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Everything posted by pyke

  1. Personally, I know that NEITHER of you could satisfy the SIS, you don't even know what she likes!!! Regrettably, I will have to do the work for both of you, shortly. I may give details, but that will based on her reaction. As for the spy talk, well, if either one of you looked like ANY of the James Bond's, you might have better luck with the ladies and not have to resort to talking in hopeful speak on a ng. Did he really say that??!!!! Kia Kaha, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  2. yeah, I would have to agree with you skreamer. "Sucks" is a little strong!! Cheers, Kia Kaha, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  3. With all due respect, Skreamer, I think this is a non-issue. This is a sight for skydivers, whuffos, and the G.P. alike. IRs are a reality. For all those interested in this sport, everything about the sport should be accessible. Putting the news on deaths/accidents/injuries in a part of the page that is only accessible to exp. jumpers and web surfers is like asking the news to only mention all the school shootings/deaths/auto accidents on a channel that not everyone gets. This wouldn't be full disclosure to the public and would in effect keep the world in a safe box. This is impossible. We can't all be safe, all of the time. BUT, we can sure try. More importantly, we can learn from other's mistakes/happenings. And, if someone is interested in skydiving and gets scared off by the news of a recent death, then the sport is better off. That kind of fear while altogether common, shouldn't affect those who actually WANT to make this part of their lifestyle. (and it could be dangerous to put those people in the air with us!) I agree with your post on the other thread - that we ALL should help make Sangiro's life a little easier and help out with stories of our GOOD happenings, but not to the total exclusion of our OTHER happenings. Anyway, I invite all criticisms on this matter. I guess I am asking for it. Still, I think that sangiro is doing EVERYONE a justice by including IRs on a general page. My .02! Kia Kaha, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  4. pyke

    Spy Kids

    yeah, a guy does that in Cliffhanger (with Sly Stallone) as well. He is running from someone who he realises is a baddie and he throws his base rig over his shoulders and then gets shot(!) as he leaps, but miraculously deploys and lands - albeit in a tree where he is left hanging, near dead. I recognise the need for the effects for the movies, but still, it certainly doesn't add credibility to the movies when even those in the community can spot the inconsistencies! (not that Cliffhanger had a lot of it in the first place!he didn't say that did he?) Kia Kaha, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  5. well, I read this post this week at work, but as I am temping at the moment, I didn't want to take the time to log on and write it out. So, how did Pyke get born?? Well, it was jump #17(S/L) and I was still getting the hang of doing everything right. A very uneventful exit, dive, and deployment. The fun started when I was about 1000' up. I noticed that after *quite* a long time, I hadn't moved my alti needle off the 1K mark. So, I thought I would relax and enjoy the view. I was lined up for the edge of the paddock and looked as though the trees that were in front of it were going to be missed my miles. Next thing I know, my canopy shakes violently and I am now moving backwards and my alti reads 800'. "Shit, where did that 200' go?!!" So, I sorted out an alternative landing site - still moving backwards, as now the paddock was out due to the trees, and planned my approach. My canopy shakes violently again, and now I am moving sideways away from the alternative landing site and backwards as well. "Well, shit, this is new to me, what am I to do here?" I thought to myself. Next thing I know, there is the HUGE expanse of the Fisher & Paykel factory's aluminium ceiling opening up underneath me. I think to myself, "You're kidding me, I am going to land on the roof!!!!??" And, before I have a chance to DO anything, I pick up some forward speed. Normally this would have been fine and put me on a target for some flat ground at sea level, but here I am flaring and landing on a roof of the factory - some 45' in the air!!! So, once on the roof, I lay there thinking, "How the hell did I end up here?" I watch the others under canopy all make it back to the DZ and guess they are probably wondering where I must be. I bundle up my chute and try to trash pack it in the rig (I wasn't certified at this stage and hadn't seen too many pack jobs, so I just used the ripcord to hold it in place) and walked around on top of this factory for like 40 minutes trying to find a fire escape or something. Nothing!! After some monkey climbing on drainage pipes and negotiating myself and the rig on to a level about 6' off the ground, I threw the rig on to the grass and jumped off myself. I managed to find one of the chase/search vehicles after a few paces down the street. I was just laughing to myself and they were all serious and questioning me on where I had been and whether I was hurt or not. Back at the DZ, I relived the story in vivid detail and they all just cracked up. I was instantly(!) awarded the "Frogs Arse Award" given every year for the greatest blunder without injury - and it was only June!!!!(it's normally awarded at the X-mas party) So, they let it go until the X-mas party. At the X-mas party the re-lived all the year's blunders and gave out the prizes. As I had been awarded the "Frogs Arse" already they called out for me to do a mandatory jug skull for a penalty, and as I was nowhere to be found when they were at the keg (busy in a safety meeting), they all starting shouting, "where's pyke?" Thus, pyke was born! Arohanui, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  6. Just to clarify, Sis' b-day is on the 13th, not the 14th as mentioned before, so EVERYONE be sure to inundate her email, private messages and the forum with the necessary jibing!!!! and esp. give her shite for FINALLY being a whole QUARTER OF A CENTURY!!!! That's right, the BIG 25!!!! Cheers, (thought I would forget, didn't you sis!) Arohanui, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  7. Skyhawk, there is only one rule for minors jumping nude... since you are a minor, and respectfully, not as accustomed to witnessing the beautiful qualities of the flesh as a "more experienced" adult (I am not saying you're not experienced, but as a minor, you SHOULDN'T BE!!!!)..... So the rule is quite simple!!!!..... Crack a fat in the plane, and you're freeflying the jump!!!! (regardless of what sex(es) is in the formation) Any questions? Arohanui, Pyke NZPF A-2584
  8. pyke

    The Wedding Proposal

    Congrats Brad!!!! Looks like it was well timed and very thoughtfully planned. Hope everything works out for you in the long run, and I hope Marie realises how lucky she is to marry a skydiver!!!! P.S. Sis, DO NOT get ANY ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arohanui, Arohanui, Pyke NZPF A-2584