
Wingsuit - Need Information

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Hey guys!

At first...i am Sascha from germany...i hope my english is good enough (i think it should) to tell you what i need. If i say something really wrong, please correct me (so by the way i improve my english ;) ).

I'll write, i think you call it a "skilled work", in school about winguits and i need at all more information about wingsuits.
The theme of my work is "Construction, function and development in the future"
With construction i mean how it is built which materials and methods are used, function means how it physically works....lift and drift and so on (are that the right words?), development in the future means if it is possible to land a wingsuit in the future or if it is possible to climb and maintain the altitude.

Thats at first what i need! I hope you understand and can help me!

Thanks to Ueli who send me the link to this forum!


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The theme of my work is "Construction, function and development in the future"
With construction i mean how it is built which materials and methods are used, function means how it physically works....lift and drift and so on (are that the right words?), development in the future means if it is possible to land a wingsuit in the future or if it is possible to climb and maintain the altitude.

Start by reading all the info on http://www.phoenix-fly.com/articles.htm and then go through http://www.flybirdman.com/. After that you'll probably have the basics figured out and you'll be able to ask specific questions about different designs and other stuff that can then be discussed on this forum.

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tach sascha,

mehr info bekommst du bestimmt bei ulli wambach in ampfing. er vertreibt ws in deutschland.
skydive colibri. oder auf der home page von phoenix-fly.com. ansprechpartner wäre james (da kannst du auch dein englisch aufpolieren)
das thema ist sehr koplex..viel spass

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Hallo hannes!

Vielen dank werd mich mal umhören! Hab mir die alle pdf files bis auf die Manuals für die einzelnen ws runtergeladen und werd sie mal studieren ;) Das Thema interessiert mich sehr....hoffe das es komplex iss weil ich nämlich ca. 12 Seiten dazu schreiben muss ;)

I just downloaded the articels and will read them!
Lets see if there are more questions after reading them! Thanks!

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