
Q: Difference between video LANC and Canon 2.5mm Still Remote Release Plugs

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I'm pretty sure both plugs are 2.5mm "micromini" or "submini" plugs; I know that the Conceptus plug for Canon (and other?) still cameras physically fits in a videocam LANC port.

I don't have a lanc plug handy unfortunately (broke my CamEye II off in my old camera).

The CamEye has three leads to the plug. Is that the same as the Conceptus? Is there any difference to these plugs? Will the SkyTools extension video LANC also work with a Canon Digital Still Camera remote shutter release?

I'm thinking that if Canon video cameras use LANC than it wouldn't surprise me if that's what their remotes are based on, but I don't see any documentation about that. Oh, specifically the DigiRebelXT (I'm aware the 20D and maybe others use a different plug).


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The CamEye has three leads to the plug. Is that the same as the Conceptus? Is there any difference to these plugs? Will the SkyTools extension video LANC also work with a Canon Digital Still Camera remote shutter release?

No. The LANC port uses a serial communications protocol to talk to the camera. The CamEye actually has a little bitty computer built into the button. It can send messages to the camera like "turn on", "turn off", "start recording" and the camera can send messages back like "ok, i'm recording" or "i'm almost out of tape".

Canon shutter releases are just dumb switches with no brains at all. You close the circuit, the camera takes a picture.

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No, what I meant was ... are the cables and plugs physically the same?

I know you need a CamEye's chip to do what the CamEye does. I'm not trying to replace a CamEye. Just wondering if the extension; built and marketed for use with the CamEye; would also function with the Canon 2.5mm remote shutter release.

What I was thinking of doing is mounting a CamEye extension to my camera, and mounting the male end of the Conceptus to my helmet in an inconspicuous place, so that when I remove the still camera from the helmet, I don't have to remove the plug from the camera (saving wear & tear). Just as I plan to do with my video camera when my replacement parts arrive.

On a side note, what the hell happened to Radio Shack?

Didn't they use to sell electronics parts? I went in and asked for LANC plugs, or 2.5mm audio plugs, and they didn't even know what I was talking about. The owner of the store didn't even know what a "LANC" was. I pointed out the port to him on a Sony HC-21 video camera they had on display; and he tried to sell me RCA A/V cables.

"What are you trying to do?"

So I told them.

"What are you trying to do?"

Forget it, you wouldn't understand.

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The plugs are the same, but you need to watch the order that the wires are attached to the actual plug.

Use this: http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-3455591325931/ac122.html
Andhttp://store.yahoo.com/yhst-3455591325931/ac123.html and a piece of
wire and you are set. You need the stereo plugs.

That or buy the 6foot LANC extention cable for less then $9 from http://store.yahoo.com/yhst-3455591325931/lanc-6f.html They also sell 12 and 25 foot extention cables too if you want to be that far away from your camera ;)
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Yes - they are both 2.5mm Sterio plugs.

I've done pretty much what you've suggested, both for stills and cameye. I bought sterio sockets from Radio Shack (see pic) that have a threaded end for mounting. I made up a couple of cables with plugs on each end (bought from skytools for @$3). The cameye is routed through to the sterio socket on the plate, and the extension lead I made then connects from the socket to the camera. The tounge switch connects with RF servo connections inside the cheek, up to another 2.5mm sterio socket, and then the extension jack connects from the socket to the 300D.

I can pull both video and stills off the helmet, and disconnect them from the helmet connection, rather than the camera LANC/remote connections.

The main issue is continuity. If you get say two LANC leads from Skytools, you can just match and join up the colours to create the extension - but you will need a multi-meter to check continuity from the cameye wiring to the socket; same goes for the camera switch.

Skytools also provide a set of instructions that illustrate the different colour wires depending on the age of your cameye (BTW my writing is the colours of the original cameye).


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That's great, thanks!

I like the gender change you added to the extensions, much cleaner with the female sockets in the helmet.

That's exactly the kind of stuff I was looking for at the two Radio Shacks I visited today (the 2.5mm sockets you show, and maybe the male ends) ... but either they don't carry stuff like that anymore or they don't know that they do.

What's that RF connection, and why did you use it?

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RF Connectors are the ones that are used in radio controlled aircraft or cars to connect the servos .. I found them in a hobby shop - they also come in two or three wire varieties, with male and female ends. I used them on the tounge switch cause I wanted the low profile connection inside the cheek (see photo).

I've got some spare sockets, can post them too you (may take a week or so from Oz!). PM me with your details if you can't source them.

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