
Freefly Organizing at Skyfest

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Hey all. East Coast Freefly is proud to say that we will be providing many of the freefly services at Skyfest in South Carolina from June 1st until the boogie is over. After working it out with the boogie organizers, they've agreed to allow us to come up and crash the party.

I am...
1) doing this for sake of skyfest and freeflying,
2) giving away (3) coached freefly jumps for free in the drawing,
3) providing free Load Organizing all with video and debriefs,
4) running a freefly Safety Seminar, Friday at 10AM,
5) leading sunset tracking dives every night,
6) going to be there from June 1 until the end of the parties,
7) and offering discounted coach jumps at $20 (price includes a pack job) plus slot,
8) requesting that you email [email protected] to reserve coaching or to get on the roster for organizing.
9) here to let you know that ALL levels are welcome cause we are trying to push this sport.
10) and going to also offer still camera shots on some loads and upon request.

I think the sport needs it. We'll be doing sitflying, headdown, atmonauti, tracking, hybrids, etc. upon request.

Hope to see you there!

-Vertifly (Dave C)

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Hey for all you new FF out there, make sure you reserve your time with Dave prior to the event. Not only to guarantee your self a slot, but to take advantage of the incredible deal he is offering for Coach jumps.
I can promise you that if you do not hold a slot soon it will be very difficult to get one during the event. This is our 8 year holding SkyFest and every year the same thing happens, people miss out because they did not take advantage of the slots. So drop Dave an email today and get a great deal on some FF Coaching Jumps!

See you all there in June and
Be safe!

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Thanks J. And thanks to those who have already contacted me for freefly coaching!! I look forward to getting some good jumps in.

Please know that Skyfest will have both organizing and coaching every day - all day. Contact me if you would like to be on either list - org's or coaches.

Attached is a chart representing the coaching slots for the event. Each day, there is one slot in the AM and one slot in the PM. This way, the organizing will be spread out too. Slots for coaching is half gone. If interested, get in touch with me now via email ([email protected]). Getting a coach slot during the event will be difficult or not possible.

Reservations are on the honor system. If you make the appointment, please do me right by keeping it. Thanks and see you there!!!

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