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Posts posted by storm1977

  1. sad but true... I copied it to Video and Phote with the hope someone there may know.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  2. I love John Stuart, and I would argue that it is neither right or left. It changes with the times. Let's face it they will never support any administration...The Daily Show's whole premise is to mock the news and the government.

    Put a lefty in the white house and they will mock them.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  3. A bit off topic, but does anyone know how to convert a .avi movie to an mpeg movie? Is there any freeware available?


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  4. I need to convert a .avi movie to an mpeg movie. Anyone know any freeware that does this????


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  5. keith,

    A troll??? Come on. We all knew where this thread was going. I just don't get it. I know Narci was drunk when he posted this but still. What is the point. Dude, Do what you want... Fuck men, Fuck women... whatever. But what is the point? Maybe I'm slow, but I just don't get it. Do you want marriage??? (Do you know what your asking for?) Who fucking cares, get a ring give it to him and have a ceremony what ever. Say your married. I just don't get any of it.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  6. I tend to agree with you that Hannity and Coulter are idiots, but I will argue that Franken is just as much of a Charactor Assassin and idiot as the 2 previously mentioned people. Listening to Franken blindly is just as dangerous.

    Al franken you must realize is a Radical lefty. Just as scarry a person as a radical righty.

    I (notice I said "I") would never vote for someone who openly associates with and befriends Franken.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  7. BRAVO!!!!! BRAVO!!!!!!

    Third, CNN's large "international" audience should not influence their angle at all. That's my point. Instead, their political headline does not report, it purports. They should not be "catering". This is one reason why CNN is no longer the top network in the US.

    Well said.

    The fact is, CNN's ratings have gone down. There is something else the public would like to see. To say fox news slants right and CNN doen NOT slant left is crazy talk.

    Quade, Bill - You don't like fox new... Fine, I get it. I don't like the Coverup News Network (cnn) Fine. But to say Fox is not telling the truth and is not a reliable sorce is crap. Back it up or I say, You are a Lier. All this shows you have little tolance for a "different" view. News unfortunately does have a spin and a slant. Not liking Fox is all the more reason why you should understand why I don't like CNN.

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  8. Oh yeah liberals proud they are tolorant...

    At a fund raiser for Dean the other night, Al Franken got up in front of the audience and said (good politics franken)

    Brit hume is an ASSHOLE!!! He is Fucking shameless. What a FUCKING SHAMELESS ASSHOLE.

    That is great Dean. I know I would want someone like that in my corner. In public at a political fund raiser which represents you... Not a smart man.

    You can learn a lot about a person by the company they keep.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  9. I am a newbie, and just bought a new tri 190. I've got 10 jumps on in and I have no complaints yet, except for the fact that it is a bit snivley. All of my openings have been more than 1000ft. I just plan for a really soft opening and pull a bit higher. My landings have been great, and from what I hear, the ZP material they use is not as slick as most, therefore it packs easier than let say a Sabre.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  10. No, but if you are going to make a statement, back it up. In fact the only thing I can think of was Bush say the other day that there was no connection. Other than that I personally have never heard of a connection. I have never heard anyone try to make one. I heard WMD.

    So, you made a statement... give me some facts. Just like I say to Clark. Who knows...Maybe clark is right, but show me some even a bit of proof the the Government got you taken off CNN. That is a pretty big accusation to make.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  11. I don't really get it....

    I don't remember being told Sadaam and OBL we friends or were connected. Can you refer me to the places where I can get that info?


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  12. Also as a side note the the Response time for the intersepts.

    In the mid to late 90's there was a good deal of Miliitary cut backs and base closures. Had this not been the case, maybe there would have been closer air bases than Barnstable County MA.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  13. Well, let me first say, i have no doubt there are/were WMD in Iraq. I have an idea fo you. I am going to hide 1 55 gallon drum in the state of MA. Now, go get 10k of your friends and come back when you find it.

    In case that doesnt work for you how about this.

    December 16, 1998 - President Bill Clinton.
    "Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors."

    So, for more than 5 years, the intelligence of the USA has believed Iraq has WMD and is willing to use it. So much so that BILL CLINTON AND GEORGE BUSH HAVE ACTED PREEMPTIVELY AGAINST IRAQ.

    So, I am taking politics out of it. I believed the intel in 98, and i believe it today.

    There are wmd's there somewhere. We know for a fact they were there at one point. Shit, they were used there, we can prove that. And both the Clinton and Bush administrations had good reason to believe they are still there.

    Not a small country you know.

    Now, OBL and Iraq ... I don't see the evidence, however, I don't think OBL is the reason we went to war with Iraq.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  14. I am a bit Confused about number 2. Call you local FAA HQ and ask to purchas the ETMS flight data for the eastcoast. You will clearly see jets were scrambled.

    Contact was not lost exactly how you think. For instance, a plane is not in communication at all times especially when a route is preplanned. Communication typicall happens when a flight is passed from one sector to another sector, or when there is traffic or rerouting.

    On 9-11, the two jets from Boston were in communication for a considerable amount of time. Ironically, NY tracon was talking with one flight about a potential hijacking just before that plane was hijacked too.

    When the first plane changed course in western MA and headed toward "J6" (flight route south) N90(FAA name for NY TRACON) called to the plane. There was no response. N90 then contacted another nearby plane. They were asked to get a visual on the potential hijacked flight. They did, and the United flight was asked to stay with them. Now, the two planes were only about 120 miles from NYC and all of a sudden N90 lost communication with the second plane. ETMS data shows the planes actually almost collided.

    The next move for the FAA was to contact ZBW (Boston Center) Since the airspace over laps in those areas at different altitudes. There could havve been a frequencey issue, and it is entirely possible the planes were talking to ZBW, or ZNY instead of N90. By this time one of the planes was now just 60 miles from NYC traveling DAMN Fast. The second plane had gone back north. All concern went to the first plane, and the thinking was the second plane wasn't an issue (initially).

    We know what happened next. Now, the FAA still did not know this was a hijacking since there was no transponder code to show this. The Interceptors were called shortly after the first impact. However, the nearest base was in Cape Cod MA. 4 times as far away as the second plane was. The planes took off within 6 minutes of the call. It took the interceptors nearly 12.5 minutes to reach NY. By that time the second plane had hit.

    As for the other 2 planes... Jets too were scrambled. There is a bit of speculation that the plane down in PA was shot down, but that is speculation. There was a jet trailing the fourth all the way to DC, but it didn't get there in time.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  15. I just saw a thread about jumping where the ground is at 5Kft above SL.

    I have a question... For the DZ's where this is the case, is maximum altitude w/out O2 9,999ft? If so, that sucks...


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  16. I could never quite understand the need to take your clothes off and jump. It has to be the ugliest naked thing in the world (IMO). Chicks tits turn into upside down cereal bowls, and guys dicks end up whacking against their balls and ass....

    Not My Cup Of Tea.

    God forbid you femured on a naked jump... That would be interesting for the paramedics to see...


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  17. Well, directly from the horses mouth:

    Previously, Clark claimed publicly that after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, he was pressured by the Bush administration to link the attacks directly to Iraq. When pressed on Fox News' Hannity & Colmes show, Clark refused to name White House names and instead fingered a public policy think tank in Canada.

    "I personally got a call from a fellow in Canada who is part of a Middle Eastern think tank who gets inside intelligence information. He called me on 9/11," Clark said.

    What I find funny is this other story that the white house got him off CNN. He makes these accusations on TV where he has an audience, but then says, well, i don't have the proof, but those are the rumors...


    "Apparently they called CNN. I don't have all the proof on this because they didn't call me. I've only heard rumors about it."

    If you would like to read the whole article here it is.,2933,95714,00.html

    That is crap... Apparently they called...

    Why General is that apparent? What proof makes it apparent?

    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

  18. I have had a lot of people to help... Thank God. It is just annoying that's all. I can't manafest quick, because the DZ packers are busy with the tandem rigs, and it takes me forever.

    The funny thing is, the first time i tried to pack it, i got in the bag on my first go around. It took me maybe 5 mins to flake fold and bag it. I was quite impressed with myself, then I got to thinking...That was too easy.. Did I fuck up? Is it going to open?

    Well, it worked but, it has been a bitch of a time ever since. I guess it will just get easier every single time.

    In the beggining I would just stare at it, and didn't know which were my A's, B's, C's .... I have gotten used to looking at it now and I can pick the nose flake it and roll the tal in about 2 mins. So, I feel I have progressed a lot. I really like this canopy because it has a lot of memory. Once I stuff the nose in my legs, the canopy lays open perfectly. I almost don't even need to flake it everything is already in place. I go through the motions anyway.


    Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty