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Everything posted by brenthutch

  1. There seems to be a bit of Blue State flight going on as well
  2. Climate driven population movement is happening NOW. Prompted by the need to live in a more suitable climate, folks are fleeing the hostile climate of the north with AK, IL and NY leading the way and flooding into states with a more suitable climate, like FL + 1,025,261 TX + 944,018 NC + 327,631 AZ + 278,290 (these numbers reflect movement within the US and do not reflect indigenous population growth or immigration)
  3. What does that even mean? Please rephrase
  4. Where did I say that? BTW I think the IPCC predicted a bit more warming than 15 HUNDREDTHS of a degree in the last two decades. Struggling indeed
  5. I cant believe I am getting pushback over the simple fact that mankind has survived climactic changes that far exceed what we are currently experiencing. Wow, just wow. :-(
  6. Tell that to the folks splashing around in a lush green Sahara, or the costal developments that suddenly found themselves to be kilometers from the shore.
  7. Here’s your data According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), gang homicides accounted for roughly 8,900 of 11,100 gun murders in both 2010 and 2011. That means that there were just 2,200 non gang-related firearm murders in both years in a country of over 300 million people and 250 million guns.
  8. Like China in the eighties? In all seriousness, man has adapted to rapid global climate change in the past. 9000 years ago the world was five to six degrees centigrade warmer and the seas were about two meters higher than today. Global cooling led to the desertification of the Sahara and the retreat of global shoreline. Man adapted then and we can do it today, even in the face of the catastrophically high rate of sea level rise (3mm per year)
  9. Remove the gangbangers and those trends reverse, even with our millions of guns. To put it another way “guns don’t kill people, people do” Lefties struggle with this in much the same way they are unable to come to grips with the failure of AGW theory
  10. “Another example of your talent for drawing incorrect conclusions from available data.“ News flash, we (the United States) are not just like “other western nations. We are unique. Our problem are different as are our solutions (as Coreece’s article clearly illustrates). I understand why this is difficult to understand and unnerving to the liberal/progressive mind. 1. It does not involve the expansion of government control over the populace 2. It works
  11. Bill I really think we are much more alike than we are different.
  12. Any more than “my stuff got hurt” is a criterion that any intelligent person applies to the risk of climate change. But it doesn’t stop you guys.
  13. I am unfamiliar with exactly what you are referring to. The difference between an AK and an SKS are not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact.
  14. Given that it was an SKS (a non scary looking wooden stocked rifle with an internal non detachable magazine) I doubt that a ban on AKs would have made a difference
  15. Musk has already said the S will not see a refresh
  16. I don’t consider ice melt in summer to be CATASTROPHIC, I will be going to A beach house in NC next week, if it is under water I may change my mind, if it is still there my position will be strengthened.
  17. I just don’t think we share the same definition of imminent and catastrophe. Yang even said we need to move to higher ground NOW.
  18. im·mi·nent /ˈimənənt/ adjective 1. about to happen. "they were in imminent danger of being swept away" synonyms: impending, at hand, close, near, approaching, fast approaching, coming, forthcoming, on the way, about to happen, upon us cat·a·stroph·ic /ˌkadəˈsträfik/ adjective involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering. "a catastrophic earthquake" extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful. "catastrophic mismanagement of the economy" synonyms: disastrous, calamitous, cataclysmic, ruinous, tragic, fatal, dire, awful, terrible, dreadful, black, woeful, grievous, lamentable, miserable, unfortunate
  19. Senator Inslee just said that we are facing imminent catastrophe from the climate crisis. Who agrees with him?
  20. But it was against the law to bring that gun into California. Shouldn’t the law have stopped that?
  21. California doesn’t have sensible gun laws?
  22. Tesla killer