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Posts posted by sid

  1. Quote are absolutely right...I did forget the whole "pool thing" mistake and damn (!) you would have thought I would put that as an option since the pool is one of my favorite place to do it.:$



    eewww - no swimming at Bobbi's place :o
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  2. Quote

    Well, somehow I got caught up in the VH1 thingy watching FLavor of Luv you know. Anyway kinda thought it was funny so i was drawn into it.

    I am glad he picked Hoops instead of New York. New York just about had enough of her stuff---HEY Baby I LOVE your son etc. You get Pic. The spitting scene was id say a little far for pumkin geez man..:o

    SHIT! I feel really old, I have NO IDEA what you just said[:/]
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  3. I really enjoyed that movie - some superb acting in there (and some good stair sex)
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  4. Quote

    I have no tatoos, my ears are pierced though. I think some are cool now...but in 20 years when your skin is all nasty and saggy then it's not cool, so I don't think I'll get one.

    See that's why I waited until my skin was all wrinkly and saggy to start getting them
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  5. Quote

    what is the purpose of having warnings for swooping?

    just curious cause I've always felt canopy piloting being a personal judgement call.

    actually I set the Low-Speed warnings (canopy warnings) for my tandem altitudes. Sometimes when you're talking to a student under canopy, or dealing with an "I feel queasy" issue, it's nice to be beeped at and told to concentrate on your set up...:S
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  6. Quote


    oh..... Arlo! You rock!
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  7. Quote

    As a TI I have to have a Class III FAA medical certificate. Then again, if you can enter the office under your own power then you pretty much pass the Class III.[:/]

    you forgot that as long as you hear him when he asks for the fee, you pass the hearing test.....
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  8. Lucy Lui and Jen Tilley in "Dancing at The Blue Iguana"
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  9. Quote

    Anyone on the Pro-Speedbag side of things care to make a statement about the video on Skydiving Movies which shoes a baglock on the Speedbag during a normal deployment sequence?

    I am neither pro or con, but I don't know much about it. I have to admit that the video is scary!

    The video is of an unrealistic floor test for THAT bag. That is not how forces are applied in a deployment. What is shown is analagous to trying to slide velcro apart instead of peeling it apart. I posted a video of an actual reserve deployment using the bag on the same site. The lines that fold over the canopy prior to the flaps being closed peel the flaps apart during the deployment using the same principles as a diaper on a round canopy. The speedbag is an evolution of that technology for square reserves. The bag is supposed to stay closed until the lines are sequentially deployed, then the lines inside the bag peel enough of the bag apart to release the canopy, thus avoiding inflation prior to line stretch.

    That video shows an unrealistic test - FOR THAT PRODUCT.

    That is all I'm going to say though, because this thread has been hacked to death and nobody who has their minds already "made up" is not going to change it now..... :S
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  10. Mila Jovovich - resident evil
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  11. Quote

    Tandem rigs are more complicated, the canopies are much bigger, and therefore have a lot more line to tangle up with itself. They are also harder to pack neatly because of their size. So, unless you are careful, you will have more malfunctions than on smaller, simpler systems. However, I know of several drop zones that go thousands of jumps between tandem malfunctions. The only difference is that they flat pack, and do so very carefully.

    Bill, I know of a packer that has pro-packed thousands of tandem mains without a malfunction (me) and agrees with you on one aspect only, the careful factor. Your flat packing rhetoric is not realistic. Any modern ram air canopy can be pro packed as well as flat packed with the same risk of malfunctions. Tandem malfunctions are usually caused by poor line management during packing or bad maintenance by rig owners trying to squeak the last few jumps out of a drogue. Malfunctions should be no more common on a tandem system than a sport system.
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  12. Quote

    There's an article in USAToday that states: "Edgar became more vulnerable as his appeal grew"; and quotes a producer as saying: "The good news is you're one of the best characters on the show; the bad news is that, unfortunately, we have to kill you now."

    So if popularity = death, who's next? Any bets?

    No! Not Chloe! Please, I've fallen in lust with her since she opened the season so sluttily (oh and since she killed all those people last year)
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  13. I saw a bald beaver (and that's a rare treat too) - and NO! I'm not sending you a picture :P
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  14. Quote

    When the boyfriend started mouthing off about shit he didn't understand I was hoping Jack would put him in his place.

    The day ain't over yet :P
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  15. "The killed Edgar! Those Bastards!"
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  16. The video is of an "on the floor" attempt at extracting the canopy from a speed bag using the same kind of technique that can be used with a "safety stow and loose pouch" bag. The speedbag is specifically designed NOT to work that way. It utilizes ALL of the forces involved in a cutaway situation.

    Jumpshack has an article on their new website (still under construction but viewable here) and have uploaded a real time reserve deployment on here
    There are some people resistant to the speedbag because it doesn't work like the older bags, it just takes a little understanding. I know a rigger who still jumps with shot and a half capewells because she doesn't trust the three ring system. It just takes time, and some are a little harder to convince than others. I am NOT and I repeat NOTgetting into a debate here because it's been thrashed to death on gear and rigging. As someone who has done a few intentional cutaways on the system, and has one on my personal sport and tandem rig, I trust it completely. I'm out........ (so don't bitch at me or debate me here, I mean it ;))
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  17. Quote

    I'm told that the document has been uploaded to the FAA website, and they are troubleshooting the broken link issue. :S

    Oh, they'll be all over that :o
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  18. Quote


    Buff Bagwell v Scott Steiner
    Steiner beat Bagwell. Steiner is RIPPED and pumped. He's still using the name Big Poppa Pump and his arms are fucking huge. Maybe Alex knows why he's not still with the majors, he's a physical specimen bar none, and incredibly athletic.

    Well I think it may be to do with the fact that:

    1. He's so roided up he can hardly move.
    2. Any wrestling ability he had went with his mobility
    3. He completely tanked on a major PPV
    4. He's not considered the most professional person to deal with (see Mick Foley's book, any of his last run in WWE).
    5. he gets out of breathe going through the ropes.

    That covers some of it.

    He looked pretty mobile last night. You think he uses steroids? Really :P however, he did a lot of crowd interaction after the match last night and I noticed that security were paying him a lot of attention. I had a feeling he may have been on the verge of being out of control, or a VERY good actor.
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  19. Quote

    Mind giving us a rundown of who won what matches?

    Did Jake use the DDT? Is Jim Duggan still carrying the 2x4? Kamala still got that spear?

    Any steel chairs/bloodshed? :D

    As best I can remember

    Nikolai Volkov (With The Iron Sheik) v Hacksaw Jim Duggan
    Jim Duggan won, with the 2 x4 which he gave to a kid in the audience.

    Rick Steiner v Koko B Ware
    Koko won, but he doesn't have the parrott anymore

    Greg The Hammer Valentine v Jimmy Superfly Snuka
    Snuka by disqualification (thankfully they "stopped" him climbing to the top rope, although Snuka still looks really fit)

    Eddie Colon v Vampiro
    Can't remember - it got messy, good match though

    Kamala v Jake The Snake Roberts
    Jake won, but oy..... 2 outa shape guys. No spear, but he did have "Friday" with him, who interfered. Jake could not have lifted Kamala the shape he's in.

    Guest Appearance by Bruno SanMartino

    Dory Funk Jr & Mike Graham v Tully Blanchard & David Flair
    Dory and Mike won. David Flair is nothing on his Dad (who is STILL the man) but Tully still looks hard as nails.

    Virgil v The Disco Inferno
    Virgil, easily

    Diamond Dallas Page v Kanyon
    DDP whipped Kanyon in a brutal match that involved chairs, ringside fences and miscellaneous objects. A lot of action in the crowd. It was obviously well rehearsed (I think they do this match a lot) and there was a lot of trust between them

    All 3 members of The Midnight Express (w. Jim Cornette) v The Armstrongs w. Bobby The Brain Heenan
    The Armstrongs won. Jim Cornette got a bloody nose after being hit in the face with his own tennis racket. Beautiful Bobby and Loverboy Dennis are really out of shape, but Stan looks like he could still hand out an ass whooping in real life.

    Buff Bagwell v Scott Steiner
    Steiner beat Bagwell. Steiner is RIPPED and pumped. He's still using the name Big Poppa Pump and his arms are fucking huge. Maybe Alex knows why he's not still with the majors, he's a physical specimen bar none, and incredibly athletic.

    The Blue Meanie & Norman Smiley v Jonny B Badd & Russ Rollins :S

    Jonny B Badd and RRR won with a very duplicitous story line fuelled by the radio plugs that were very well done. The match involved a trash can, a chair and a little bit'o'blood. I can't tell you how disgusting it is that the Blue Meanie is even still in the business, the guy's a mess, a big fat blubbering mess........
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

  20. Quote

    Define World :|

    Anywhere in a 50 mile radius of The Epcot Center....

    C'mon, they had Nikolai (Russian), The Iron Sheik (Iran) Kamala (Uganda), The Blue Meanie (Fairyland), Vampiro (Hell) Bruno SanMartino (Italy) B|
    Pete Draper,

    Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?