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Everything posted by CantJumpYetSNG

  1. Dumpster is my dad. I love this sport and I'm incredibly grateful that he started cause that triggered my interest. I've always been a daddy's girl but I never thought that we would end up jumping out of an airplane together! Its also very fun to stay up late talking about it. There are so many things there is to learn about this sport and we both have great ambition for it... There is nothing better a father and daughter can share .... And to party with my dad is awesome too. You never get to really know your parents until you spend a day hung over with them. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  2. I just did my 9th jump today witch was my first hop and pop. I almost didn't do it but thanks to Tom who believes in me I went through with it. Anyway, as I pulled I look below me to see the biggest most wonderful grin I have ever seen on Tom's face. It just makes me so happy to see people in that state of mind. Its just another one of the many things that makes me love this sport so much. I can't wait to jump with my dad more because I know that it will bring us closer than we already are. Good TIMES!!! Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  3. You can't beat the feeling of free fall. But I wish it would last as long as the tunnel does. That way you have more time to enjoy. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  4. Yep I finally did it! After a trip to the tunnel and hours of classroom time with a drilling instructor I made my first jump. Everyone I have ever talked to about it was right. You can't explain the feeling. I have to thank my Dad for letting me do it...I think he might have been just as nervous as I was. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  5. Get my 1 hour of tunnel time is the first thing on my list. Then I can't wait to go through AFF with a couple of my favorite instructors. Jump with my Dad!!! Oh and buy myself gear. Yeeeaaah thats not all... but i think you can get the picture, right? Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  6. You are not only a nazi but it seems that you have become the preacher of all that is good and pure. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  7. I have been packing for a few people all summer and I still take my time. It would take me almost an hour just to get it into the bag at first. The more you do it you get faster, just gotta have patients. Good luck Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  8. What is there to be said about tunnel time? Except for that I need a lot. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  9. I pack for my dad and I'm finally getting used to it. Once i get to the point where I'm at least a little bit more confident then I might pack for others, if I'm not jumping myself. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  10. So what do I say to my Dad when he comes to talk to me about it. It bothers him so bad he is in tears and I can't help but listen and try to help, even though it's not my place. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?
  11. Ok, I'm 16 and I can't jump yet but my dad does. He loves it. It gives him time to be himself and relieve stress. The problem is that he and my mom don't agree on it. You see she is very well educated about the sport, she even worked in the office of the drop zone dad and i go to. My father is so upset about some of the things she says about him and how he has been since he started jumping. Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Do you have any advice for him or even me?
  12. I'm 16 and my father has been jumping for about 3 years now, I live in IL. I'm having a hard time finding a DZ that will let me do a tadem. I have this great ambition to get into the sky like you guys do. But I find it really hard to wait till I'm 18. I also have a goal of jumping at Burning Man in BRC someday, the sights must be so breathtaking, I have seen some pictures and read an article on it in one of last years issues of Parachutist. Oh yeah!?! So. What if I did eat all of the Oreos?