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Everything posted by pajarito

  1. I agree that the Word of God has been perverted by many in the past for their selfish gain. Their lawlessness, however, does not diminish the Law.
  2. What have the misinterpretations of the Catholic Church in the 1600's or even now got to do with the truth of what the Bible actually says? Man’s responsibility is to be the head and spiritual leader in the home and church. It does NOT imply that man is superior to woman. It is based on God’s purpose in creation. It is also based on the disastrous consequences when men and women do not follow their God given roles in the covenant relationship of marriage as defined by God. Adam and Eve were obviously neglecting their respective responsibilities and were not working together for God’s glory during their massive transgression. They were thinking of themselves. Abuse of one’s particular station only can occur when that husband or wife does not understand the type of relationship God had in mind for them and the depth of responsibility to each other that it entails. God’s model for marriage: There is harmony in marriage if this covenant relationship is observed. Neither is superior or inferior. They are equal as the South is to the North Pole. The uniqueness of each brings completeness to the union. Adam in Genesis said, this is now bone of my bones (strength) and flesh of my flesh (weakness). One compliments the other. There is fulfillment and balance. There should be solidarity in the union because both husband and wife are one flesh making up a whole. The problems that have always existed in marriage stem from the selfishness of one or both.
  3. Decent chance? I don't know about you but I follow the rules, use common sense, pack carefully, and know the limitations of myself and who I'm jumping with. With these precautions in place, I trust that there is a very small chance of anything going wrong and that my jump will be safe (otherwise, I wouldn’t do it). Why? Because I've done the groundwork and training to make it as safe as possible. No. It's not 100% safe. Nothing is. But, if one is careful and responsible, it is really a safe sport. I believe I'll be safe. By the way, I've had to cut away 3 times during my time in the sport. I still feel safe jumping. On another note, I tend to describe the Christian faith in terms of preponderance of the evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt. From a non-Christian perspective and similar to the example above, it is never 100%. That's where faith comes in. I just think that there is plenty of evidence for one to make and informed decision and put their trust in what it says. Many here disagree.
  4. Did I say any of that was ok? Added: Anyway, what has that got to do with anything? Is one wrong justified because so many others also do something else that may be wrong? That doesn't make sense.
  5. Correct. That and living together, sharing life's experiences in an intimate way, etc. Pretty much all that is reserved for marriage as it was defined originally by God himself.
  6. What do you think I mean... ARRRRGGGHHHHH I'm not talking about living in special little huts.
  7. Eh, the Bible speaks of the earth being round, not flat. I don't know about all that but you'd be hard pressed to back any of that up Biblically. Not and keep the verses from being raped from their original context. There are moral absolutes.
  8. I live and let live also. Like I said, they have the right to live how they want to and so do I. That doesn't mean I have to agree with what they do. I can still be friends with them. It doesn't affect me but it will affect them eventually. But again, it's their choice. Ok... Go back one verse to 26.
  9. You have no proof of that, however, I tend to agree with you in many instances. It doesn't matter. In any case, one still makes a conscious decision to act in a particular way (e.g. lifestyle).
  10. Because it is an abomination to God. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike a person because they might be homosexual. I dislike and do not approve of the lifestyle. That does not mean that I'm judging them. They can live however they want to just like I can. My nextdoor neighbors are lesbians. They are the best neighbors I've ever had and some of the nicest people I know. We are very good friends and we even spent Christmas together this year. Anyway, in answer to your question, I'd refer you to Romans 1:27.
  11. Sinful activity, not just homosexuality, will continue to become more and more acceptable in society until it is as perverse as what is described above. We seem to be on the downhill slide.
  12. Why not? It should be a joyful experience to worship. However, there is a time and place for it. I have a problem with it when it takes away from due reverence to the Lord (e.g. praying or reading God's Word). I also think using the Lord's name in a casual joking sense falls into the category of blasphemy (e.g. Jesus jokes).
  13. I find it hard to believe that one doesn't see how ridiculous it sounds otherwise. Then again, I look to scripture.
  14. So you say that the universe didnt come from "nothing" but was made by and architect, your god. So where did your god come from??? And no cheating by saying that he has always existed... That's not cheating. It's logical. Otherwise, there would be infinite regression.
  15. I can't even pay my own fine with devotion. My devotion comes from my acceptance of His free gift which came first. ***For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9***
  16. I'm not your judge. I'm just trying to introduce you to Him.
  17. Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think it became obligatory or law until Moses. Abraham did tithe but it’s only recorded once and he did not pass the practice on to his sons. He also gave it as a gift offering for his victory and not as a continual contribution from his “income.” It really doesn’t matter with regard to what I was talking about, though. We’re still not “obligated” to ten percent from the Law now. Jesus was chastising the Pharisees because they were self-righteous and because they thought they followed the law. Jesus pointed out that they did not (could not) follow the law they professed to be experts in perfectly. In any case, we are no longer under Law but under Grace. That does not mean we aren’t instructed to give. We just aren’t obligated to tithe in the Mosaic Law sense. I still personally use ten percent as a baseline, however. Jesus said, “Every man according as he purposes in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 It is still valid. We just aren’t bound by the Law.
  18. True but that is not enough. now you're arguing like a liberal - someone says something that you could acknowledge as a good statement and you spin it just to ratchet it your direction You cannot bribe God with good works you might do in order to pay the fine that you owe for your lawlessness.
  19. As I stated before, it’s about the degree of God’s holiness and righteousness compared to your degree of wickedness. There is an incomprehensible gulf which divides us and God and that is what makes even the possibility of your being saved totally amazing. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He paid the debt you still owe. However, you have to appropriate it or you will still receive justice. I am a born again evangelical Bible believing Christian. I belong to a Southern Baptist Church, although, I’ve also belonged to a Presbyterian (PCA not PCUSA) Church years ago. The denomination is not what is important to me but what they teach is. If they represent the God of the Bible and NOT themselves and we agree on the important aspects with regard to salvation, then I feel alright with disagreeing on much of what divides many denominations. They’re wrong. Tithing ten percent (I’m guessing that is what you’re referring to) of one’s income is from Mosaic Law. The born again Christian is not bound by that anymore but is under grace through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Now, instead of a legal requirement, the believer is allowed the opportunity to give of him/herself. This is really an even higher standard. Many people give way more than the Old Testament requirement. Many still use ten percent as a general guideline. In answer to your question, yes, I tithe. Added: The bottom line is that you cannot bribe God with your good works. That includes tithing. God requires much more than that. He is concerned about your heart. He commands all to repent and put their faith in him.
  20. It's got nothing to do with whether He cares about you or not. It's got to do with the degree of his holiness and righteousness compared with your wickedness. I doubt my understanding of the world around me is any less than yours. I just realize an architect whereas you think it all just happened from nothing. However, that is not the "only" reason as you stated. My other source of belief comes from the Bible. There is always a degree of fear with regard to the unknown. That's human. However, I am no longer afraid of death with regard to my eternal soul. Before I was saved and when I realized that hell was a reality, you bet I was scared. You should be too. I won't be going there, though. Not because I'm a good person but because I'm a bad person whose repented and put my full faith in the only one who can save me (and change me).
  21. Johnny Cash - God's Gonna Cut You Down You can run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. Go and tell that long tongue liar, Go and tell that midnight rider, Tell the rambiler, the gambler, the back biter, Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down. Well my goodness gracious, Let me tell you the news. My heads been wet with the midnight dew. I've been down on bended knee, Talkin to the man from Galiee. He spoke to me in a voice so sweet, I thought I heard the shuffle of angels feet. He called my name and my heart stood still, When He said "John go do my will" Go and tell that long tongue liar, Go and tell that midnight rider, Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down. You can run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. You can throw your rock, hide your hand, Workin in the dark against your fellow man. But as sure as God made black and white, What's done in the dark, Will be brought to the light. You can run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Run on for a long time, Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. Sooner, or later, God'll cut you down. Go and tell that long tongue liar, Go and tell that midnight rider, Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter, Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down.
  22. Not yet. He is so holy, you'd die if you looked directly at Him. Although, I've seen His creation. I hear Him speak through his Word in the Bible. I know his nature which is expressed in the Bible. I think the idea that God needs a physical appearance in this regard is irrelevant and very limited in scope. Because the Holy Spirit lives in me.
  23. I think most often people substitute religion in place of a true relationship with God and that is a problem.