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Posts posted by happythoughts

  1. "sending all our old folk to take over Florida"
    Thanks. Send more. Canadians are a valuable resource in our fight to keep our roads safe. If it weren't for Canadians, people would get injured in those dreaded "over 20" accidents where drivers are going reckless speeds. As the Canadians say "it's the speed limit, not the speed requirement".B|

  2. "And which one are you in the photo? " Bottom photo - 3rd from right. Top photo - far right. Alas, it is difficult to find a corset in size 44 AAA. Fortunately, they adjust.;)
    "whacked my self esteem" Some people are far too judgemental and do not appreciate others as I do.:)It is unimportant whether you have promised or not. It's all about sharing.:ph34r:

  3. Michele,
    I wasn't talking about the 'car' shot. I was talking about the lingerie shot to the left. Clearly there is plenty of male boobies there. Studly males, I might add. What happened to the "if the guys post..." ? I feel like I kept my side of the bargain. Not even a pm ?

  4. Easy way around this problem. When you get on the plane, your shorts are over your leg straps. Take them off, tie them in a knot around your leg strap. Land a little ways out, pull your canopy over you. Put your shorts on before walking in.
    Word to the wise - take out any nipple rings, etc. Recent problem with nipple ring/chest strap resulted in many stitches where you don't want them. :P

  5. Hmmm... Aren't you kind of encouraging this woman to be the last ? In other words, wouldn't they be motivated to arrange your demise shortly after ?:o
    Better off to go the hooker route, they would want to keep you around for the next "installment". :ph34r:

  6. A bosomy blonde was trying on an extremely low-cut dress. As she studied herself in the mirror, she asked the sales lady if she thought it was too low-cut. "Do you have hair on your chest?" the saleswoman asked. "No!" "Then," the saleswoman said, "it's too low-cut."

  7. My all time fav is "Those were the days" - the theme song from "All in the family". I have a buddy who does the "Edith" part and it is punishingly hilarious.
    Also, "Where, oh where, are you tonight..." from "Hee Haw". The tandems love that one.

  8. A while back, people were always saying things like "you must be crazy/stupid to skydive" and the answer became "Duh!". A lot of the Muffs that I jump with have come up with a way to sing songs. Use "Duh" as the words to sing songs like the old Hawaii 5-0 theme or the original Mission Impossible theme. Probably the most original was the a classical tune used on a Bugs Bunny show where Bugs was a barber.

  9. Hey Carrie, don't let any of these guys give you grief about the "analytical process". That's not a woman thing, it's a people thing. People think about(or over-think/analyze) what is interesting to them. Women are interested in talking to their girlfriends about relationships. Guys think and talk about other stuff. Example: Talking about a 2 hour game for 4 hours the next day. See ? It's all about your interests.
    Actually, here is the secret. Women only obsess about this if they feel uncertain. Women who feel they are getting the attention that they need, don't worry about it. If you misunderstand women, you aren't listening.

  10. I know what you mean. I fly a Sabre 150. I have had it twisted all the way up and just flew it along until I could kick out. No fun, but I worked it out. When I think back, most of the time, it is bad body position. I have tracked away from formations, seen someone too close, and changed direction slightly. This caused me to be just off enough to spin it up. Sometimes, it is the pack job, but far more often, it's me. My Sabre may spank me if I dump in a full track, but it is very forgiving on other stuff.

  11. Just a thought. Once you flake your lines, remember that they can move. If you are not careful, when you bring the tail around, it can grab your lines and pull them around also. :o This will cause you to pack a line-over.
    A friend showed me how to hold everything with my knee as I bring the tail around. That keeps the lines where you left them. I don't pack for myself that often, but when I do, I pull the tail around slowly and carefully.

  12. 1200 jumps/ 0 reserve rides (knock wood or whatever)
    I have seen a definite split on the reserve ride ratio based on one thing. Canopy type. I known people with 9 or 10,000 jumps before their first-ever reserve ride. I have also seen a guy with a highly-loaded stiletto chop it twice in one day. 2nd and 4th jumps. (He went home).
    If you are flying a fairly docile square and you open into line twists, you can generally kick it out. If you are under a highly-loaded elliptical and you have line twists, the last toggle input may be "turn fast and dive like hell". That's what happens. No time to kick it out. You are heading for the ground in a hurry and spinning. No alternatives.
    This is just an observation. People with ellipticals seem to chop a lot more.

  13. I don't have your pouch loosened is a good idea. Here is an alternative. Most people fold their pc like this. Lay it out, fold 1/2 moon over the other. Bring in the sides 1/3 of the way. Fold in 1/2 again. This now looks like a little square. A common problem is this: When trying to pull, the corners snag a little on the pouch giving a harder pull. To get around this: When you have the square shape, I fold the corners near the hackey in. Then, I roll each side towards the middle like usual. However, the top near the hackey is a point, not a squared-off end. I find it slides quite nicely.
    However, the best idea is to ask the rigger at your dz, they are generally happy to help people out with this type of advice.

  14. Actually, people "flirt" a lot more than they think about. Here is why I say that. It is kind of an unconscious thing. Example, we walk through the mall/bar/crowd and see a variety of people. We hold the glance on the more attractive people a little longer. Eye contact. We check their facial expression. Smile/Wince/Leer/Quick turn away ? We check our own "attractiveness" all the time. People, who truly think that they are not attractive, have given up on this a long time ago and rarely make eye contact. It's just a harmless way to get a litlle reinforcement.

  15. ""Do I look fat in this dress?". Is there really a correct answer to this question?"
    There are two wrong answers and the secret correct answer. "No" is a wrong answer because you are just lying to protect her feelings. "Yes" is a wrong answer because that makes you an uncaring, insensitive ba*****.
    The correct answer is one that I used to give my ex. "You are better looking than any of your friends or any woman your age". I had told her something with an element of truth and complemented her. However, she wanted to be better looking than all the 19yo honeys. Therefore, in 15 minutes, she put on her running shoes and was off to lose the weight. A little work and she would be "perfect". I was saved.
    The key to dealing with women is honesty. Once you learn to work around that, you're in! ;);)

  16. Wahoo! Yes, inflatable rides are a blast. I believe it was on the '99 Quincy video that our very own Arlo (Groovicool) was riding around on one. We actually did 2, but on the 1st one (which was wild), the video turned off.
    The key to any inflatable jump is NEVER get over it. If the raft/alligator gets loose, it will spank you. Alligators tend to flip over. I usually like 2 on the front and back (in case one doesn't make it) to stabilize. I did one without stabilizing people and we spent the whole jump inverted. The camera man was headdown the entire time and couldn't catch us.
    "The carpet was pretty cool though I watched some guys shoe fly off while we were on our backs. "
    When you were on your backs, did you watch the plane go away ? There is a good pic of our mc exit on last years gallery. I can see someone losing a shoe because a mc does jostle everything. We always put people on the outside if they have legstrap throw-outs (very important).