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Hi everybody,
I would like to ask You for advice, about buying camera for freefall photography.

I am a photographer for about 7 years, and skydiver for two years.
I have Nikon F3 camera, since I don`t have motor for it it`s useless for skydiving photography.
Also, have whole set of lenses Nikon F mount.
Could You give me any advice - which camera would be good to buy for this kind of photography?

Please consider that I do not have much money for this, since that I live in Serbia & Montenegro
former Yugoslavia, and economic situation in state is equal zero.

To resume : I am looking for cheap camera for skydiving photography where I could use my
existent Nikon lenses.

Thank You for Your time, and willing to help.
Best regards : Milan Tomin
Fly High !

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Have you looked at the D70? I'm not fully sure the F lenses fit the body, but I'm sure a quick e-mail to Nikon would solve that question. Sadly, though, I believe it is a fairly expensive camera.

A jumper at my DZ was in the same position you're in with the lenses and had chosen to go with the D70 (not only that but its digital).

As a side note, you should read Quade's "camera flyer FAQ" especally since you've got under 100 jumps.

Good luck!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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