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Posts posted by muff528

  1. quade

    A prediction retroactive to 12 days ago?

    ACA is already in effect therefore it's already "after" and your prediction hasn't come true.

    Yeah, instead of "after" I should say something like "as a result of".

    300000000+ people.

    How many are right now (12 days into the law) "covered" by some form of ACA-compliant "insurance"? (signed up, premiums paid, coverage in effect)

    How many of these are now being treated under their ACA-compliant policies?

    How many of 300M are covered under policies which have been exempted by decree from "minimum coverage" requirements? Presumably, these are policies which are not contributing to the "pool" of money which funds procedures which are covered under the minimum standards of the ACA. (for example, with my ACA-compliant plan, I am paying for obstetric and gyn. coverage for my son and myself, thereby contributing to the collective for services we will never receive.)

    How do folks who have lost coverage and have not yet been able to replace that insurance receive medical care for illnesses they have right now?

    HHS is cooing over a million here, a few hundred thou there logging on and signing up at healthcare dot gov. A few do follow though but many are looking at the prices and bailing out. Long way to go to get to full compliance, even though it has been the law of the land for 12 days.

    Also - I see a little humor in claims by Obama and Sebelius that the number of folks trying to sign up and jamming the website is indicative of the popular demand for this abomination. They are trying to sign up because it's the freaking law! That is why. People generally try to follow the law.

  2. kallend


    The difference is that before the ACA, these decisions were made by insurance companies, doctors and patients/families with some consideration for the patient. After ACA, they will be made by government bureaucrats .


    You should check your facts BEFORE making an ass of yourself.

    I can't be right or wrong yet. I'm only making a prediction.

  3. jclalor


    The difference is that before the ACA, these decisions were made by insurance companies, doctors and patients/families with some consideration for the patient. After ACA, they will be made by government bureaucrats for the benefit of the ACA and the collective ...not the patient.

    Decisions for whether some types of expensive medical care we're never made by the family, the doctor or the patient. These decisions were made by the insurance company or their appeals board.

    Guess which way they leaned 99% of the time?

    99% ??? Cite. If their decisions were based strictly on economic considerations, they need to be sued. The patient either was or was not covered for a given procedure or treatment. Experimental or non-standard treatments could be considered by a "life-panel" to evaluate whether a high-risk procedure might be a viable option (on a case-by-case basis). I am predicting that all (100%) of these decisions will be based on economic considerations in the future.


    When you say "after ACA" what exactly do you mean? It's the law of the land right now, ...

    All "insurance" plans (except those specifically and unlawfully exempted by Obama's decrees) are now required to comply with the provisions of the ACA, no matter how idiotic some of those provisions may be.


    ...what proof do you have now that government bureaucrats are deciding whether individuals with private insurance receive treatment?

    If your understanding of how healthcare was delivered in the past is so poor, how do you figure you can predict the future?

    I'm not predicting how healthcare will be delivered in the future. I'm predicting how bureaucrats will do their jobs. I have over 200 years of historical evidence of how their jobs evolve.


    Here's an example of the only "death panels" that you're going to find:

    I'm assuming that you think this case would have had a different outcome after the ACA.

  4. jclalor


    While "death panels " seem terrifying, they have, and always will exist. Should a 90 year old with end stage cancer get a heart and lung transplant? Private insurance and Medicare has been making these decisions for years, What's different now?

    The right says out of one side of their mouth that big liberal government knows no limit to spending, at the same time saying Obama wants to deny your Grandmother care.

    It makes no sense.

    The difference is that before the ACA, these decisions were made by insurance companies, doctors and patients/families with some consideration for the patient. After ACA, they will be made by government bureaucrats for the benefit of the ACA and the collective ...not the patient. The parameters for these end-of-treatment decisions will eventually become formulaic so no "person" can be held responsible for making these decisions. Just plug in age, diet, medical history, dangerous activities, bad habits, etc. Out pops the decision.

    "Sorry, nothing can be done about it. The computer says 'no'. Let me refer you to a list of ACA-approved undertakers. Here's a nice printout of some lillies. Next!".

  5. GeorgiaDon


    That's a good short term picture. But what if that person ends up with Alzheimers in 10 years and now costs more? It sucks to say this, but aren't costs merely being defrayed? Everybody eventually dies of some incurable condition.

    Isn't that an argument to never treat anybody for anything? It's also predicated on the assumption that the only value people have is economic.

    We'd have a pretty bleak world if it ran on your values.


    Who says this is lawrocket's values? It simply looks like a "big-picture, down-the-road" glimpse of the "values" of the ACA. Death panels (in some form or other) will be necessary and are predictable. People will necessarily have only economic (and maybe political) value WRT the ACA. That's the only way it can be "affordable".

    If anyone thinks that those in power who are using the IRS or the bridge traffic people to attack political enemies are scary, just wait till they start using the ACA as a weapon.

  6. BillyVance

    Blake Bortles just declared for the draft too. Lots of juniors declaring.

    Yeah, that's going to be a big loss for UCF. I was hoping he'd stay another year. I think another season like this one would give UCF a lot more respect as a national contender. But, we'll see. I enjoy going to their home games ...a lot of spirited energy in that stadium.

  7. GeorgiaDon


    Of course.... what a self-serving douchebag!

    That's one possibility, though not the only one as I made clear. However, if that's the one you prefer to go with, have fun with that.


    Yes, I see you've given him the benefit of the doubt a back-handed sorta way.

    BTW - I wonder what Reid's plans are after his political career is over. (sometimes I crack myself up :D)

  8. GeorgiaDon

    The article you linked made it clear that "charity" is not the motivation behind Senator Paul performing these surgeries. He needs to perform a certain number of surgeries each year to keep his license to practice, yet he is forbidden by senate rules from having another paying job in addition to his senate responsibilities. He asked Senator Reid for an exception, and was denied. So, he has to choose between doing some surgeries for free or giving up his medical license, and he wants to keep his license as he wants to return to medical practice after his political career.

    It is possible that Senator Paul would perform some surgeries for free anyway, of course. To determine that, we would need to know if he did surgeries pro bono before he became a senator. His history in the senate would seem to indicate his general position is that people who can't pay should not get treatment, but that doesn't necessarily prohibit doctors from volunteering their services.

    Also, do you really believe senators should expect to get more press coverage day-to-day than the president?


    Of course.... what a self-serving douchebag!

  9. kallend

    *** Bulb gone? Simples - jack it up, remove front wheel, take out 3 bolts inside the wheel arch, take the entire headlight assembly off, replace bulb, spend the next hour trying to line the p-clips up so you can bolt the lens back on.

    That is EXACTLY what I had to do to change a bulb on my 2011 Subaru Outback. My wife's Prius requires removing the radiator support and the use of a mirror to change the headlight bulb. I wasn't aware that Subarus and Toyotas were designed in Britain.

    Subaru must've only recently hired the Brit design team. I can change the bulb on my '03 Outback from under the hood. :)
    also -- I've long ago had my fill of working on Lucas stuff. (Triumphs and bikes) :P

  10. Plessy vs. Ferguson

    Dred Scott vs. Sandford

    Turns out the SC was wrong in both decisions.

    Just because the SC appointed themselves the arbiters of "constitutionality" doesn't mean they were right about that, either. A lot of folks have had to live (and die) by some of their idiotic, anti-constitutional decisions over the years.

  11. LuckyMcSwervy

    ***Grandaddy was a farmer. That picture was taken just a few miles south of Zhills.

    That's cool! Is the farm still there? Can you land off? LOL

    Actually, my sisters and I just recently sold it. But, sometimes we would fly over the place during climbout from Zhills and from time to time we discussed doing a demo there but it never materialized. I think there was some extra effort required because of some issue with Tampa ATC and the place being west of Hwy 39. I even tried to talk some of the ultralight guys across the highway into letting me do a bandit jump there but, at the time, no one would go along with the idea. :P Ironically, there is now a tandem mill DZ operating at that same ultralight airfield.

    My parents did a pretty good job keeping Zhills hidden from my brother and me. It took a while, but we eventually found it. :)