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Everything posted by OHCHUTE

  1. The intent of my statement regarding the success of the healthcare exchanges being set up via Federal Government seemingly went unnoticed. Instead, you picked apart my statement and started a completely new conversation regarding the dot com bubble. And you do this often: you take apart peoples paragraphs and then make comments that are unrelated to the central theme. In this case: the viability of a state run health care exchange which is beginning to morf into only an information site. Now why don't you address the success or failure of healthcare exchanges, which they're not really exchanges, if you know anything about what an exchange is, in light that there was a dot com bubble where thousands of websites failed? The Feds have already considered that aspect, it seems, to prevent failure. 1. Hiring navigators to help poor people buy insurance, with money not their own. 2. Not really an exchange where insurance is bought directly, but more of an information website displaying what can be bought from an insurance company. Which is pretty unique considering most firms that failed during the dot com bubble didn't get funding to hire helpers, to help people buy stuff on their website, where the stuff they bought was paid for by someone else. To prevent failure. If you stick to the subject instead of slicing and dicing everyone's copy, might prove to work better for you. Until then, you'll be inviting plenty of responses. Then again, gaining responses and driving viewership might be your objective. You motive for slicing and dicing and taking goof opposing view points trolling for continued responses. Just because Amazon succeeded does not mean there was not a dot com bubble that burst. Placing blame on me for not wording a sentence fully, or correctly, or composing a paragraph correctly, while you're taking apart the paragraph and commenting on just one line, puts the blame on you. I stand by my statement that the feds and states will face challenges in the use of their healthcare websites, the reason they're hiring helpers and offering free stuff or discounts.
  2. . Not sure how else to interpret that. Wendy P. Well Doh, b2b and ecommerce failed miserable during the dot com bubble. Jeesh, now you are acting like bv... by doing what he did. Take one line and comment about that one line without consideration of other sentences. If b2b and ecommerce did not fail during the dot com bust, what did fail? Here's one list of failures. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-com_company]
  3. aaah to bad, poor little liberals got cheated out of their punishment of poor little Ariel Castro, life of luxury behind bars complete with a state paid attorney, who now was practically crying on the Today show that he won't be getting any more state payments for his services. Even Mr. Castro knew what he deserved. Thanks Ariel for seeing the light. Good.
  4. But, since there will be navigators helping people buy insurance all while getting paid to buy the insurance the likeliness of the healthcare exchanges failing is pretty remote. If only most dot coms of the dot com bubble had this advantage, there may not have been a dot come bubble.
  5. Saying that the failure of many (even most) dot-coms failed when the bubble burst means that dot-com failed is like saying that the automobile industry failed because many (most) car manufacturers went out of business. Wendy P. This is what I wrote: "The states and the fed are soon learning the true cost of IT programs, as no state will be ready with their exchange. Besides, if you remember the dot com craze, b2b and ecommerce failed miserably." So the healthcare exchanges will survive since Amazon survived? I don't think so, as the dot com bubble showed us, that most exchanges don't work. Just because Amazon survived the dot com bubble doesn't mean that everyone that starts a dot com will succeed. You're splitting hairs here. My responses were to Bvon who alleged that there was no dot com bubble which is false. Part of his problem is that he cuts and pastes lines of type out of context and then comments on it without considering other parts to the paragraph, which gets him into trouble quite a bit. Try: most failed miserable DURING THE DOT COM BUBBLE, to which I was referring to. Hence, the healthcare exchanges may, suffer the same fate as dot coms of the dot com bubble. Hope we are clear now after my words were conveniently edited and misinterpreted via comments by others. Is there ecom on the web, of course! I never alleged there was no ecom on the web.
  6. OK, so your reasoning is: the Titanic succeeded because some people got to their destinations. You are unbelievable. As someone who has worked very successfully in the .com, b2b and ecommerce business for the last 10 years, I'm quite confident in saying you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. As one who aided building the largest eCommerce web program on the planet I can assure you that there was a dot com bubble. The dot com I helped build is still in existence, however thousands of dot coms failed during the bubble.
  7. OK, so your reasoning is: the Titanic succeeded because some people got to their destinations. You are unbelievable.
  8. Your reasoning is flawed. You must not remember the dot com bust since you were still in high school perhaps. Thousands of dot coms when out of business. But if you insist that there was no dot com bust then that is up to you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot-com_bubble
  9. The dot com industry failed. Yet you pick several successes from the industry and claim there was no failure industry wide? That's like saying: there was no stock market crash of 1929 because Hearst newspapers made a lot of money during the time. The problem with you Billvon is that you pick one example and turn it around to try to suit your purpose, but you fail.
  10. Unbelievable as it may seem, millions of American's are stopped and frisked at the airport every year. Seems to work there. What's the problem with stop and frisk downtown on an ad hoc basis unlike the bulk basis at the airport. Now, you are stopped and frisked at the NFL stadium. Yet idiots allowed themselves to be stopped and frisked to enjoy loud noise and expensive hot dogs.
  11. The states and the fed are soon learning the true cost of IT programs, as no state will be ready with their exchange. Besides, if you remember the dot com craze, b2b and ecommerce failed miserably.
  12. Simple: Law enforcement industrial complex. Funded mostly by wall street prison firms seeking profits by putting as many people behind bars as they can from one quarter to the next to issue a profit report. More prisoners equals more money. They want the illegals here. Good for business. The more the crime the more the complex thrives.
  13. If there were more Zimmerman's there would less muggings. But the facts are, with so much support for muggers, thugs, I don't see any decrease in muggings. Yes the Aussie might think twice about coming here as we're not allowed to defend ourselves against muggers, killers with guns. The killers know most are defenseless. Also, and it's about time, schools are finally having armed guards protect schools.
  14. Lets be real. The state doesn't want your guns. It wants your money for owning a gun. Via a registration, license etc. States want to ensure the state employee retirement program is well funded and will do what it wants to do to collect as much money as it can. Using gun control as a means to collect more money is one good example.
  15. Then you're throwing-in with one of the most virulent racist-trolls to pollute these boards in some years. Based on the undertone of decency that runs through your posting history, Chuck, I'm willing to bet you'd reconsider if given the chance. Most would agree with me, that working youth are far better off than the ones who you keeping handing to. But then again, it is your kind that ends up with the money. Right Andy? Someone ends up with the money off all the free hand outs the reason there is so much handing out.
  16. You're a tad confused with who you mean "they." Most are not allowed to defend themselves against these thugs with guns, because libtards seemingly want to protect thugs. Your idea in taking guns away from law abiding citizens will reduce thugs with guns is a failed idea.
  17. Who are you kidding he doesn't know what he is doing. You voted for him not on the basis he was a mubbling fool. OBAMACARE clearly shows his interest in taking from working people and giving to poor, including poor small businesses that are forced to make cuts to working hours since they can't afford to pay the healthcare bill. In case you've not noticed: it's now all all about the African American. This weekend in DC will advocate: there's more to do, and "we have a long way to go." Perhaps we should fill those free school backpacks with cash, so they don't even have to go to school!
  18. He could be bluffing. Knowing the abuses he might get in a man's clink, thing of the advantages he'd get in the women's pen.
  19. The libtards are taking guns rights from people like the WWII vet. They should be allowing law abiding citizens to arm themselves from these thugs. But OH NO, poor little African American disenfranchised youth who most likely got free lunch, free housing, free back packs, before they dropped out of school because selling drugs offered better opportunity or because school was too hard. They're bored so they're out killing people. Instead of wasting billions on trying to democratize tribes in the middle east, perhaps AMERICA might spend money here to put these kids to work. WORK might solve many problems. Liberals are the reason. To many handouts.... produces this garbage.
  20. Actually, this might help illuminate a point that the whole Obama birther thing passed over entirely - if he had been born in Kenya would it actually have mattered? Would not have mattered at the Dems said it didn't matter. In fact, Dems sealed records until after he was elected.
  21. It's all going to come down to money. How long will the feds/ and states fund policing assholes that misbehave? Holder is advocating letting people out of jail. It's unsustainable funding all the policing. Besides, with inner city property values going through the roof, and low income folk being forced to move into white suburbs, via gov't subsidies (section 8 Housing) crime will only increase, where local gov't simply won't be able to deal with it. And now whites are moving back downtown, if they can afford it-- NOT-- as expensive inner city housing is more expensive than what a suburb house could be sold for.
  22. They are banning AR15's in MD and no AR's have been used in violent crimes since the DC snipers were killing people in OCT 2002. It's a matter of money. Maryland is assessing a $50 fee for every handgun now and a 4 hour training course. It's all about taking money from law abiding citizens to deal with criminals, and perps.
  23. Yes, but that's OK. So is calling someone white a "crackah". We ned to organize! We (white caucasians) are rapidly becoming a minority! We could call the organization: NAAWP. I don't think I have to translate that acronym. We need to get us a bunch of racist preachers for credibility. On the other hand... can't we all just get along? Chuck Becoming a minority? Guess you've not been out in public enough to see that you are the minority. The day is over for white people. White women are not having enough babies fast enough to make a difference. White men are pretty much over too. Reason: they let the women go to work and guess what: working women are worse off now then when they stayed at home. Once women entered the workforce prices increased. Now it takes two to fund a household.
  24. I disagree with this. I don't think they had "best intentions" at all. They knew that the sheep were scared and would agree to intrusions on their civil liberties that would not have been allowed otherwise. They further took advantage of that fear and started the war with Iraq. Obama and the anti-gun crowd tried to do the exact same thing this past spring. Take advantage of the sheep being afraid of the scary black rifles and get them banned. Fortunately, it didn't work. a Worked in Maryland. AR15 are banned as of OCT 1, 2013
  25. So if the propensity of violence within the Zebra community is the greatest, we should just leave it alone? Good Zebra's are complaining. Bad Zebra's too are complaining. I drove down rt 40 into Western Baltimore the other day. I spotted 9 cop cars parked, a helicopter over head and two young African American guys sitting on the curb in handcuffs. My first thought: what is this costing the city.