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  1. Research the hedonic treadmill. I think if you quit your job and move to another you'll reach the same mental state. Although I agree. Construction sucks. Oh and I accidentally hit the little red symbol next to the reply button. Sorry.
  2. Cool, thanks for your input!
  3. Yup, u nailed the problem. Have you taken one apart before? The face of the axel is unbelievably thin.. 032 thick probably. And the loctite holds quite a bit better then you'dimagine!
  4. Idk if you understand the process, and what the issue is. But thank you for the offer. I appreciate it.
  5. I tried that to. But it seemed there was more loctite then needed. Thus tougher than I could hold with my Palm squeezing against it. I even tried pliers on the side of the axel. But stopped so I didn't bend the face.
  6. It wasn't a suggested fix. I simply emailed to find the sensitive bits to not damage. (the axel is the part I wanted to avoid). Also they assured me if I broke it they'd help me replace the assembly.
  7. So cookie being a great company already have a tutorial on how to change the locking springs for your visor. After diving in and tearing mine apart I found that my axel / hub assembly was a bit different then in the video. Basically there is no way to stop the axel from spinning (pretty tough with thread locker). After emailing back and forth I found the important / key parts to not screw up and mangle to take this axel off. So what I came up with was drilling two holes and using snap ring pliers to stop the axel from spinning and to remove the hub Allen screw. It'll make sense if you run Into this problem yourself. I've attached pics. Hope this helps if you run into this issue later!
  8. Regardless of how u feel, doesn't it make sense that a vibrating slider on your lines would wear it out faster? I mean.... How do you think most lines get out of trim in the first place? Wind erosion?
  9. One report of how many? And yes, I agree w l and b, I mean Cmon.... L and b will have my money and their cs reputation is a good reason why. I've had issues w alti 2 in the past and nothing but good w l&b
  10. When I break a clutch cable, I use silver solder. Make a new "stop" and solder it on, lasts a while.
  11. I'm thinking one of the elders watching the landings mistook it for their fanny pack. In all seriousness tho, if someone purposely took it... Wow... I have a general trust with my skydiving community and it would suck to have to keep a sharper eye on my rig. (and I don't even have embroidery on my rig!)
  12. Supply and demand probably happens for a reason. 59$ a jump doesn't sound to bad about now huh?
  13. Hey mark, I've shipped out quite a bunch of new hand made parts and I've gotten numerous comments about the package smelling of smoke. I think k it might be a post office thing? Only thing that makes sense to me.
  14. So knowing that everyone is different, Anal and indifferent why wouldn't a reputable rigger protect him / herself, not only in a monetary sense but also their name. Which is quite big in the skydiving community