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Everything posted by norcaljumper

  1. Wow! you are investing way too much time on this. I think you need professional mental help otherwise you may just drive your car off a cliff.
  2. And it all YOU ever yelled when people were taking their time in the doorway!!! Pot, meet Kettle.....
  3. And how many times have you flocked or BASE jumped the SG to come to this conclusion? Or is this another attempt at trashing another wingsuit because it's not the V1?
  4. Through a very knownledgable source, I did. Ok, if you say so......
  5. I heard rumor that they had made too many changes to the Reflex design, thus had the TSO pulled on the rig. Also, I heard the guy that was doing the rigging quit not to long after they bought Fliteline Inc, and the rig again took a dive from lack of experience to build it. There is also no link to order one on the website. Rob
  6. Do you think there may be a chance for some freeflyers to do some jumps on the formation loads if they are not filled with all RW jumpers? This will give us a chance to practice for the bigger formation VRW when exiting 1 group from the 2 different planes?
  7. I have asked "Homie". Please tell me who the people are that are jumping the suits then? I was told a guy named Ed, Steve and JP were the only ones jumping the wingsuits, and they are no longer jumping there at Skydance. Have any names for me?
  8. I know Action Air in Davis CA, is a dealer and offers the course. ........................................................................... Action Air does sell the suits, but they have no BMI Instructors there to jump with, nor will they take the time to jump with you because they don't even have anyone there anymore that jumps a Birdman suit as I found out. They weren't very much help at all. I would email the Birman website to find someone..... Rob