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Everything posted by elpeludo

  1. Hi sweety! Still can't stop saying"shit-piss-fuck, everytime something happen's at work. Ever try.......kucky,fucky?
  2. You are very fortunate not to put up with, bartsdaddy's antics he is very talented when it comes to (F#%@^*&) shit up... a real shit stirrer!!! GOD BLESS HIM!! Hook up with this clown and I guarantee ya' a real "shit and giggle time"!! Hey caress; I hear that the city of "San Bernardino" wants to tax his curb side business ...... and NO he ain't sellin just asschaps...BWahahahah Pat, you are a true "asshole" Don't worry, mammasan will find ya' a new position as senior (benny boy) BWahahahahahaha
  3. O.K. so payback is a...... bee- otch'... Hey; let's not forget what you also taught lil' Jeremiah. This is caresses lil' guy this came as a phone message.......funny shit! He too is flyingbrick's lil' guy too. Flyingbrick thought this was funny shit too! "what are close friend's for? and fun to be with..... to F#^&* with each other til we all cry from laughing so damn' hard. Caress this is for you bartsdaddy this ones for you and to flyingbrick...
  4. Not long ago; my bud....., began to teach a small phrase to my 5 yr. old son. On and off this went, til one day in class he said(with smile on face)............ "daddy rides the bologna pony" aahh shit! (My reply) to his teacher. Got any buddies like this too?;and what did your lil' one learn too? like poppa said... kid's say the darnest things!
  5. elpeludo

    25 jumps.

    Keep on heading for your skydiving goals! Hopefully ya' will be ready to attend WFFC in the near future too!!! May we someday meet and get our "knees in the breeze"! sincerely, el peludo[email]
  6. elpeludo


    My goodness...."miss Agnes" andsayin' You and I and everyone sure love them "booooobies"! Now let's see.....mmmmm Summer time is coming sooon for all us men to love...balloon's!!!!! Iam glad I am not lactose intolerant.
  7. Enough is enough!! I love my weapon and I love my gun; 1 is for shooting, the other for fun !! So we live in a violent world? It is what you and I make of it.... screw all you liberal bleeding harts out there and if you want......go live somewhere else!!! I love your opinion about this issue but,......the film really SUCKED!!!! better off to rent or buy a PORNO!!!! (F#%&*@!) more and bitch less ! Just might take up the offer on a bubble bath??
  8. Hi! And greeting's from southern California. This is me, "el peludo". On jump day; the weather was very warm, but smoky. Temp at altitude was around 60'F and WOW..... no jump suit to feel, but the full breeze "all" around!!!! I landed near the north end of the DZ..... gathered up my canopy and strolled on over to my truck. Betsy and Marsha from skydive Elsinore staff, I had to moon them, as I changed into my jean's and sandals. I enjoyed feeling FREE in FREEFALL!! Blue skies alway's. elpeludo[email]
  9. elpeludo is gonna be 40 and has a few "friend's" that dare him do a true suitless jump. His lil woman say's he is crazy enough to go through with this. Bartsdaddy say's he ain't got the balls... well we'll find out this Oct. 25 at skydive Elsinore. If you have any experience at this let us know! O.K. Pat; he knows what a pervert you both are, your comments are always welcome too! Sincerely married to a loving jumper..... his lil woman Jackie.