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Posts posted by crapflinger2000

  1. naw, I screwed mine up big time... just had to find out what would happen if I tried to tighten down some screwed up stainless 0 grommets with my standard punch....

    let's just say I got very good with emory boards for awhile

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  2. Piss off Bill Booth? Oh noooooooo!

    Seriously, my boss probably wouldn't like to hear me on the phone talking about skydiving stuff, etc...

    Email is a generally accepted form of business communication these days... just asking for a little love from RWS... I know it's only $80.00 to them, but what the heck...

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  3. Well.... that is a good question. I spose the reason is that since I used to be a full time rigger I am used to dealing direct with the factory to get stuff. Just feel better about it. Ya know... I know exactly what I need and don't want to deal with another layer of people... bla bla bla

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  4. Rudys

    maybe some gizzard

    and some Tylenol extreme allergy med...

    makes Gorky happy


    What would Vic Mackey do?

  5. jebus Tim, it's not like I said "I am the greatEST".

    Let me have a LITTLE self esteem without knocking my dick in the dirt.


    What would Vic Mackey do?

  6. that is the key to my greatness. my lack of compassion and empathy for droolers is legendary.

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  7. Ummm, I get my turtle pee from turtles. Or tortoises... same thing really.

    If you pick up a desert tortoise, it will pee all it has in an attempt to scare you. That is the best way to get it in my experience...

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  8. I am so friggin pissed off. Every day the middle stall of the mens room looks like someone splashed a bunch of Gatorade all over the seat. How the fuck do adults leave a friggin toilet looking like that? How can you miss so badly, and then be gross enough not to clean up after yourself.

    I am gonna stake the bitch out and bust that mother f'er. Then I will throw turtle pee all over him while screaming "You like pee, bitch? Here is some turtle pee for you!"

    wish me luck

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  9. PdF makes some mighty fine parachuting equipment, some of it markedly better than some US stuff...

    This anti-French thing is weird. Either it is one long troll (in which case I admire it in a crap-flinging kind of way), or it is some deep seated thing... which is both scary and sad.

    later yo

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  10. I thought we had established a nice practice of not replying to crazy-cakes posts like this. Ooops, I guess I am guilty too. Aw hell.

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  11. So this chick asked me for a picture of me skydiving and I was like "yeahwhatevah!"

    love that friggin song

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  12. Also, I can send you a cool skydiving picture for your wallpaper... unfortunately it is of me. Do you want it?

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  13. Quote


    You pack at work? I can't even imagine what would happen if I did Where do you work?!

    Yeah I pack at work between calls or on my break etc. I work for SBC Yahoo! that everyone hates.

    Are you trying to get laid or something? I mean, I may have a "look how cool I am" skydiving picture as the wall paper on my laptop, but to pack at work? Do you wear your altimeter to bars and stuff too?

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  14. unfortunately I was completely sober, and I did it on a Marine Corps base PX in front of a buncha moms and kids.

    "Mommy, why is the Lance Corporal bleeding from his eye?"

    "He's just a stupid dork-ass, dear, stay away from him."

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  15. Not sure why I am disclosing this but what the hell. Another event on my list is also involves injury to my big noggin.

    Once I was opening a door. Most people are smart enough by the time they are 22 that they instinctively move key body parts, like their head, out of the way of objects they are moving. Not me. I opened the door, again neatly bashing my eyebrow. Lotta blood. The incredulous looks of the people in the store I was trying to get into is something I will carry with me forever.

    Seriously, it is shit like this that makes me wonder how I made it this far in the sport. I think one day I will do something equally dumb in the air, like just fire my reserve over the tail of the king air for no apparent reason.

    Hide if you see me coming to your DZ.

    What would Vic Mackey do?

  16. poison oak sucks. at least the above occured on Friday... careful use of neosporin has left me non-scabby and non-disfigured

    What would Vic Mackey do?