
Jumping out of date reserve???

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In the instance discussed about my reserve I did know that my reserve was coming up for a repack, I even considered leaving it w/ a rigger the last time I was at a DZ. Unfortunately I was not at my home DZ. My home DZ is 1.5 hours away and just dropping it off is not practical. I more recently have been splitting my time between DZs, but would still prefer one rigger to maintain my gear. I do not see a reserve repack in the same light I see getting my drycleaning done. The rigger at the new DZ I have been going to is probably quite capable and knowledgeable, yet I KNOW the one I have used til now is. If for no other reason I have one save under one of his pack jobs (thanks Mike).


Chris...nice thread buddy! ;)
By the way, most riggers have other places you can drop off your rig other than the loft or DZ. You can save some of that driving time if you want to drop it off at my wife's work in downtown Atlanta or at my house in Powder Springs.
Anyway, drop it off so we can get you all safe and legal. :)
See ya...

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I had a sneaky feeling you would find your way into this thread MikeB|

I will be in contact with you about getting my reserve taken care. The option for an alternate drop off location sounds great.


Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????

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Interesting. So if you found someone jumping with your name forged, you'd charge him $55? And if he went in under that pack job, how would you explain that it's your name on there, and you charged him for a repack - but it's really not your work?

Charging someone for work you didn't do sounds a little scary.


To clarify: if a rig arrives in my loft with my signature forged on the packing data card, I will do a legitimate reserve repack. Then the customer owes me for two repacks before he can reclaim his reserve. If he complains too loudly about my policy, I will hand him his ripcord.

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An additional point on jumping an out of date reserve. It is my understanding that USPA group member DZs enjoy protection from UPSA in terms of insurance. If a jumper jumps an out of date reserve, purposely or otherwise, has a malfunction, and say crashes through the hangar. Nothing is covered by USPAs insurance because the DZ would have violated USPAs guidlines in terms of safety and hence they woudl not be covered. Meaning if a knucklehead jumps an out of date reserve and causes damage to something, it ain't covered and the rest of us get screwed when the DZ has to shut down. I consider it a pretty selfish thing to do. But hey, the world ain't a perfect place. I'm always amazed when people express a casual attitude towards their reserve in terms of maintenance and repacking. It was instilled in me on my AFF level 1 jump that "Your reserve is your absolute last chance, it's your LAST ride. Well, technically the ride to the morgue is your LAST ride, but only if your reserve fails, do you get my point?." With that said, I don't f with my reserve repack.

Peace, Tom

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