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Everything posted by ayevee8toryear

  1. LOL Damaging his country? LOL Do you think those that created the lies of WMD's actually give a shit about your country, and those that went along with it? To think that is mighty foolish... Patriotism is to question, not to obey!
  2. http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/monsanto-shares-fall-as-south-korea-joins-pause-in-wheat-imports/2013/05/31/5df79a3a-ca2c-11e2-8da7-d274bc611a47_story.html
  3. It is suggested he follow the status quo (report to his superiors), in order to rectify the wrong doings he was witness to. The collateral murder video was released by Wiki-leaks to expose that particular instance, as it is pretty damned difficult to question that what those chaps were doing and with consent from their superiors, was criminal. It went viral immediately for a good reason. The criminal murderers were openly enjoying and joking about it. What Manning exposed to the general public through wiki-leaks would not likely have been known today, had he followed the suggested protocol. The collateral murder tape is one of many, many occurrences that are left unchecked today that Manning (and wiki-leaks) has allowed us to be privy to if we choose to do so. This is not because the protocol itself is flawed, it is purely because the chain of command in the military is corrupted all the way up to the president (and beyond), this is also very obvious. He knows he did not follow protocol, I know it and you know it. Suggesting he should have followed it to achieve his objective of exposing these crimes is absolutely ludicrous. He is a whistle-blower. I see him walking proud when I have seen footage of him, he is not a broken man even considering the inhumane, illegal and grotesque nature of his imprisonment. For that he is a Hero. Many have fallen victim to following orders, he has sacrificed his life for the sake of others but by exposing Tyranny rather than taking a bullet for the sake of resources and the economy (don't go kidding yourself about democracy and freedom). Every life lost in the Iraq war, for instance, was a wasted life. It was Manning's superiors that ordered the deaths (a good percentage of them anyway). Why the hell would they want to be implicated or run the risk of demotion in an investigation by taking Manning's concerns further, based on the common knowledge that exposing such things will lead to trouble...? Would you walk into a bullet knowing there was little means of defense, simply because your superior told you to do so? It all starts from the top when corruption like this is exposed. Even the 'Commander-in-cheif' does not call the shots, this is obvious. But if he is hung by his balls, he will squeal.
  4. Question 1: Did obama swear to protect the constitution? Question 2: What constitututional rights are still valid right now? Question 3: Iş the presedent a traitor.
  5. Based on the reports that have come from the several illegal wars that we are currently engaged in (no declaration of war), the Guantanamo should be quite packed right now eh? why is the book thrown so hard in this case? His superiors are arming Al Qaeda allies openly at present are they not? Why were the shooters in the 'collateral murder' video not punished?
  6. Pfff, Classrooms? Kids have Google, try getting it in the 'free media' first. The issue will escalate when the food supply is undoubtedly compromised. Beehive collapses might lead to world war... Did your media tell you about this? http://www.eutimes.net/2013/05/russia-warns-obama-global-war-over-bee-apocalypse-coming-soon/
  7. He is a soldier and he has sworn to protect the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. The enemies of the constitution at present are domestic and they are within the office of government. The President is a traitor, he lies to us all and should be impeached. So should the assholes that were making Swiss cheese out of the reporters that were simply taking photos, while laughing about it. I suppose they were hero's in your book? If there was any such thing as justice, Bradley Manning would receive a full pardon and all the war criminals would be punished to the full extent of the law. Unfortunately it seems as if neither of those things will ever happen. He is being used as an example.
  8. Looks like another major hurdle for GM crops. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2333381/GM-wheat-crops-America-facing-wheat-export-crisis-Europe-Japan-lead-way-rejecting-genetically-modified-crops.html The apparent apathy of the US population on the subject might be highly costly.
  9. Er, was it not clear that I found it interesting and somehow relvant, and started my comment with a hyphenated "maybe'? How about the readings coming from the sensors, and the current fatal tornadoes going on? is that all hoax as well? I have not looked into it enough to say for sure know which way I inclined to swing. I just thought it was interesting and is worth consideration.
  10. 'Maybe' an electric motor is a good comparison, they have the ability to create electricity and input of electricity also increases their energy output and RPM. Like I said I do not have the ability verify this data, but it is interesting and does give us some data to work with. It has been said that Haarp cannot manipulate the atmosphere here in this discussion and others by the very same people that say weather weapons do not exist. I am not so sure about that. .
  11. So I stumbled across this, I am not willing to verify it but it certainly interesting and quite apt for this discussion. Lets see if anything happens over the coming time frame to see it there are anything comes of it. http://www.theweatherspace.com/haarpstatus-north-america/ I believe this is a real time image that changes as the data is received from a number of sensors around the country, so the status is current.
  12. If taxi drivers are using them, then they work. Lots of Prius and Camry hybrid taxis out there now. It takes a lot longer for a general consumer to see the benefits, for now. I believe the argument that electric cars are not viable, is similar to the argument a decade or so ago that digital cameras will never be as good as film, while using a early model 2 mega pixel model as an example.
  13. The perception of integrity must be retained to maintain and position. this becomes increasingly difficult the more people question and demand answers... Nothing like health issues and death to bring things into perspective.
  14. Can we get an Amen? (turns and looks at the choir)
  15. Monsanto losing on battle at a time... http://www.ir-d.dk/gmo-lose-europe-victory-for-environmental-organisations/ The more aware the people are, the more their stocks will decline.
  16. ROTFLMAO... And the catylist? It is amazing how they can stuff so much energy into one little bomb.. they must like shrink the energy or something... Bwa hahaha... What a bunch of dip shit arguments in this thread.
  17. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-187832/EU-countries-banned-GM-free.html What can be said for the integrity of these 'scientists', and the media for failing to inform the masses of this? Most people are completely unaware of GMO's let alone any of the effects they are having in their lives. The line will probably be crossed at some stage that will prompt mass awareness, but it may be too late at that stage.
  18. Haha, I wonder why there are so many childish idiots on this website...
  19. Then I pull the geo-engineering card out on you, if you can claim your being a Met person gives you a good reason to deny the possibility manipulating, how much have you been discussing geo-engineering among your colleagues?. And by the way, No we are not talking about tornadoes, we are talking about weather weapons,and whether or not these are possible. That is it.
  20. Then how was that conclusion met using your Rationale? Correct, claiming something is impossible, is quite an extraordinary claim indeed. These type of conclusions require data for sure. Where is it? So how can saying weather weapons are also possible be any different?
  21. LOL, so stating that something is not necessarily impossible requires data to prove and claiming it is, doesn't? And If I suggest chemtrails, were a part of Geo-engineering, then would that position change? Are you concerned with the use of Geo engineering and do you think that technology could be used for evil? Can you provide data for the verification of the results of Geo-engineering and were the results positive or negative in regards to the effect on the environment?