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Posts posted by redramdriver

  1. I have a Safire 2 229. Great Canopy. Can't say about the Sabre 2 cause I have never jumped one. Although, I did have a Spectre 230 and enjoyed it as well. As far as customer service....SUCKS. Don't waste your time or your coin in calling and talking with anyone because they forget about you as soon as you hang up. But, as said, great canopy.
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  2. Beth, It really was nice meeting you in person. We had a great day of some really nice dives..although we could have used some more altitude huh. The skies sorta closed in on us a little, but we got one low one in before they decided to fly home to Erie. Thank you for the nice compliment...sweet lady...come back out and see us again before you have to leave. Let us know if you need a ride, we can and are always driving too. Ram and the Mrs.
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  3. I voted for #1. I think if your planning on doing any jumping in warm/warmer/hot/humid type weather the other ideas are just simply gonna suck all the heat right in and make it cool for the rest of us..
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  4. Well there you go, twisting my arm ever so firm, so I guess I'm going to be there. Will be there on Friday and to have Sunday to drive back home. Looking forward to meeting and jumping with some LI folks. BTW...any Anvils wanna eat up some altitude w/me??
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  5. Our DZ only pie's when you get 1000 jumps or very very few pie's there...sorta boring, so if ya want to NOT be pied, come to our dz...
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  6. I have 1 ring. It has gotten pulled a little from my chest strap from time to time. I have never put anything over it, but it has long since been healed up. The little crusties as you put it, you should wash them dailing and move and/or rotate the ring and keep the movement as free as you can. Don't go to long without a complete cleaning of them. You should do fine with the bandaid, or better yet, some of the "paper" tape type stuf that is cheap, comes off easily, and doesn't leave adheasive on you as much. It may even stay put better then the Band-Aid. Just try what you feel is best. Remeber, it only hurts when your chest strap pulls it, or if you are pulling it !!! Blues
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  7. My Wifes parents are Croatian Citizens by birth and live in NYC...My wife was born in NYC but has a dual citizenship...I meet my wife here in the US. Yes I have also been to Dubrovnik and loved the harbor and the ships from all over the world. Keep in touch, we are looking forward to going "home" not this summer but next in 2006 for a holiday. Blues
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  8. Dobrodoslaj, my wife is Croat, from a little village called Srima, which is inbetween Sibenik and Vodice, on the Dalmatian coastline. Wonderful country, can't wait to go back...only know a few words..yeah they are the dirty ones :$, visited 2 years ago and next year will go again for maybe 3 weeks. Might even get to Italy or someplace for jumping! Blue Skies!!!!
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  9. Yo...there are a few of us on here that jump there. Why are you waiting till the weekend of the 17th? This weekend looking prettyt good. If you look around while your there...I might be there...Big Guy, Wings Rig,,,quite RED. Name on my profile...see ya in the sky
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  10. 6'1.5"...250 Amazon said it better....5'13.5" weight is the same...imagine that, for a minute i thought i might be lighter...
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  11. Thats just sssssssiiiiicccckkkkkk all that red and black stuff flying outta the sky...
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  12. Take the route that is free of pot holes, expensive gas, and lousy food. Well 2 outa 3 aint bad. But, hey, you went to school in CORNvalley whatcha expect. Lived in Albany OR for about 3 1/2 years long time ago. Still have some friends out that way. Damm, now why did the Army send me here to Albany Oregon, awww right recruiter duty, yepp.
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344

  13. No, no camping out for us. My wife parents own an apartment complex in the city, Sunnyside to be exact. So since my inlaws are in Europe, their summer home, we are staying at their (her, only child kinda place) home for the week. Driving back and forth, yeah its a trip but hey, no hotel, place to sleep, eat, play, party etc....and the inlaws aren't there so it won't be that bad. Just the damm parking is a pain in the ass and the birds shitting on my car etc...but hey its worth it...And rumor has it that Ankie Berry and her hubby from Sunrise Rigging (Wings) may be there as well. Although I have no conformation on that. We will just have to wait and see. But yes we will be there. So we may have a spot for someone to ride out from the city.
    So, you bring your beer?

    Its 5 o'clock somewhere
    POPS #9344