
First Toad Suckers?

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I remember sitting around the Z-Hills fire pit in about 79/80 with a couple of Dem Toad Suckers. I can't remember who they were or where they were from but I used to see them at lots of boogies.

Who/when/where are/were they? Alittle history or memory jogger please?

thx, jon

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Anyone who tells you they remember the 80's at Z-Hills probally wasn't an original ToadSucker.

Being a newly recruited "TOADSUCKER" myself, I too am curious of the history behind the group and possibly some stories.

Surely Jon, you have some DQ stories you could share with us PUPS? Please?


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Anyone who tells you they remember the 80's at Z-Hills probally wasn't an original ToadSucker.

You're right...It is all kind of a blur.

I remember wearing a pendant made of a flattened, mummified toad found in the parking lot. There were a few of those around at the time. I just can't remember where it was. I think it was in Covington, LA and they made it to the Hills for Turkey Meet.

Was that a Toad Sucker thing or just an abberation?


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"THEM TOADSUCKERS" originally started as a CRW team at one of the ZHills boogies. I think it's been many years since there was an actual ToadSuckers team, however, the name lives on. It is basicly a loose organization (emphasis on loose) of CRW jumpers bent on having fun and spreading the gospel of CRW.
I know there are others lurking out there who can give a more factual history of theis great and glorious organization.

Kevin k.
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I don't really know when or how they got started...but I became a Toadsucker back in 1985..in Homestead Florida on jump # 113 in a four way (stack that is)with Jon Sikorsky, his brother Gino Condon & Bob Lacey...or was it Bill???
Haven't had much contact with them over the years, but they were always a nice bunch of guys.

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