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Posts posted by storm1977

  1. Someone yelled at you for calling them black????

    Did you say.."Hey blacky", or did you just refer to them as black?

    That sounds pretty stupid. I am white, Barry bonds is black. That is just the way it is. Black is not a derogitory is an adjective.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  2. Thanks... Your the one who sold it to me..bastard!!!;)

    It is true, I have heard the Tri's are easier to pack. I tried to pack my friends sabre 170 just for shits and giggles.. I have to say that sucked.

    I am at work right now and there isn't much to do so I brought my rig in with me to practice packing. I just hope the boss doesn't show up and catch me. Oh wait...I am the boss :)

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  3. What bothers me is people that don't skydive that think accidents are funny. Example.

    I was watching AFV a while back and they showed someone at Bridgeday plow into a huge boulder sticking out of the river (under canopy). The guy bounces off and lands on his back about 10-15feet away. Everyone in the audience was laughing outloud... I am sitting on my couch thinking shit..he just busted his pelvis.

    Anyway, when we joke (as someone already mentioned) I think it is just the way some fo use cope with the fact that we are in stressful situations. It helps to kid around about what we know could happen to any of us.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  4. I don't really look back, but I sure as shit look up to watch the bag open. If it looks like it is going to twist, I trie and change body possition. I must say though, My canopy takes 1200 feet to open, so I spend a lot of time looking at it and my alti.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  5. Here is a cool type of cloud you don't see everyday. These clous often preceed severe thunderstorms. Sometimes they may show up just after ward. They are called Mammatus clouds and are cause by strong turbulence.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  6. A super cell thunderstorm as opposed to just an ordinary thunderstorm is one in which there is significant shear. That is directional differences in wind flow greater than 40 knots. This typically allows the normally straight inflow of a storm to Rotate while still maintaining straight line outflow/ gustfront.

    The image which is shown is that of the base of a "rotating" thunderstorm aka supercell. If a tornado were to form, it would be out of the cylindical looking wall cloud.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  7. Ari,

    I never did ask you while I was up at the ranch... Is it a real Chicken?


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  8. Hey everyone.

    Are there any tricks to getting the main in it's bag? I am reagy to throw my chute out the window. I am jumping a triathlon 190 it only has 10 jumps on it, and i can not get it in the bag. I have done it once, and it opened great, but I have practicing and practicing and I am getting piss off now.

    ps- I pro pack


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  9. Though it sux you had 18 stitches, that is pretty minor in this sport. Shit happens, we all know that, and if the consequences of your jumping are too high, then don't jump. The helmet is designed to protect you head from an impact (low speed) and that is exactly what it did. Did you suffer any problems with your head, or just your chin? The way I see it, the Helmut worked. Just speculation but, maybe the chin strap was too loose.

    Anyway, I would not be pissed at Bonehead, and if you are, just don't buy their product. Also, you are assuming as is the doctor, that the injury came from the chin strap. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't.

    Oh well, just be happy you are walking.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  10. Guess What... I am a meteorologist... That is not Isabel.

    Well defined wall cloud can only be caused by one thing ... Super cell thunderstorm. Definately not a hurricane


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  11. I can tell you right now it was PS'ed. Hurricanes do not have wall clouds.

    This is a pic of a supercell thunderstorm imposed on the water. Cloud heights in this pic are down to around 3K if not less, and that does not happen in Hurricanes. If you doubt me read my full profile.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  12. Quote

    BTW Clinton is not my "boy." I don't think he was an especially good president.

    I find that hard to believe Bill ;)

    Come on... turn this tread into a Clinton vs. Bush debate... You know it would be fun.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  13. Bill,

    You still haven't addressed the fact that your Boy Billy Clinton Knew there were WMD in Iraq... I want to know what you think....

    Come on Bill ....
    Let's here it.



    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  14. Quote

    And our war against them is different in what ways?

    Well first off our intended targets are not civilians. Our intensions are not to wipe out the entire country nor their religion. Our war was a calculated war agianst the leadership which breeds unfounded hatred toward a non agressive people (american civilians)

    If you even think that there is a comparison between 9/11 and the war in Iraq in a sense that they are both "terrorist" in nature, that I can not have this discussion with you. Simply because it shows you are not a rational person. Now, if I am misunderstanding what you are saying, please clear it up with me so I can continue.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  15. Quote

    Remember the antifrench "hate campaign" in the US media?

    Now, if the roles were reversed, do you think the US would send troops?

    I do remember that, and infact, I am still boycotting France and french products. I wouldn't call it a media Hate campaign as much as it was a "America wake up... realize for a minute what wee have done for these people, and ask yourself what they have done for us" campaign.

    Now, if the roles were reversed, what would I do?
    Personally I would tell them to Fuck themselves, however, politically I would help.

    This would be good for both sides, and it would help to ease some of the tension between the 2 countries. But there is something strange going on in France right now. It is sorta like "little Mans" disease. France right now is trying to Identify itself in the world. I think they feel insignificant and are trying to show who they are, or at the very least trying to show they have power. From the outside looking in it is a bit sad, and a bit annoying. I have read about the difficulties in the EU and if anything this proves my point even further. I know us Americans can be childish too sometimes, but I equate Frances behavior as of late to that of a little child that can't get his/her way.


    BTW do you agree with Bill O's last paragraph regarding "no rules"? I find this the worst part of the article. You loose the moral high ground if you think/act like that.

    Here Bill shows he is no politician, but, to some degree I agree. If another 9/11 happens in the USA, I for one am a supporter of a no rules conflict. Terrorist do not follow rules, that is obvious, and if it is the only way to stop them, then I am onboard. Are we to that point yet? NO i don't think so. Could it get to that? Yes, IMO it could.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  16. Mikkey,

    I applaud you for actually responding to the question, many woud not/did not. I agree with some of what you are saying, but let me say a few things. Fist off, in my post I made it Perfectly clear that this was an "OPINION" piece by BillO'.

    Now the point in this article was not to go into great detail on the fundimental problems with Islam, the middle east, the palistinian/isreali conflict. That has been done. The article assumes you know the complexities of the current conflicts of the world. We know they aren't as simple as they appear, however, this is an article not a 90 minute documentary.

    The bit about France....
    O'Reilly's argument is not about the pre-war argueing with France. (Talk about a complex issue) There are many reasons for the political turmoil w/France and the USA, but that is another story, and I have to say I side with the US. The issue at hand is this.

    Passing the most recent UN resolution would only help to stabilize Iraq sooner which is what everyone wants. There is no exit strategy because we need to be there for the long haul. Hell, we still have troops in Germany and I hope in 50 years from now we still have some guys in Iraq. (I digress) German and China both Strongly against the war back the current UN resolution. They recognize the war is over, and they (ger & CHina) realize they can benefit both financially and politically by helping out where they can. If France wants to help out, the US has reached its hand out, and France spit on. Again threatening to Veto this resolution. US soldiers are dying there and France knows that. So, instead of not participating which they could do, they are undermining other coutries efforts to help the US and UN. And to me that is an Insult.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  17. The comments about FRANCE are not due to the fact that the were going to VETO the Iraq war. The comments about France have to do with the fact that there is a new resolution to get the UN involed again in Iraq, and the French are determined to undermine that as well. Countries such as China and Germany currently BACK the new UN propsal which would bring the UN into Iraq, however, France again is threatening to veto if the UN doesn't have full control.

    After the US, England, Poland, and the Australians did the dirty work, why would we give full control to the UN? No country in their right mind would.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  18. I know a lot of people here don't like Bill O'reilly for many reasons. I don't really care, and I have seen many debate running over which way he leans. Again, I don't care. However, He has written an article which I though was pretty good, explaining in HIS opinion why we are in Iraq. His opinion in this case is much like my own.

    I think a lot of people in this country and in others have their own views on the US and its current forign policy, that is understandable. I also feel a great deal of people think this president has no motive other than persaonal revenge or greed over oil, to be in Iraq.

    This article was writen to put out there another view. If you think it is complimentary to Bush then you are wrong. O'Reilly believe it or not has been quite critical of the administration as of late, and though the article isn't Critical, it hints at a dissapointment in the Pres and his administration.

    by: Bill O'Reilly
    Wednesday Sept. 10, 2003

    For a country smack in the middle of World War III, we are certainly a blasé bunch.
    We're worried about how much fighting the people who want to kill us will cost and whether we have an "exit strategy" in Iraq.
    Craven politicians and crazed columnists are second guessing President Bush who, at times, looks like he's first guessing the nation's foreign policy.
    Since Mr. Bush, for some inexplicable reason, will not spell it out for you it falls on me to do so.
    There are around the world thousands of Islamic fanatics who want to kill Americans because they believe Allah is down with that.
    These people are taught from the time they are children that Jews and Americans are undeserving of life on this planet.
    There is no negotiation with the most of these zealots; there is nothing one can say to dissuade them.
    They want blood and they will use any and all means to get it.
    A number of nations help these killers and allow the murderous anti-American indoctrination to continue generation after generation.
    Iran, Indonesia, Syria, and Saudi Arabia are the most threatening to us, although the Saudis do have some pro-American government officials like Prince Bandar, its ambassador to the United States.
    Iraq used to be a terrorist enabler primarily by helping the homicide bombers kill civilians in Israel but Saddam Hussein was open to causing trouble for the USA however he could.
    The Islamic killers thrive on the Palestinian situation. As long as the Palestinians are denied a state of their own, the propaganda machine that demonizes Israel and America will roll along unchallenged in the Arab world.
    So the only way to break down the hatred many Arabs have toward us is to forge a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement that both sides can live with.
    In order for Israel to cooperate in this effort fully, it needs to feel secure. Having the Americans in Iraq helps that effort.
    Also, the USA needs a democratic outpost in the Middle East to put pressure on the terrorist states of Iran and Syria.
    A foothold in that region makes it infinitely more difficult for Al Qaeda to carry out its evil doing.
    Just the huge CIA presence in Iraq alone, gives the USA a major advantage in learning about terrorist operations before they hurt we the people.
    This nonsense about the United Nations rescuing America in Iraq is something Aesop would have published.
    The UN is a chaotic chamber with no sense of urgency about terrorism and no sympathy towards the USA.
    Now some of that antipathy might be justified but not when American lives are at stake.
    In a perfect world, all countries that aid and abet terrorism would be isolated and embargoed. But this is far from a perfect world.
    The failure of France, Germany, Russia and China to aggressively help America neutralize terror states is an outrage of historic proportions. France is the worst.
    The Chirac government lied to Secretary of State Colin Powell about enforcing the UN resolution demanding Saddam cooperate with the weapons inspectors.
    Then France actively undermined both the war and the occupation. President Bush should level with the American people about the duplicity of France and, to a lesser extent, Germany.
    I know this would cause an uproar but what the French have done to hurt America and Israel is unconscionable.
    At the same time, the Bush administration must begin earnestly persuading nations that are not overtly hostile to us that we don't want to dominate the world, we want to make it safe for everyone.
    Finally, World War III is unlike any war in history and mistakes will be made in the fighting of it.
    The Bush administration has the correct global view regarding terrorism but poor communications skills both within the country and abroad.
    The sad truth is that most people don't even know that World War III is underway and have little understanding of the strategies and stakes.
    But believe me, you and your family are in danger. We must stop the partisan bickering and acknowledge that brain-washed fanatics have us in their sights.
    And this time there's no Geneva Convention and no limits on deadly weaponry. This time there is no "exit strategy."
    It's us or them.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  19. Didn't the ACLU already go to court as far as the Balloting system was concerned. Didn't the courts rule in their favor and say that the system needed to be updated by 2004?

    So, then the ACLU was happy. Now, that there is a chance a Rep may get in office in Cali, the ACLU is freaking out and wants this stopped, so they are going back to court to say Wait!!!! we need this changed before 2004

    What are the Fucking odds that if it was a recall of a republican and it looked like a Democrat may win, that the ACLU would step in and try to postpone the election??????


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  20. Hey meat.... Looks like I won't have to eat my words after all. I am pissed off though... I was sorta hoping this bad boy would directly hit just west of me in NYC :-(

    Oh well, maybe next decade.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty