
What do you use to play tapes in editing station?

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We're trying to set up a permanent editing station at the DZ. Currently the vidiots use their own camcorders when they edit their tapes. We'd like to switch to a full time editor, so, while the vidiot is up on a load, the editor can make the tape from the previous jump. What do you suggest the editor use to play the tape? Buy another camcorder, or is there another solution?

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We bought a couple of HC-40's to do the job. That way if any of our camera people are desperate for a camera, they could use one of those as well.
At some point I would like to get a mini-DV player to do the job. I believe the ones we looked at were pretty expensive though.

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i'm a chief editor, and we're using an 'old' TRV 3CCD for editing (old but still the best pic).
the photographers just bring their tapes, each is labled with a number, and we write it down in a list with tan. inst. and photographers names etc.

we have 2 editing stations in the editing room, and on the other station i'm working with PC8 - again, that the dz bought for all those 'just in case' cases.
that way i can work on 2 movies parallel B|.

good luck with your new editing station!
if you need any suggestion just ask:)Ori.

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