
First CReW!!!!

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I know you have heard it many times, but I have to share... Opened at 12k and did a two stack. Then attempted a downplane. Keyword is attempted as we didn't get it to a side-by first and ended up on our backs with line twists. Broke and tried again. We got the side-by first and then went to the downplane. At one point I looked at my altimeter and wondered how long the other guy (He has done a lot of CReW and has around 2600 jumps) was going to hold on as we were passing through 1700 feet. We were over shit ponds so that made me wonder what our real "deck" was. Landed and felt a high I haven't felt since my first jump. I was giddy. Anyway it was a very fun experience and CReW is very fun!
Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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Congrats on your job. I would be cautious as to knowing what the plan of the jump was before you went up, and KNOWING for sure what your hard deck was. Things can go bad up there, and it's good to be well prepared with emergency procedures, and the jump itself before trying new things. I'd be cautious about doing downplanes with bridal canopies, but that's just me, perhaps others will tell you otherwise.

That's awesome that you had a great jump!! CRW is where it's at! And I'll tell ya...

...it only gets better!!! B|:)

CReW Skies,

"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I know you have heard it many times, but I have to share... Opened at 12k and did a two stack. Then attempted a downplane. Keyword is attempted as we didn't get it to a side-by first and ended up on our backs with line twists. Broke and tried again. We got the side-by first and then went to the downplane. At one point I looked at my altimeter and wondered how long the other guy (He has done a lot of CReW and has around 2600 jumps) was going to hold on as we were passing through 1700 feet. We were over shit ponds so that made me wonder what our real "deck" was. Landed and felt a high I haven't felt since my first jump. I was giddy. Anyway it was a very fun experience and CReW is very fun!

Welcome to the world of CRW. It's addictive :).

That said, here's what I think about your progression straight to a downplane: I think downplanes and new CRW dogs shouldn't be mixed. Downplanes have a high casualty rate... and not just from the downplane itself, but also from other complications that could occur after breakoff. Probably the jumper you were learning from knew what he was doing and was in control, but I think learning the basics of CRW such as stacks, offsets, top docks, etc would be a better investment of time.

Here's an incidents thread from a couple years ago about a downplane that an experienced CRW dog flew with a low-timer.

While in a downplane, this CRW newbie's reserve deployed. He was lucky to walk away from this one.

Downplanes bring complications even to those who are very experienced with CRW:

In all 3 of these incidents there's a commonality: The downplanes were held to low altitudes. One of the first things I teach to new CRW dogs: Altitude is your friend. If you have issues such as wraps, entanglements, etc, it's much more appealing to be at 6,000 ft than 1,500 ft because the higher you are, the more time you have to assess the problem and correct it. I don't encourage downplanes, but if you are going to do them, please avoid the part of these stories that keeps getting people in trouble: downplanes at low altitudes, and no downplanes while any other canopies are in close proximity.


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CReW rocks doesn't it? I've only done 10 CReW jumps so far, but loved every one of them and can't wait to do more. No downplanes in my logbook yet though.

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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