
0.3 Wide angle (UK)

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Anybody know of an alternatives to Royal/Diamon/Cookie 0.3 lenses? I know they are good lenses before everyone tells me but I need a 0.3 but don't want to spend £100 on one. Anybody had any luck finding cheaper 0.3's? Had a look a Kenko 0.43 which seems like it might be OK, its not 0.3 but still wide 'ish'. Done a bit of looking on google but can't find much.


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Spend your money on the high quality 0.3 lenses because if you buy a cheap lense its probable that the glass quality of the optics is crap, at first they look good but the glass will absorb all the usual gasses / vapour in the air and eventually warp.I experienced this a few seasons ago with a 0.3 I had ( I'll keep it anon ). The New zealand make is the dogs bollox, but I have found that the Kenko fisheye 0.43 is the best for everyday camera flying, and for the price its a steal. Most of the cool n grooveys I know jump this lense.

Fly cool

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Ye I really want to get one of the high quality 0.3's but its a lot of money for a lens. I will give the Kenko fish eye a try and see if that is alright. Its only £30 so its a lot cheaper. In the end I may end up buying an expensive one but wanted to find out if there were some cheaper alternatives.


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Whilst you make your decision....thought I would add....
You can get issues with visible vignette on the 'longer' lenses that are not the best quality.
( if you are using footage for editing you can possibly get rid of that vignette by 'zooming' in a little on the footage using your editing program......not ideal...but an acceptable workaround)
The lower profile lenses ( eg Liquid lens,Royal lens) avoid this but do have a degree of blur at the edges of the lens.....
Depends what you want to do with the footage you record I guess.....what you are happy with.

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Thanks, I did come across that while searching but didn't really like the idea of clip on. How does it clip on?

It has 2 buttons on the edge, opposite each other, that you depress, put it on the camera, let go and hey presto it grips the outer edge of the lens.

It needs fixing in place, probably with gaffer tape.....:P

Journey not destination.....

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Hmmm, doesn't sound the greatest. Probably won't last very long unless you put half a roll of gaffer tape on :|

I've used this system now for something like 60 jumps without problems. It ain't pretty but no, you don't need half a roll to make it stay.:)

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