
Compensation question...again

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I have seen posts here before asking about how a photog should be compensated for their work but I think I have a bit of a different situation and I was wondering what you would do if you were in my shoes.

I received this e-mail yesterday:

The Tullahoma Area Chamber of Commerce is currently working on their new marketing magazine that will be published in Jan 09. The magazine committee would love to feature your picture that was on the front page of the The Tullahoma News, October 5. We would put a byline with your information. This magazine is sent out in relocation packages, when anyone comes to the area, or is available in the offices of all of our chamber members. Can you please let me know if you are interested?

Thank you,
Tullahoma Area Chamber of Commerce

The pic they are referring to was a tandem exit shot of a wheelchair bound friend of mine that made a jump a few weeks back and I gave the reporter from our local newspaper a photo to run with the story that they did about her. I didn’t receive any compensation from the paper but I wasn’t concerned about it because I figured it would be good publicity for the DZ and as I said I am friends with the student so I wanted to help her get her pic in the paper.

Now I am wondering if I should ask the Chamber for compensation since they are going to be using it for “advertisement”. On the other hand though our DZ is a chamber member and it could be good advertising for us which means more work for me and the rest of the staff.

Like I said I am wondering what you would do if it were you.

Thanks and Blue Skies,

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Business is business!
They're going to make money with your product, which is a photograph.
You should get your fair cut!
You can't be just nice with business catalog.
Would they be nice with you when you're paying for some service at one of the advertised businesses?
For example: the catalog has a few restaurans in there for sure. Those restaurans are paying for their ads in that catalog. And when you go to any of those restaurants they won't give you a free dinner just because of your picture in that catalog, neither the Chamber of Commerce will give you any benefits (if you have a business in that area).
This catalog is about business and money not about charity!
I highly suggest to charge for that photograph.
Gettyimages.com is a good place to start to figure out the pricing.

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