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Everything posted by timmyfritz

  1. ***Not enough worker bee's ! Too many bums. Always true. Go look at the free housing that we have to pay for, they trash it !! Always. and why not ? it is free. You are a socialist dks13827. I can proove it to you!
  2. ***Graveyards are loaded with fools Fantastic that you know the resting place of your DNA ancestors!!!
  3. ***Yes. Yes. Finally some one who understands how we were had!!! Thing is bgmassey, you are a socialist! You may protest that designation but I can proove it to you!
  4. LOL! If you don't understand the term Facism just admit it. Don't play the fool! I know it's scary to leave your comfort zone. No need to proove your ignorance.You can do better. Just become enlightened. Peace
  5. Nothing is wrong with socialism or communism, if it's voluntary. Check out Amish or Menonite communities, a Catholic convent with nuns, etc. Those are very socialistic communities, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. You have every right to go join or start your OWN commune if you want to live in that way. ***It becomes wrong when you force people into it. Making it the policy of the government, backed law enforcement, is plain. fucking. wrong. So bgmassey, when the people were forced to cover the losses of the Banks and the policy of the government was to hide the criminality of the bankers , was that wrong? Are you pissed off about that?
  6. ***Nope, try again son. fas·cism noun Definition of FASCISM 1 a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition It amazes me that you would post something you don't understand!
  7. Quote>The important thing is that the message gets out and the common people wake up. ***62% of Americans own their own home. Most of them have mortgages.Quote Uhmm .., Bill.., Psst.., Let me whisper this so no one else hears..,I don't want to embarrass you! If they have mortgages they don't own their homes! The banks own them and it is the banks that have the power to manipulate the value of our currency . How the banks gained this privelage to manipulate the value of our currency is a mystery to me as the Constitution states that Congress alone has the Duty to coin money.
  8. ***Some people like to have decisions made for them. For those people, communism and socialism and even fascism is a good thing. Have a hard time deteermining what job you want? What to have for dinner? Whether you want toilet paper? Whether you want to live or die? Communism and fascism and sociamlism. Obviously lawrocket you don't understand the terms. You are living under Facism. Facism is the political system where the corporations control governance. Here is something you may not know about yourself; You lawrocket , you are a socialist! I can prove it to you!
  9. So you don't believe that men strive to always better themselves. This is a fundamental disagreement between you and I. I believe that the majority of men do strive to better themselves . Your Idea about the guy at Mickie D's not ever going to make any more etc.., How about Mike Vick with the Philadelphia Eagles? He's got that contract. You don't think he's striving to win? He could do nothing(ok he's sucked recentlly so maybe you are right!;) but we all know he is striving for perfection. Maybe the same is true for the guy frying potatos . Could be that he is striving every day to fry those potatos perfectly. And perhaps after he masters the potatos he moves on to master the grill. I believe in Man. I believe that all Men are born equal in their potential. You may want to call me on that and point out those who are born mentally retarded etc. All men are born equal in potential . It is man who sets false goals for them. If the goal for all men is to love others as yourself the mentally retarded may be the champions of our race. Peace, Timmy Fritz
  10. Nice try Steve! God has healed millions of amputees! Have you not witnessed a lizard regenerate his tail? How about the earthworm bisected? Obviously God does through His divine plan heal amputees! If Human amputees haven't seen healing perhaps His Divine plan for them is beyond your understanding. Don't many human amputees have access to state of the art artificial limbs ? Don't some of these designs have the potential to even improve on the original manufacturers' parts? God does challenge Humans, Steve. He doesn't make things easy. He did give us everything we need to meet every challenge we will ever run into. Fundamentally yours, Timmy Fritz
  11. Why do you believe that "True"Communism is "an unworkable nightmare"?
  12. Me, I prefer true Communism. True Communism would produce a Utopia on Earth, IMO. But how about in the mean time socialism? Kinda' a Communism "lite". Either of these economic/political structures would be better than capitalism or the Facism that is the current political/economic system of America . What say you?
  13. You are on the right track "yourmama", The now daily propaganda assault against Iran shows their hand! The prize has been Iran all along. They lost it in the late '70s and have been wanting it back ever since. Note the illogical war against Iraq and Afganistan. Each was to surround Iran with our war machine. Really????... Hikers in Iraq accidently crossed the Iranian border?? Who the fuck goes hikin' in a war zone?????
  14. The important thing is that the message gets out and the common people wake up. It aint their fault that they are struggling and they will never be rich as long as the status quo is allowed to continue. The guy making the fries at McDonalds did not cause nor benefit from the economic meltdown regardless of how you might like to place the blame on "all of us". The deck is rigged. The cards are marked . Elections are an illusion where we can pick one rich guy or another rich guy. Guess what!!! They are gonna make laws which favour rich guys! They spit out some drivel about raising taxes on the rich and debate on and on and on about it but it ain't ever gonna happen folks! It ain't ever gonna happen because it's the rich voting on it! It ain't you . It ain't me. Congress , the president, the Supreme Court are all rich guys and they make laws and develop policies to benefit the rich. The wars and all other foreign policy.., do you think those are to benefit the common man? Hell no!!! They benefit the rich! The bailout and the stimulus bill which polls showed the vast majority of the American people were against but Congress passed and the Presidents signed anyway, were they for the benefit of the common man or the super rich? Face it !!! The rich and the corporations decide who we can vote for in each election. The corporations own Congress . They own the media. Washington is constantly throwing a party for rich men and you and I ain't on the guest list. You and I ain't invited.
  15. ***Unfortunately there aren't a lot of jobs for angry, nearly illiterate rabble with few skills. Well, other than speaking at Tea Party rallies, that is, where they can rant about how much they hate educated people. Military is hirin' and there are those prison guard positions.
  16. ***They've spent billions and will have to spend billions more in order to determine where the billions they're spending is going ... Listen brother, This ain't nothin' new. The day before 9-11 Donald Rumsfeld the Secretary of Defense reported that the Pentagon couldn't account for more than 2.3 Trillion Dollars. What timing! And you're just now concened about measely billions? Party on Garth!
  17. I have never taken a bank loan . I haven't invested in MBS or CDS. I haven't flipped houses or ever owned a home. My stats are the same as 73% of the Black population and 38% of the white population. " All of us " aren't to blame. It's you rich folk are to blame.
  18. timmyfritz


    ***The bottom line is that we are about to make it quite clear that murder is murder, punishible by either death or life in prison... Quote The first night of the Iraq war was labeled by the administration as "Shock and Awe" Hundreds of thousand of pounds of bombs were unleashed that night onto the city of Bahgdad. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed or injured that night and in the subsequent days of that war. We now know that the administration was lying to us about every reason they chose to initiate the war with Iraq. So should those murderers , Bush , Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice, and all those who voluntarily served under them in the US Armed Forcers be put to death or life imprisonment?
  19. On second thought why bother? They bring this up every now and again in Congress but it is just a charade. It will never happen. Congress will never raise taxes on the rich as the members of Congress are the rich!!! Ain't no Wal-Mart greeter in Congress. Ain't no school bus driver in Congress. Ain't no brick masons in Congress, etc. Maybe there should be!
  20. *** It's perfect. "See? It's the rich bankers who caused this!" Quote I'm not certain "who caused this ", lawrocket. One fact is that our present system of banking creates more debt than money . In other words every time a loan is made the money for the principal is created but the money to cover the interest on that loan is not created. One doesn't need be too bright to realize that if the money to cover the interest isn't created along with the principal someone is set up to fail. If you put 10 marbles into a cup you can't take 11 out. T. Fritz
  21. ***Yep. Looking for an excuse. Any excuse will do. You won't provide one? Dat's OK wif me...I'll mek wun up. And in comes the government agent provacaters. Government people posing as protesters acting violently to allow an escalation by LEO's. Watch for it. T.Fritz
  22. ***Ask the Irish if you need tanks and jets to fight back against folks that have them. We could also ask the Taliban. TFritz
  23. timmyfritz


    I'm new here Jaybird but I can see that you are an unashamed Fundamentalist . Good on ya! In Genesis Adam aquired life when God breathed into him his first breath. Human life , according to the Bible, begins with the first breath. Fundamentally yours, T.Fritz
  24. timmyfritz


    ***Wow! I'm away for a few days, come back, and find out that Steve doesn't have much respect for me based on my online views alone. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight. I see from your postings on this thread that you don't believe in womens' rights. "Women will never experience true freedom until they have the Right to be in controll of their own bodies."-TFritz