
what type of wing should I buy???

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I m ready to buy my camera suit...I will most often jump with tandem.

Why don't you save you money and do another 300 skydives first? Camera work, especially with tandems, requires a lot of concentration, gear specialization and flying skill. You simply have to be able to fly without thinking...something most mortals generally can't do with 200 jumps.

Learn first, be safe....

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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Judging by your height and weight, you won't need much wing at all.

What you do need is some some solid practice filming smaller RW jumps to acclimate yourself to the camera. If you have already dome this, do more. You only have 200 jumps total, how much practice could you have?

Then get a suit with a small wing, and do RW video with that (at least 50 jumps). Then you can approach tandem videos being a practiced, confident, and safe camera flyer. Seriously.

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is required that you have 500 jumps before you can jump with tandems and 100 of those jumps have to be camera jumps.

That may be a rule at your dropzone (and it isn't a bad rule ;)), but it's not a USPA rule, unless they've changed this year. I'm looking at the 2003 IRM, Tandem Instructor Rating Course (yellow pages), section 4-5.3 a and b:


Minimum experience qualifications (for camera flyers accompanying a tandem):

a. 300 group freefall skydives
b. 50 jumps flying camera with experienced jumpers

Obviously most people will have a fair number of solos jumps, which don't count, but it's possible to have 300 group skydives and zero solos. Personally, I don't know many tandem instructors that would let you jump with them at 300 jumps, either.
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Well that depends of the gear they jump to. as Relative workshop gear (tandems) you need those requirements. 500jumps and 100 of those have to be camera and if it goes to the bottom of the story I believe that the gear limit is more important, because of the way that America likes lawsuits.
just my 2 other cents.

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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I can't find any information on camera flyers in the Relative Workshop manuals, but I don't think they have all the manuals on-line. Is that 500/100 number recommended or required by RWS? Can you point out which document it's in?

I've always thought is was interesting that tandem manufacturers set their own individual standards (Strong rating vs. Sigma rating, et al), while standards for fun jumpers are set by more national organizations (USPA, etc). It implies that there is more liability assumed with tandem students than fun jumpers.

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on the vector 2 tandem manual (online manual that i downloaded from the RWS website) page 93:121 on top there is a picture of a tandem with a video guy in which states "Any Cameraman Accompanying a Tandem pair must meet all the qualifications for Relative Work plus have at least 100 camera jumps"
The requeirements for a candidate (tandem instructor) are located on page 6:121.
In the manual they have all the info

"If you don't overcome your fears they will overcome you first"
Shady Monkey/6Segundos Rodriguez/AKA Pablito

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Great - thanks for pointing this out. I made a clicky for others interested (3 meg dowload to ZIP file):


It says cameramen must meet RW requirements and also have 100 RW camera jumps.

Wow - this is an interesting rule on page 97 for RW requirements:

2) Relative worker must be either a current Tandem Instructor or a current AFF jumpmaster.

Are they saying that to do camera with a tandem jumping a RW rig, that the cameraman must also have an AFFI or TI rating? I don't know many camera people that have those ratings ...

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Many of us do. The question is how many tandem instructors and dzo's allow a cameraman who is not qualified?

I know of a couple RW tandem examiner/dzo's who will take anyone with a camera helmet when it is a paying customer and they take a big cut out of the video charges.


James 4:8

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1st - get more jumps before thinking about shooting tandems...

Since you mentioned Tony as your suit of choice, the A or C wing should work for you... I think a B would be too small, and a D would be way more than you need...

When you get it, jump it a few times without the camera helmet, get used to how to pull and how to get control of you canopy before adding the camera to the mix.

Spend a good number of jumps shooting RW stuff before going out with tandems.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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