
Buying Canon in the US as a UK person

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Ok all, i'm probably going to be in the states at Christmas looking to spend some hard earned on green backs on some Canon gear.

I'm from and live in the UK and will be buying (hopefully) a Canon 5D Mk2 with the 24 - 105mm and a Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS USM lens (nice!)

My question is, what's Canons warranty like on buying US items then going back to the UK? If anything were to go wrong, will i have to send things back to the US, or will it be a world wide warranty? Stupid question, but i know the charger will have a different plug on it, but i'm guess it's still standard AC so I just change the lead out for a UK one? Will the battery still be doing the same things as a UK one in terms of power?

Anything else i need to be aware of?

I would buy it all in the UK, but i'm going to save $8-900 at least, buying everything over there.

What's everyone's thoughts?

Also, how to mail in rebates work? We don't get those over here, but there seems to be some good deals on memory cards at BH.

Actually, while i'm here. I've bought from BH before and they were great. Is there anywhere else I should check for prices that people would recommend? Ideally outside of FL so i won't need to pay the state tax ;)

Thank you all for anything you give me :)
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well, as I have understood, you get a world wide warranty for objectives and accessories and such. (if its not a "grey market" product without warranty)

The body wont be under world wide warranty. Only US warranty or no warranty at all. (depending do you want to buy one with warranty or not)

For some products like compact cameras, canon offers a "semi trasferable warranty" It means that you may change the national 1 year warranty for a half a year warranty at another warranty area where canon does offer warranty. (UK for example) In order to have this done you need to visit canon office (somewhere) and change the national warranty card to this other warranty card. This is how it is at least in the warranty conditions in Hong Kong. I can only assume it might be someworth similar in the US also. And note that this only applies to compact cameras, not DSLR´s like the 5DMII

If you want to find the terms of warranty definitely, check out the warranty terms of canon US. (most likely to be found in their web site)

Someone suggested asking canon itself, I wouldnt. The person answering to you might not actually have a clue about what he/she will tell you. I actually asked canon Finland about the warranty "exchange" from hong kong and they first tried to deny it even exists. After a series of emails they finally agreed that this is possible. If you ask, I suggest asking canon US since, more likely canon UK will try to be protective towards their market area.

On a second note, I would suggest getting rid of any evidence that suggests you bought the products in the US. Just in case you get searched in the customs.

Thirdly I would suggest making sure the retailer has the items in stock at the time you visit..

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