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Posts posted by happythoughts

  1. "the same car Bernie has donated " Not sure if it was Bernie or Steve Mott. But you are right, not a bad car beforehand. Quite a pic of TK standing on it, even though there was some reflection from his white Canadian bod.;)
    "... it features Johhny G. " Actually, you can look at any Q video and see Johnny. He's always involved in something interesting. I even have friends with home video that he is accidentally in.:D Johnny's not an asshole, he's The Asshole.B|

  2. My buddy had brought his boss out for a tandem. We were going to follow him out and dock. He had his fingers braced on the door edge like a cat being pushed into a sink full of cold water. On the video you can hear "Sir, you must let go if you wish to exit the aircraft".:D

  3. A guy doing a tandem was sitting at the back of the plane giving us the whole macho crap story. "I'm so manly...danger junkie...blah blah". For some reason, there is only one girl on the plane this day. She is doing a hop and pop for an accuracy jump, so she is getting out at 4,000. He says "I didn't know any women jumped... blah blah". When we made the 4,000 pass, the door opened and we grabbed her by the grippers and tossed her out screaming. When we closed the door, we told him "we just use girls for wind drift indicators". He said "man - you guys are cold".

  4. For JTFC, a guy donated the car that we beat on for donations. Then, we set the car on fire.
    One caveat in reading that book - A lot of the stuff she talked about was appeared in the Quincy video. The naked brunette on the jet, Jerry Loftis' death, the 'jet, jet, jet' chant, etc would be seen on the video without actually attending the event. I don't know. It may be fact, but writers are in the fiction-creation business. She mentioned that the girl stopped at the top of the stairs and waved. That was exactly what was shown on the video, so either she was on the load or...

  5. "This could be done tastefully without drug smuggling/abuse or overdone sex/violence. Now don't get me wrong,let the beer flow after jumping,lets chase some skirts and have some serious team rivalry but lets break this stereotype Hollywood is molding around us."
    You may be onto something here. There does seem to be a stereotype that skydivers are drug-crazed, over-sexed, adrenaline-junkies. When have you ever met a skydiver like that ? ;) Perhaps the movie could be done with a John Tesh soundtrack. :D

  6. "Ever seen a bouncing car? When it's bouncing they have little to no control "
    Lack of control is what starts my car bouncing.:D:D:D Remember, accidents cause people.;)
    Just feeding me the straight lines, aren't ya ?B|

  7. "dodging those power lines"
    I was standing there wiping my Tevas because I could smell some cow poop on them. The woman said "Oh, that won't come off for a while. We just plowed 2 tons of pig manure into that field". She was right. I scrubbed them with dishwashing detergent and ran them through the washing maching twice. Whew!:P I think it had to wear off.
    If you want to play "adventures with power lines", have you been to Monroe? The dz is in the middle of a residential area.:o

  8. Everyone - try to remember that there is a flip side.
    When the Connie was at Quincy, you were guaranteed to land off. Weren't the locals great ? "C'mon in... a glass of tea ?" "Can I give you a ride back ?" I've met a lot of cool farmers in a lot of places. As in all walks of life, there are some buttheads. Most are nice and helpful, so be courteous and it generally works out great!
    Doing 4-way, 2nd to last group out of the Connie. I walked out of a field with my buddy and a woman drives up with her daughter in their truck. "Can we give you a ride ?" Hopped in. "Thanks for the ride". "Glad to help. This is exciting. We've never had jumpers land this far out."B|B|

  9. Definitely the best plot so far. I love a happy ending. The part about picking up local redneck girls may be reaching a little though. That never happens.;)
    When I was in Georgia one time, I was almost arrested for rustling until the girls showed the officer an ID.:D

  10. I do something that I don't see others do. It works for me. I have put one of those little mag-lite flashlights on my cheststrap. People think that it ruins your night vision, but it hasn't bothered me. It does a great job of illuminating your canopy. It's nice to be seen. My mult-colored canopy glows like a floating x-mas tree. It also lets you check your lines/canopy.
    Mag-lites come with a little belt-pouch. I run my cheststrap through the belt loop. On the light itself, there is a little hole at the bottom. To keep the light in the pouch, I put the light in the pouch. Then, I put a safety pin through the pouch and through the loop in the bottom of the light. It holds the light in the pouch.
    Just something that works for me.B|

  11. The Zhills McNasty and the dz have worked out an agreement. If you chop over his land, talk to manifest first. The first instinct is to jump the fence and look for it - don't. Manifest will call the guy, let him know you are coming. He's a butthead either way, but the dz has worked to get a good image with the local police. He's the only fly in the ointment.
    If you decide to shoot him, take a number and get in line. I can help, I'm scalping low numbers.;)

  12. Our farmer McNasty has parked his jeep tire on a rig before.
    However, my favorite story was when some Navy SEALs were training and one landed in his tree. One SEAL was cutting a limb from the guy's tree to save his canopy and the guy came out and shot a hole in the canopy. OK, it wasn't a good neighbor to cut the tree limb, I'll give the farmer that. Still, I'm betting that the one group that you shouldn't threaten is a SEAL team who knows where you live.:o

  13. They did this with bicycles and called it "Breaking Away". Maybe we could call the skydiving version "Breaking Wind" ?;) If they tried to compress our team training into a 4-month movie storyline, you probably couldn't find actors who could drink that much. B|

  14. Cutaway could have been improved though. Since it was being shot in Miami, I suggested that we use more alligators in scenes. There seemed to be plenty laying around. Just waiting to be used for free. I think alligators with laser beams strapped to their heads could have saved that movie. Aliens disguised as alligators... B|

  15. Yeah, it sounds interesting, but I was looking for original ideas. That same thing happened to me 3 months ago.:D:D Except instead of the Monkeyman, it was a lion with a tadpole in a jar. Do you think we could get Mick Jagger to be the Monkeyman ?

  16. Cool! A mad scientist. How about this ? A mad scientist changes gravity so that it goes sideways instead of down. Instead of walking, you have to skydive to go anywhere. When you get there, you take a grip. Of course, for freeflyers this would suck.;) Foot races would become swoop contests. Skydivers would be in demand and respected because of their skill. Pond-swooping could be done with no canopy.
    ok people. If gravity went horizontal, in what other scenarios is skydiving an advantage ?

  17. "Cuban Escape museum in Key West" The reason that Cuba has no Olympic sailing team. If you can sail, you're in Key West.;)
    "buy a day of free jumps for everybody a the DZ next day" Now we're talking. Real fiction.
    (HT notes length of post) You're at work, aren't ya ?
    Exellent script. Aliens, boobies, skydiving, happy ending. Talent emerges.