading. He went to the apex, the canopy collapsed and he fell off to one side of the bottom of the canopy. Luckily it cleared, but it was a very low pull.
    I personally haven't done it under canopy, but as a former pilot I would pull the nose high and use rudder to kick the plane over (like going into a spin) then neutralize with opposite rudder. It was like doing a cartwheel.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  2. OK, I'm really out of my league in this forum. I must confess total ignorance... I beg your patience.
    I have purchased an Nvertigo-X helmet, and my PC-9 is on the way. I am broke now and still have to hook the camera to the helmet. Paragear shows a "roll-cage" to hold the camera, but for another $200.00?? Ouch!! And a sight...another big ouch in the wallet! Is there a cheap way to mount this thing??
    I had no idea it would get this costly.
    OH Great SkyGod of the camera, I humbly ask you to forgive my ignorance and thank you for any advice.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  3. I just received my Xaos-21 from Precision. These lines are freaky! I don't think angel hair pasta is that thin! The canopy
    is well made. I was disappointed that the hot pink I ordered looks more like purple and there were no instructions or any rigger info included, just an invoice and the canopy in a box. I will be flying it on Christmas day. Does anyone know if there is anything special I should know about this canopy?
    Good flying to you!
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  4. When my fiance' was looking at rigs earlier this year, she bought the Triathlon over the Omega. The Tri had a much better flare, and coming off student status safe landings were important. I did't jump the Omega, but have about 20 on her Tri. It's a good product. I personally would buy a Diablo over
    both of the others. The Diablo is a real performer and well worth taking the time to demo. REMEMBER: try before you buy!
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  5. My partner and I went to SkyVenture. It was the best money I think I've spent for training! We both had 40 min over 8 sessions. What am incredible tool to fine tune RW. It brought to my attention problems I never realized were there. (my flying was really sloppy). Down side: I don't think it's a great tool for freefly training. Head down was impossible and it was tough getting into a sit.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  6. You've had "25 partials"? Wow, that's just too many. There is a problem, no one should have that much trouble! No wonder you are skiddish at opening time! Get a qualified rigger to review your gear and packing technique. Skydiving is FUN and it appears you are getting cheated out of the enjoyment do you!
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  7. I've heard 1 mal per 600 jumps is an average. But I've had 4 reserve rides in my first 200 jumps...go figure. Fine tune your packing techniques. Never be in a rush. Do gear check checks like your life depended on them (it does!) Think and fly responsibly. My friend has 2000+ jumps with no chops, and she owes it to a strict methodology.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  8. Oh' Skymama you are showin' your age if you remember the Flintstones' and the Grand Puh-Ba. Do you remember the cheer? (grin)
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  9. For what it's worth....
    I have purchased equipment from most all the big distributors.
    I keep going back to Roy at Rigs&Things (Paraservice). He's good on pricing BUT his service is the best. You buy stuff from Roy and have a problem with it, he will make it right.
    I wish the other companies had such personalized service.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  10. On my canopy the slider pockets are on a flap the size of the normal slider's huge! It hangs over the nose. I only quarter the main area. (I consulted with a rigger about packing it when I bought it). After this incident I'm trading it in on a Xaos-21. I am being evaluated for surgery today...
    I never really was aware how critical sliders can be to a safe opening. I know now.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  11. My 120 has a pocketed slider. It has worked great, I have always had good openings...till last week. I don't know how it happened , but the pocketed flap on the slider twisted around the slider itself and on opening it spanked me good. I have kidney damage from that opening and am out of the sky for at least 2 months. MY point: Be wary of any canopy that has a pocketed slider. It's been added as an easy fix for a design problem in the canopy.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  12. Read, study, immerse yourself in the sport, but wait till you complete your AFF and then some before buying a rig.
    THEN, jump many different rigs, talk to experienced jumpers...take your time.
    Your rig is kinda like a marriage partner, a long engagement helps make for a better union. I know too many people (myself included) that have let their enthusiasm replace the need for experience and regreted the purchase of their first rig. Good luck!
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...

  13. A of mine in South Africa bought a Ninga. He really loves it. It's fast, with snappy turns and a great flare. BUT... it not the
    bomb the FX or the Xaos-21 an overloaded Cobalt are. It's a great chute for HP wannabees.
    Skydiving is not a static excercise with discrete predictability...